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Pgi Is Gonna Cure Me Of Mwo... (Friggin....) *updated*

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#1 Megacromulent


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:24 AM

NOTE: This post turned into a mess, rewriting it.... obviously random people on the internet don't give a cra p about what you say, so I am changing this to be "useful" to people who want to discuss how the game can be improved. (maybe should start a poll instead)

(I moved the previous writings to the spoiler section below)

1. Wanting to play or enjoy new content is a fundamental aspect to any game. Making it difficult or unlikely to access new content deminishes the playability of the game.
-SUGGESTION: allow choices of maps.

2. Alpine is too big for current capping system
-SUGGESTION: Map size is FINE, move caps closer together, or increase cap time.

3. You are behind schedule on planned mechs, and some mechs (based on year canon) won't come out for 10 years or more.
-SUGGESTION: Release new mechs, even if visually they are rough, and improve them incrementally, like other parts are improved.

4. Many posts on these forums are pointless and attacking (sometimes even my own).
-SUGGESTION: add "voting" to forum posts. (this is a common feature now days)

5. The graphics are blurry. It may look "cool" to the devs, but in reality, it makes the game less fun.
-SUGGESTION: Remove the blur filters from the heat view. Remove Depth of Field blurring, or at least make it an option in settings. Remove the film grain, it's just more blur, or at least make it an option in settings.

6. Night maps force the use of HV, but many people don't like playing with blue blobs instead of really cool city scenes.
-SUGGESTION: Map choices would allow those people that _really_ like this map to play it more often. And those that don't, wouldn't have to. Making HV clearer, and less blurry may be enough to make this map playable.

6B. Heat vision is blurry (follow up) : this is neither realistic or enjoyable to play with. (who really thinks less defined graphics is better?)
-SUGGESTION: Remove the blur effect, make the view black and white (like FLIR) and/or make the heat sensing less sensitive so that this compensates for added clarity of vision. (if needed)

7. Clarify the meaning of "BETA", we have no real idea what "you" mean by "BETA". Many software devs play this game (I am sure) and have a very clear idea of what beta means (feature complete is one of them). Currently the roll of player vs beta tester vs customer is blurry.
-SUGGESTION: Write an official post with _your_ definition of beta in it, so we can all link to it when there is QQing and the such.

8. Criticism of the game and PGI: It seems that people will randomly post "f*ck off" (or a variation) if you offer criticism or suggestions.
-SUGGESTION: Forum voting would fix issues like this. If a post is of low value/quality to the community, it will respond and it will be removed. I'd love to know if what I am saying (or other people say) is worthwhile. If it isn't, then I could save myself wasted effort. Conversely, good communication and ideas should float to the surface.

FINAL NOTE: I think you have an extremely forgiving group of gamers here, you have locked up the Mechwarrior IP (as far as I have read) and many people want this game to succeed. But ignoring dedicated players, and being iron fisted with game structure and play styles will wear out regular players, and test dedicate players.


Edited by Megachromulent, 21 February 2013 - 03:57 AM.

#2 Fate 6


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:30 AM

I think the issues with Alpine are the stupid matchmaking changes. Having unbalanced classes on teams is dumb.

I had a game where my whole team was lights and mediums. The enemy team was 6 heavies/assaults, a light, and a medium. My friends and I just went "well ****, this will suck". Luckily we swarmed then and they were disorganized and it went 8-1 in our favor, but it was a perfect example of imbalance in matchmaking. That setup on Alpine would have been an autowin for our team.

#3 Ewigan


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:31 AM

all of it.

#4 Megacromulent


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:33 AM

View PostEwigan, on 21 February 2013 - 02:31 AM, said:

all of it.

You can't read, that is why you dislike it.. (try first sentence)

#5 Ewigan


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:35 AM

I can read quite well.
but you post a topic in the mwo forums and tell people who like the game ot not read your post?

you must be new to the internet :D

#6 elbloom


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:35 AM

hmmm those are valid points i think but i can´t agree with most you got to say here.....

I have fun with the game, even if i get stomped coz the matchmaker forgot to weightmatch or wtf. I enjoy matches in Alpine even if i think alpine sucks....

Hardest time i have with this game is the 50 damage noobs ruining my chances of a win :D feel PGI is doing pretty good. feel respected by support. can talk to devs ingame cause they actually play their game :D kthxbye.

#7 Megacromulent


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:41 AM

View Postelbloom, on 21 February 2013 - 02:35 AM, said:

I have fun with the game, even if i get stomped coz the matchmaker forgot to weightmatch or wtf. I enjoy matches in Alpine even if i think alpine sucks....

