Norris J Packard, on 16 February 2013 - 06:17 PM, said:
When PGI adds an actual weight mechanic to the game, I'll be more receptive of doing something like that. However the last time, it blew up in my face since Kong is extremely heterogeneous and they didn't like the rules I agreed to. Plus there's also the fact that none of this really matters, I'd much rather do scheduled fights in CW since that's when it counts and hopefully by then the matchmaking (and the game itself) will be much more diverse with matured systems in place to allow for greater enjoyment.
I know Kong's general aversion to a structured ruleset for drops...we can accomodate and play by whatever 'rules' you don't want

Vassago Rain, on 16 February 2013 - 06:23 PM, said:
Drop a message in our thread. If there isn't a powwow, there will be fighting.
Like Norris said, this is all assuming we can pull them together, and they don't have a powwow. I like doing 8 manz dry. Connor is a bit more into the planning. Norris rarely does 8 manz, because REASONS. Some days, I won't do 8 manz because REASONS.
So it's always best to go to MWOG and pose a challenge. The less time people have to think about it, the better.
The issue I think with our 2 timing...from your on-line greenie, it seems that you and connor are just starting up as we're passing out for the playtime to find Kong in strength? We run all the time, but rarely see you guys...and almost never in force enough to consider a 'real' match.
Mr 144