PropagandaWar, on 15 February 2013 - 10:26 AM, said:
*I dont play Dota or LoL those games do not appeal to me and are not like MWO period. Last I checked businesses who have a cookie cutter model tend to lose money.
*WoT requires you to pay for bays last I checked
*Planetside 2's grind is horrendus compaired to this game
*GW2 is not Free to Play. It cost $60.00 for the game. This one cost Zero.
*These guys are nice to the FTP community. You can master up your mechs to elite for free. I'm sure a larger group of players do there trial period pick the mech they like and stay
*The way FTP only players make it sound is they have serious ADD and move from one game to the next soooo... Yeah you get the idea.
*PGI is extremely generous when it comes to owning your first mech.
*I'll kill a mech if I see it wearing a damn hat.
*FTP'ers probably complain that Paint cost to much MC. hahahaha.
Bottom line 4 bays lets you buy/grind/sell reduex. You have a favorite of each weight class? It may take a while to get pilot skills if you think that anything beyond basic is necessary for your mech. Whether or not you can own them albiet slowly.
Sorry, but your post is garbage.
LoL is currently the
biggest, most successful video game on the planet. They get more play time per month than
any other game ever made in the history of mankind. You cannot ignore that. You cannot brush them off. They are the benchmark by which every other F2P game will be tested. Ignoring that is particularly suicidal in today's market.
Your obvious condescending attitude towards F2P players is counter-productive. Other players
are your content. Unless you are content with playing with the same few hundred players day after day after day, it is in your best interests to woo and retain them.
Also, there is a reason WoT and PS2 were not mentioned in my post.
Mister Blastman, on 15 February 2013 - 10:28 AM, said:
Stuff isn't free in life. Someone has to work to make something real. Stop pinching pennies and mooching off of their work--if you LIKE the game, give them some money. It's that simple. Easy to do, too.
This post is also garbage.
"Stop pinching pennies and mooching" wtf is this, seriously? I'll have you know that I've already spent $60 on MC and am not a "free player".
I am, however, defending "free players" because they are content and they add a LOT to the value of a F2P game, and they themselves will attract other players who do, in fact, pay - as long as they get a positive impression of the game in the first place.
Unfortunately, so far the game has failed in this area and I've been seeing far too much negative feedback on the game outside of this forum. This needs to be rectified.
Stop seeing things in absolutes. They can afford to be friendlier to F2P players while also giving players lots of perceived value in what they DO pay for (new mechs and dyes specifically). Even removing mech bays entirely would not decrease their profits by much, and would go a LONG way towards showing good will towards the non-paying player base. It's not about "mooching", it's about giving new players a good impression and retaining them after their first few matches so that they eventually convert and bring in further new players.
BDU Havoc, on 15 February 2013 - 10:29 AM, said:
Tell me why someone who enjoys DOTA2 would pay anything to keep playing DOTA2.
Valve is a large, established company that can afford to put forth a good chunk of change and if it goes no where, oh well.
PGI had to scrounge up the money to kick-start interest in reviving the MW/BT franchise, and sell off Founders packages to try and front money for development of this game.
To ask them to go broke developing this game in the hopes that they'll start to get back a return on investment is asinine and insulting.
I don't know how you like to work, me I like to get paid for the work and time I put into something that is going to be sold. I don't pay my mortgage by doing hobbies, giving them away for nothing and hoping that someone decides they'll kick a few bucks my way.
Seriously, you guys are insane if you think I'm saying they should just give everything away for free.
Here, this is exactly what I think needs to happen:
- Fix ECM to not be so punishing against PUGs
- Fix matchmaking (already happening, hopefully this works)
- Kill the concept of mech bays entirely, it is unnecessary and contributes heavily to negative first impressions of the game
- Add a "first win of the day bonus" to help alleviate the differences in play time between "hardcore" players and those who put in an hour or two a day
These things combined would improve new player retention dramatically, and players would still have plenty of incentive to pay for premium time, mechs, dyes, and cosmetic items. Personally, I also think they should kill the concept of 'mech XP' entirely and go straight for account leveling that stops after a certain point so all players are on even footing. Have multiple copies of 'skill trees' or whatever they call them that you can switch between freely outside of a match instead of tying them to specific mechs (yes, essentially like LoL). The bonuses from basic + elite mastery are ENORMOUS and are going to heavily skew matchmaking once it is implemented.
Rofl, on 15 February 2013 - 10:29 AM, said:
Maybe because they're different games, just a thought.
EDIT: You are aware there are non-f2p games that have monthly subscriptions with MILLIONS of active users... why don't they go somewhere else that's not subscription based? Same argument.
Different games or not, their business models remain directly comparable to one another. MWO does have the distinct advantage of being a particularly niche game... but then, DotA 2 is also a niche game and is seeing tremendous success with their extremely customer-friendly business model.
Also, there is only one P2P game with a monthly subscription with millions of active users. The rest are Korean games (and there's only three of them - Lineage, Lineage II, and Aion, all NCSoft games, and the grand majority of their customers are Korean, so for all intents and purposes they may as well not exist in our comparison). The situation with P2P games is tremendously different - World of Warcraft is essentially a social phenomenon, and while no game has ever been able to replicate its success, that is at least partially because the games themselves had several glaring issues keeping them from seeing true success, including far too much aping of WoW's gameplay systems in an effort to replicate it instead of building something new with its own differentiating factors. Fortunately, MWO does not have this issue as it is entirely a game standing on its own (with only WoT being directly comparable gameplay-wise, but with a considerably less-friendly business model).