Recruitment In Game Should Be Treated Like Gold Selling In Wow.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:36 PM
I don't enjoy getting a recruitment message after my team has been pug stomped, but almost any other time it does not bother me at all even though I pug exclusively since OB.
Gold selling is banned because it is selling game currency for real currency, how can you connect recruitment to that?*
*Rhetorical question, I don't expect a reasonable response.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:36 PM
Particle Man, on 16 February 2013 - 05:34 PM, said:
because what are they selling? The ingame chat is the only way people have to communicate with other players in the game. This game is designed around teams, teamwork, and units/houses/and clans (eventually). and you're crying about people doing the very thing this game is being designed around?
like i said, stupid idea that belongs nowhere in this game AND isnt even comparable to your analogy of gold farming.
1ST ROBINSON RANGERS. JOIN AT www.tryhardgolds.org.co.uk.
Skye-rangers. We have cookies. skye-rang.premade.edu
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:37 PM
Tykelau, on 16 February 2013 - 05:36 PM, said:
I don't enjoy getting a recruitment message after my team has been pug stomped, but almost any other time it does not bother me at all even though I pug exclusively since OB.
Gold selling is banned because it is selling game currency for real currency, how can you connect recruitment to that?*
*Rhetorical question, I don't expect a reasonable response.
Because it is spam and advertising.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:38 PM
Dreamslave, on 16 February 2013 - 05:35 PM, said:
I am unsure of how many times this needs to be repeated, but this is, without a shadow of a doubt, a team based game. If a team advertises who they are, and then proceeds to decimate the randoms, one would think that those players who queued solo would come to the realization that they should, in fact, join a team. Whether it be a MercGroup, a guild/clan/regiment, or just jump on TS. It's just not even difficult.
Tell me if you'd want to join 8 man [Redacted] stomping on 7 [redacted] green pubs and a cow colored atlas.
I don't think you do. I know I don't. In fact, I take pleasure in ruining them whenever I can.
And I do. I ruin them a lot. No matter the arena. Now I want their recruitment macros gone.
Edited by Niko Snow, 18 February 2013 - 01:42 PM.
Image removed
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:38 PM
Norris J Packard, on 16 February 2013 - 05:36 PM, said:
Actually it is pretty apt. The game starts, the other team says something like "JOIN CLAN GOLDEN CRISPS @ WWW.ONLINE.COM" and then proceeds to ruin the game for most pub's. Mainly because it is often a 4-man or an 8-man they are playing against and most of the time they are running the cheesiest builds they can imagine; thus sucking the fun out of the game and causing people to quit.
winning a game is "ruining it for others"? maybe people are a little bit to sensitive to be playing online then.
i lost a game so now i;m going to go pout and cry!
see my previous post. Maybe they DONT become destroyed little crybabies and decide to go check out the unit that just utterly destroyed your team and was kind enough to ask anyone to look into joining them and become a better player. We're not talking about the trolling goons here, we're talking about units that are recruiting
Edited by Particle Man, 16 February 2013 - 05:39 PM.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:40 PM
Particle Man, on 16 February 2013 - 05:38 PM, said:
winning a game is "ruining it for others"? maybe people are a little bit to sensitive to be playing online then.
i lost a game so now i;m going to go pout and cry!
see my previous post. Maybe they DONT become destroyed little crybabies and decide to go check out the unit that just utterly destroyed your team and was kind enough to ask anyone to look into joining them and become a better player.
Running A1's and D-DC's doesn't make you a better player, neither does only doing 4-mans and sync drops. In fact I'd argue it makes you a worse player.
This is just spam and advertising that I have no wish to see.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:41 PM
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:42 PM
Vassago Rain, on 16 February 2013 - 05:36 PM, said:
1ST ROBINSON RANGERS. JOIN AT www.tryhardgolds.org.co.uk.
Skye-rangers. We have cookies. skye-rang.premade.edu
yes and? isnt it a good advertisement for a unit that is looking for players among the new puggies to actually win the game?
or should the puggies be totally separated and coddled from the community because they're new, never knowing of the actual meta game and content that is being created for NONpugs? Maybe they can all have padded mechs that shoot pillows, so no one gets hurt.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:42 PM
Tykelau, on 16 February 2013 - 05:41 PM, said:
How is it the fault of the matchmaker?
ELO won't prevent solo-droppers from falling into 4-mans, or sync drops.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:43 PM
I don't even care about the advertising or spammy aspects of it. All I'm thinking about is how PGI should want to hold onto potentially paying customers. More money for PGI means there's a better chance that this thing will continue to improve.
This community can be pretty caustic sometimes. There's already enough going to to deter new players. They don't need an extra nudge in-game.
Edited by The Cheese, 16 February 2013 - 05:45 PM.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:45 PM
Particle Man, on 16 February 2013 - 05:42 PM, said:
yes and? isnt it a good advertisement for a unit that is looking for players among the new puggies to actually win the game?
or should the puggies be totally separated and coddled from the community because they're new, never knowing of the actual meta game and content that is being created for NONpugs? Maybe they can all have padded mechs that shoot pillows, so no one gets hurt.