I like Alpine, I really want to play it again, but I _can't_ because of game design... I'd like to play against the same guys, like a regular game, not like pre-school where you aren't allowed to decide anything.

View Postelbloom, on 21 February 2013 - 02:35 AM, said:

Hardest time i have with this game is the 50 damage noobs ruining my chances of a win :D feel PGI is doing pretty good. feel respected by support. can talk to devs ingame cause they actually play their game :D kthxbye.

I don't mind dying, getting my *** kicked, or losing. What bothers me is the fact that the entire environment is centered around completely artificial boundries that actually don't add any "fun" and don't seem to have a purpose.

And then, to make such a big deal out of a new map that is just silly based on some game modes? (no more conquest is an option at least)

Do the devs respond? Yes, they removed the lame leg damage on lights, great. But why was it ever introduced? It's like most fixes are things that are bad choices, not bad programming... And then, we are treated as though we aren't testers when we pay, and then when we complain, we are back to be testers again.

#8 Adridos


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:43 AM

View PostMegachromulent, on 21 February 2013 - 02:24 AM, said:

Choose maps, choose people to play with, dump the auto-game matcher, it sucks.

Oh wait, I'm gonna buy one boat that smashes everyone's face on Alpine and one boat that rapes people at other short-range maps. Okay, bring on the selection of maps, I can't wait to see everyone doing the same... because **** balanced builds.

#9 Megacromulent


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:45 AM

View PostEwigan, on 21 February 2013 - 02:35 AM, said:

but you post a topic in the mwo forums and tell people who like the game ot not read your post?

Read it again, I was pretty specific (ie, "no matter what" part has meaning)

#10 Ewigan


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:46 AM

ok, you tell me what i should do and i will return the favor:

get off the internet naow!
no matter what!

go go go!


#11 Vrekgar


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:47 AM

View PostMegachromulent, on 21 February 2013 - 02:24 AM, said:

People who love this game no matter what, stop reading, right now.

1.) Can't choose to play the new content, (ie, map) so I play 30-40 games to finally play Alpine, Cause all I wanted is what everyone wanted, try the new map, but you _can't_ unless your _lucky_... very lame game mechanics.
-SUGGESTION: Seriously, give players more control over what they get to do. (like every other game on the planet)

Its a Randome Que. They have not even started telling us anything about new matchmaker modes or tools. We still need a practice mode and an organized group Vs group mode.


2.) Finally get to play new map, and guess what? It's not really fun on conquest... I am a light mech, so I go cap, and cap, and cap. And the enemy has just one more light mech than us, so we will lose. There's no way to win this.
-SUGGESTION: Play the maps yourselves, I played it once and it's _so_ obvious that you can't play conquest on this map... isn't a game supposed to be fun?

Your a self adressed light mech. Your purpose is to primarily find and harass the enemy and report your findings to your allies, THEN and only then should you cap. You FAIL sir good day!


3.) Expectations are constantly pumped up, and then let down. Oooh, a new mech, finallly... guess what, it's almost _exactly_ like half the other mechs we already have.
-SUGGESTION: Release lots of mechs, even if they aren't perfect looking, variety is the spice of life.

They are releasing mechs on a set schedule. They release new hero mechs every month, and according to everything we know, they might start Clan tech and that whole entire invasion next month!


4.) Douche bags on the forums that say "don't let the door hit you on the way out", "Learn to play", "learn to control your heat", "noob", "you suck" and "I am tired of presenting lame arguements to you having you shoot them down with logic! no fair!"
-SUGGESTION: Add voting to posts to vote ******** down. (even if it's me)

Please just go do something you enjoy for awhile. Its obvious your having a rough time and forum trolls never help.


5.) Graphics suck or they suck. Put the settings on "high" and **** is blurry as f*ck, put the settings on "low", and **** disappears and flickers and crap.
-SUGGESTION: Get rid of the fancy fuggin filters, your game looks great without them. Ease up on the HDR and DOF...

Learn to Grammar. More graphics options would be nice tho.


6.) BLUE BLOB FIGHT! Serious, turn on heat during the DAY, it looks the same. People who want to play permanently on blue blob setting, just turn it on... River city night was a good experiment, but it sucks for half of us or more. (slow and blurry)
-SUGGESTION: Map choices would fix this, as well as making heat not blurry, and to compensate for added visual benefits (ie to keep if from becoming OP), make it black and white, or less sensitive to heat.

