Milkshakes, on 16 February 2013 - 06:31 PM, said:
PS. The name poptart is nice but it has no indication the specific chassis. If you've got a better one I'm open to it.
The term 'poptart' has pretty much always been part of the mechwarrior title's gaming history. It's fairly common in most games with any sort of jump-sniping in fact. Presently, the CTF-3D is the only real effective chassis in doing it, therefore no snazzy nickname is needed...splataphract couldn't be further from an acurate description.
Toaster Streudeler is also acceptable, but properly used, should refer to a superior poptart...we all know streudel's are tastier
Milkshakes, on 16 February 2013 - 06:55 PM, said:
Now, the map that poses the most difficulty is Forest Colony. The wide open plain between the starts is pretty conducive to a couple "snipers" hanging back. If the team is pushing up and your team hangs back you have no choice but to play purely defensively, especially if starting on the low ground.
I would need more details on what specificaly is your trouble here...conquest/assault...which side? It's all kind of irrevelevant though, as the 'open plain' is not exactly where you want to be against poptarts. There are very few places where it's necessary to cross the poptart's field of fire at range. There are a few places where snipers spam shots, knowing it's well traveled and hoping for a bit of luck. Luckily, most of these corridors in forest colony are at ranges where PPCs barely tickle, and are just being used for distraction...or for those dumb enough to stop there to hang out and smoke cigs.
Rule #1 when crossing unavoidable corridors is 'don't look into the light'. Seriously...after being picked off a few times in the same location...learning should kick in. I don't 'check for snipers'...I assume they are there every single match in these key locations. Don't look...chug across to cover at speed (moderating throttle if you are that skilled) giving them only an arm.
Rule #2 is to cross coridoors in groups. Even groups of snipers will be annoyed by this, as between cooldowns and jumps...there just won't be enough time to pop anyone as long as you're en mass and throttling to mix up group formation. This can be done in PUGs just fine by shadowing an assault, so don't go there with me
Rule #3 is snipers are are the herd. They will go for the easy shots. Time is on there side. If you have to expose it quickly and effeciently as possible during the final charge.
This is all really just a long...drawn out way of smart...then shoot 'em
Mr 144