No, it is much better to win via reputation alone.
Do you have ANY idea of how often I get recognized? I literally cannot play more than three games without some guy I've never seen before going, "Oh hey Norris, what's up?" I don't advertise my group, I don't go "HURR GG", I don't base cap. I kill, I fight, I win. In fact I absolutely abhor even mentioning that I'm in Kong, even when asked. The most I'll ever own up to is when I'm solo dropping and someone asks if it is a 4-man. That's it.
Why ruin people's fun? When you know you're fighting a 4-man or potentially an 8-man then the defeatist mindset sinks in on some players, especially since in all likelihood you know the guys you're fighting are running any number of cheese. It's annoying and pathetic of them to think anyone gives a crap about their tacticool RP groups.
Edited by Norris J Packard, 16 February 2013 - 05:48 PM.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:46 PM
Particle Man, on 16 February 2013 - 05:42 PM, said:
yes and? isnt it a good advertisement for a unit that is looking for players among the new puggies to actually win the game?
or should the puggies be totally separated and coddled from the community because they're new, never knowing of the actual meta game and content that is being created for NONpugs? Maybe they can all have padded mechs that shoot pillows, so no one gets hurt.
You can recruit somewhere else, like in every other game. This isn't tolerated in the big names, and not in the small names.
I don't want ads in my giant robots fighting.
You win 8 manz, like we do. Then you get new players. Or your clan perishes, like the BATTLEBORN KNIGHTS. Either way, I don't want to see your lame recruit macros on my screen.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:47 PM
"www.skye-rangers.net, we're recruiting!" and things like it get this right back at them:
It's even entertaining when we lose, because then I get to go "SPESS MEHREENS, WE HAVE FEHLED."
But yeah the recruitment stuff is stupid, annoying, and at worst detrimental to the pug experience.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:48 PM
Vassago Rain, on 16 February 2013 - 05:46 PM, said:
You can recruit somewhere else, like in every other game. This isn't tolerated in the big names, and not in the small names.
I don't want ads in my giant robots fighting.
You win 8 manz, like we do. Then you get new players. Or your clan perishes, like the BATTLEBORN KNIGHTS. Either way, I don't want to see your lame recruit macros on my screen.
Again you are so wrong on many levels tell me and everyone else how it was against the rule to recruit in trade chat in WoW prior to the guild tab being made?
Edited by miSs, 16 February 2013 - 07:54 PM.
Personal attack
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:49 PM
Once all that comes this game will be nothing but team based.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:50 PM
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:50 PM
The Cheese, on 16 February 2013 - 05:32 PM, said:
It's just not a good image.
Not really. Most of the time fellow pubs bomb the endgame chat with stuff like:
What was that clan you were talking about again?
You hit jump accidently am i rite bro?
re, sry for being afk team had to rush one in...**** its over?
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:54 PM
Vassago Rain, on 16 February 2013 - 05:38 PM, said:
Tell me if you'd want to join 8 man idiots stomping on 7 n00b green pubs and a cow colored atlas.
I don't think you do. I know I don't. In fact, I take pleasure in ruining them whenever I can.
And I do. I ruin them a lot. No matter the arena. Now I want their recruitment macros gone.
I don't quite understand what you are trying to say, but looking through my notes of previous matches, we (my team) haven't lost to you yet. Someone on my team pointed out your name from the forums, so I added you to a list of players to keep an eye out for, if you were curious as to why I have notes on you. You also visited my profile for whatever reason. (I only put this here because you felt the need to brag a whole bunch in your other thread, so I figured I'd knock you down a notch.)
Premades are what this game is all about. This game literally screams premade. Teamwork, strategy, target calling, destination, calling for help, it is all much better when playing with a team. And to stay on topic, "Recruiting" from pre or post game chat shouldn't ever be removed. It gives the pugs a chance to see what they can become a part of if they get beaten readily by a team that broadcasted that information.
Edited by Dreamslave, 16 February 2013 - 05:56 PM.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:54 PM
Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:56 PM
Dreamslave, on 16 February 2013 - 05:54 PM, said:
I don't quite understand what you are trying to say, but looking through my notes of previous matches, we haven't lost to you yet. Someone on my team pointed out your name from the forums, so I added you to a list of players to keep an eye out for, if you were curious as to why I have notes on you. You also visited my profile for whatever reason.
Premades are what this game is all about. This game literally screams premade. Teamwork, strategy, target calling, destination, calling for help, it is all much better when playing with a team. And to stay on topic, "Recruiting" from pre or post game chat shouldn't ever be removed. It gives the pugs a chance to see what they can become a part of if they get beaten readily by a team that broadcasted that information.
No, this game is about giant robots fighting, and if the premade stompers chase the regular users away, they'll find themselves in the same black hole they did with MW4.
Stop spamming the chat. Put up a thread in the recruitment board, like everybody else.
Even in utopia, a 15 year old browser game, recruit spam is against the rules.
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