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On Feb 19 - Prepare To Be *obliterated* By Lrms Every Match

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#461 Adrienne Vorton


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 09:32 AM

i didn´t die from LRMs very often,even not when they were considered TEH OHPEE tools ...

getting oneshotted by PPC stalkers on the other hand...

#462 MischiefSC


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 09:38 AM

Still hating ECM/missile balancing as a pug. Trying to play a trebuchet but it has no ECM so my teams win/loss is driven largely by factors I don't control. When I roll in a D-DC my team has ECM for certain so we do better. I have yet to see any significance to PPC vs ECM. In any way by the way. Has anyone? Has it ever even come up? If I'm in an atlas getting shot I get behind cover. PPC or otherwise - which destroys any ECM blocking benefit.

#463 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 09:43 AM

I'm still waiting for that 11th LRM kill. It very well might happen this weekend... but as of now, I can still count the number of times I've died by LRMs on my fingers, and I've been playing since early June.

When I die from LRMs, I blame only myself. If LRMs did 3 damage each, I would still blame myself.

#464 Timelordwho


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 09:47 AM

View PostAgent of Change, on 22 February 2013 - 08:55 AM, said:

well funny story, it's a founders cat no less.....

2 10's
2 LL's

and it has been doing surprisingly well IMO since I tested it out yesterday.

Try 2 LRM 15s 2 LL a Tag and a ML..

#465 Icemantas


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 10:06 AM

View PostKatniss Everdeen, on 22 February 2013 - 09:01 AM, said:

Yea, I only run my 3l Lately, everything else just dies in an LRM attack...they are way overpowered.

I fail to use cower, so i take derp'iest mech there is... easy mode is my fav.

#466 Agent of Change


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 10:07 AM

View PostTimelordwho, on 22 February 2013 - 09:47 AM, said:

Try 2 LRM 15s 2 LL a Tag and a ML..

Sounds interesting. I weighted the decisions to go 10's specifically to weight myself to the lasers for my damage and the lrms as long range support or added punch at LL range.

The build you recommend though a small change does seem to significantly change the roll of the mech. I'm curious what kind of speed are you getting out of that build, I'm thinking between minimal LRM ammo (2 tons) and the 10's I gained some speed over what that build is capable of.

#467 Tickdoff Tank


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 10:12 AM

I actually got killed by LRMs last night. And I did not blame myself. I congratulated the LRM Cat because he timed his approcah perfectly, waited until I attempted to cross an open expanse on Alpine and then he sent the rain. I *tried* to get back to cover, but I was too far out. Was a good kill and well deserved. And it was very nice to see that LRM Cat get slaughtered by the rest of my team that closed in on him while he killed me :D

#468 Kraven Kor


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 10:15 AM

I've certainly seen more missiles in use of late, but I am still not really getting owned by them.

I've died to them a few times, just due to thinking I could get from one spot of cover to another before getting noticed, or having trouble finding where their spotter is, or over-committing, or whatever.

But in each of those instances, I could have chosen differently and likely not died; or at least not died to LRM's.

I do still feel too many missiles hit per salvo, but LRM's are not the win-button weapon they were at one time.

#469 Menthro Kerensky


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 10:15 AM

I hope most of the people complaining or finding a problem with lrms aren't the same people in an atlas who don't notice me jamming their ecm behind them in a cicada...

#470 Wintersdark


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 10:47 AM

Yeah, not seeing an apocalypse.

The problem, IMHO, is that people just can't seem to grasp moderation.

LRM's are a good - but situational - weapon. They're only Easy Mode vs. Teh Stupidz. I've died by LRM's admittedly, but even never on Alpine so far, and generally speaking only when I'm mixed up in a brawl and pretty wrecked anyways. They're more a suppression weapon than an actual killing tool.

People boat them, then die horribly because even on Alpine LRM boats are purely garbage. The inability to defend themselves adequately is laughable, as it's so easy counter LRM's.

However, take a reasonable(I know, right?) number of LRM's, pack them on a mech with proper weaponry? Everything is different. My C1 with 2 LRM10's and sometimes even 2 LRM5's has been extremely effective: People hear the warning, see the missiles, and either ignore them (taking a reasonable amount of damage given the weapon tonnage/heat) or run for cover, helping to disrupt enemy formations.

As my C1 is otherwise kitted with a trio of Large Lasers (and a 315 engine and JJ's) I can push into 450-270 range ideal spear fighting range for me, where all my weapons are effective - with a good buffer zone before any weapons are out of range, outranging SRM's and taking reduced ML damage. It's a speedy, hitty beast.

LRM's, given Alpine in the rotation, are just good weapons now, but they're terrible to boat.

Also: Take AMS. Don't be an *****. Yes, one mech with AMS doesn't reduce incoming LRM damage substantially, but a lance of 4 mechs with AMS make a huge difference. AMS is a much more viable LRM defense bubble than the hapless (TAG, you're it!) ECM bubble.

#471 Jeager51


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:06 AM

I have to say I like the change that has hit since the patch. I haven't played alot ( I average 10 matches a week, since I have alot of social comitments) since the patch. I have however played enough to ACTUALY INSTALL LRM'S on a mech again. One match in Alpine with only my Cat's LL's for range convinced me. I have had to worry more about LRM's since the patch as well, but I honestly think that is good, it makes me a better pilot. Current build on my Founders Cat is:

265 XL Engine (Heresy...an XL on a mech, Don't I know this game is soley for brawling?)
2 Mlas
2 LLas
1 LRM 15
1 SRM 6
15 DHS
4 JJ
That is right an AMS?! WTF?! Gonna test this build a bit and tweak it, May drop to dual LRM in the arm if they add more than 1 long range jumpy map. Also actualy considering using Artimies or Tag again. The world has gone mad.

#472 Mercules


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:22 AM

View PostMenthro, on 22 February 2013 - 10:15 AM, said:

I hope most of the people complaining or finding a problem with lrms aren't the same people in an atlas who don't notice me jamming their ecm behind them in a cicada...

Maybe. At least with that they have a chance to see the ECM signal. They are probably also complaining about people standing 500+m away from them lighting them up with TAG and then targeting them.

#473 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:30 AM

View PostProsperity Park, on 22 February 2013 - 09:43 AM, said:

I'm still waiting for that 11th LRM kill. It very well might happen this weekend... but as of now, I can still count the number of times I've died by LRMs on my fingers, and I've been playing since early June.

When I die from LRMs, I blame only myself. If LRMs did 3 damage each, I would still blame myself.

I killed 2 Jenners and one Raven-L while our Raven countered him! Best fun in a Treb running like mad, killing lights 700m out!

#474 LaserAngel


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:36 AM

It's so much fun to encounter ballistic mechs on Alpine now trying to backtrack outside of 1,000m. My LRMs still hit with 100% effectiveness at that range.

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