DocBach, on 27 February 2013 - 10:05 PM, said:
You are in a way high ELO bracket, the teams we played on had good players, not the average pugs that ECM affects the most. Like I've said before, my problem with ECM isn't that it's hard for me to play, it's that I feel it's homogenized the tactics we see in the game to revolve around ECM to the point that it's becoming sterile.
IDK, you might have a point because at times I had some really good/great teammates. Although, at other times it seem like everyone on my team just got done installing the game for the first time. As for my ELO bracket, I did 'alright' but I am far from being a 'top player' in the game (hell, I am far from being a 'top player' in my merc corps. LoL) and I would say I am 'average'.
I can off the top of my head name 20+ pilots better than myself and that is just in my own merc corps. While some of the people leading the boards in the tournament are indeed great pilots, many that made top 25 did so by playing a TON of matches…I was ‘9
th’ on assault leaderboard, but I am not a top 9 assault pilot, I am an average pilot who played a LOT of games.
I know that new players/puggers have issues, but I don't think it is because of ECM. The number one issue for a new player is the dang trial mechs....they are trash. No FF, no Endo, no double heat sinks, poor weapon load out/placement, you name is bad. Want to give new players a 'fighting chance' give them a mech that can compete with "owned" mechs (IMO).
Then, once the new players/puggers do finally get a 'owned' mech, many don't know what changes they need to make to their new mechs to make it effective (at least I didn't), and as a result at times end up with something that is WORSE than a trial mech. As an example, many know that ECM is powerful so they go out and purchase a AS7-D-DC (great mech btw), and looking at it from the cockpit it 'seems' like they are just like the 'other ECM AS7-D-DCs (AC/20, medium laser x2, SRM6 x3).
What they DON'T realize is that a lot of the ‘top’ D-DC pilots run a STD350 instead of a STD300. From the cockpit they ‘look’ like the same mech (load out wise), but there is a HUGE difference between running in the low 50s KPH instead of at 62.4 KPH (how fast a D-DC goes with a STD350 and speed tweak).
This is NOT an 'easy' game, and I like that. At first my K/D and win/loss was NOT good (losing more than winning, with a K/D sub .5), and it took a lot of research and time before I saw any improvement (there was improvement). Things got better as time went on but I was still losing more than winning and dying more than killing and I finally got fed up and finally found a merc corps (there are many good merc corps who are recruiting btw)
Yes, having good/great teammates fighting next to you DOES make it a lot easier (much like ECM does make it easier), but the improvement was MORE than just my new teammates. My mech corps had a series of assignments that made ME a better pilot. I learned how to perform all the rolls (Scout, Skirmisher, LRM Support, Fire Support, Brawling), I learned how to load out my mechs, I learned how to win matches even when my team didn't have ECM while the other team did.
Trust me when I tell you I am nothing special, and if I can learn these things (how to load out an 'owned' mech, how to play against a team that has superior ECM, how to torso twist, how NOT to get out of position, etc.) anyone who puts in the time, energy, effort can (again, I am NOT special, great, or even good IMO). Because of that time, energy, research, etc. I am what I am 'average' pilot (A lot better than when I started playing but a far, Far, FAR cry from being a true ‘top’ pilot).
Trust me when I tell you that while ECM is very powerful, the game is better with it than it was before it, and it has (and will) get better.
Trust me when I tell you that ELO is working (at least somewhat) and that if you are an average pilot (like myself) things are not as easy as they once were...matches are ending (for me at least) with a lot more 8-3 / 3-8, 8-5 / 5-8, and 8-7 / 7-8 compared to the 8-0 / 0-8 blow outs that were happening when top pilots were going against people who just installed the game.
New players/puggers have many issues facing them, but ECM is down on the list IMO…
…trial mechs need to get better
…ELO is good it too can be improved on
…they REALLY need a training ground to learn the VERY basics (like how to move around without getting hung up on buildings, cars, etc).
Also, don't get it twisted...ECM does need more tweaking, thing like the PPC disable, and range changes is one step (hopefully of many) in the right direction. That said, ECM is not 'game breaking' (ECM heavy teams CAN be beat). Equipping EMC is not "God Mode" can die just like any other mech (God Mode to me means you can't be killed), and you are not going to get 5-8 kills per match just because you have a ECM mech (what "God Mode" would really be like IMO).
ECM will help a bad pilot, but it isn't going to keep him from running in a straight line to an enemy mech (instead of strafing). ECM isn't going to keep him from facing down a D-DC and getting cored (instead of torso twisting to spread out the damage). ECM isn't going to keep him from running though the arch, alone, face first into a team of 8 waiting on the other side (instead of sticking with his teammates). These things (and many others) are the differences between a "Good" pilot and a "Bad" pilot....ECM, while it can be a crutch for a bad pilot...isn't going to make him good.
I have every mech in the game (61 + an extra D-DC....62 total mechs), ALL have at least speed tweak unlocked, while 32 of them have the master module unlocked, and I have at least one of every chassis mastered. I can tell you first hand that I don't magically get 'better' when I slide into an ECM mech. I can also tell you that the most and truly "overpowered" mechs can't even equip ECM (CPLT-A1, HBK-4SP, CN9-A. etc).
TL:DR – Don’t believe the ECM hype…If you want to make your pugging experience an 'owned' mech ASAP (trial mechs are trash), find and build a 'owned' mech using a good load out, learn to torso twist, pay attention to what is happening around you in battle (check your flanks/back every 10-15 seconds if you are in a defensive position...i.e. - standing in one spot), don't run face first at an enemy in a straight line, and most important…stick with your teammates!!!