Give us instead tools to use in game to combat blue blob syndrome. Flare launchers could light up maps and disrupt heat sigs. Smoke launchers allow you to screen movements or fake out enemies. River city night is annoying as heck because even Night vision mode sucks compared to thermal.


7.) IT'S BETA!!! AAAH! Stop complaining you panzy!
-SUGGESTION: Life is frickin beta Stop using this as an excuse for crappy "decisions", own up and move on.



OVERALL SUGGESTION: Choose maps, choose people to play with, dump the auto-game matcher, it sucks. If I want to play "Bob who kills me" over and over again, let me dammit. Net games from 1988 allowed this!!! For totally friggin real. (netrek for the haters and doubters, 1988 seriously, old friggin tech here guys) Flash games on kongregate.com (games made by friggin teenagers) have game lobbies. No excuse. I will program you a game lobby if you are to busy!

Give us a group vs group matchmaker: Yes, Hell yes! Dump automatcher? **** NO.


FINAL: People wear out, the servers were down all evening, game play is either stomp or be stomped, or failed to find connection. It's swarms of ravens or LRMs. Lack of teamwork with total _friggin_ strangers, no lobby to meet people at all and no persistent servers to replay the same people. One kill PPC boats, *ssholes on this forum (hello there below, you didn't read my first sentence), crashes, bugs that are called "features" stupid pointless map boundry changes, etc...

Game needs to be played in a group, ive been saying this since open beta dropped. Your going to have a bad time solo, period. ECM is much maligned and destroys more than it saves. Pugs are pugs and will always be a pug until they figure out pugging is the wrong way to play.


All this is fine if we are _given_ something special for this, something that only beta testers get. What do we get? Free in game stuff? Appreciation? Anything?

IF we are BETA testers, show us the f*cking respect that beta testers deserve. If we aren't then, rename the game to "not beta".

Were probably going to get an achievement, maybe even a fuzzy icon to display on a profile.

Edited by Vrekgar, 21 February 2013 - 02:49 AM.

#12 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:47 AM


good on you for trying some research and finding more opinions :D

you already know i don't agree with most of it and randomness makes the game more fun etc but let these views come out and we'll see what the forum warriors think eh?

look forward to a poll next week!

#13 jakucha


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:48 AM

Nah, keep random maps. You'll get to pick where you fight, more or less, with CW.

#14 Dagnome


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:48 AM

View PostEwigan, on 21 February 2013 - 02:31 AM, said:

all of it.

Actually I agree with his disagreement. Every time we have a patch people come out of the woodwork's crying about how either "The game sucks now" or about how the "Patch ruined the game for me". Your just falling into line, especially when you whine so much in your thread. If you had the smallest bit of a mature tone in your thread then I may have a little more interest in it but I knew after the first sentence all you would be doing is raging.

If you dont like the game THAT much then go play something else until it meets your satisfaction or dont come back at all.

Edited by Dagnome, 21 February 2013 - 02:48 AM.

#15 KharnZor


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:50 AM

View PostAdridos, on 21 February 2013 - 02:43 AM, said:

Oh wait, I'm gonna buy one boat that smashes everyone's face on Alpine and one boat that rapes people at other short-range maps. Okay, bring on the selection of maps, I can't wait to see everyone doing the same... because **** balanced builds.


#16 Megacromulent


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:51 AM

View PostAdridos, on 21 February 2013 - 02:43 AM, said:

Oh wait, I'm gonna buy one boat that smashes everyone's face on Alpine and one boat that rapes people at other short-range maps. Okay, bring on the selection of maps, I can't wait to see everyone doing the same... because **** balanced builds.

This is repeated, over and over and over again, but the evidence doesn't support it, why? Because people do it now, already, every single game. So choosing maps won't change what is already happening.
Based on your opinion (and many others) all current maps are "short range" (besides alpine) so choosing maps _can't_ affect things anymore than it already is. Splat cats are all over, and they are easily defeated...

#17 Dr Killinger


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:51 AM

All the listed grievances have been acknowledged and are being worked on for future release. Thus is the nature of ongoing development.
Except for the Trebuchet. I think it's a nice non-ballistic medium that was sorely needed.
The forum issues- well, that's a function of the nature off the post vs the location of the post.

#18 Dagnome


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:54 AM

View PostMegachromulent, on 21 February 2013 - 02:24 AM, said:

NOTE: This post is about being a BETA tester. (not a just a customer) Critical feedback is supposed to be _valuable_ from a beta tester. It's supposed to be appreciated, and actually expected. Those that don't understand that, don't bother reading any more.

(previous first sentence: People who love this game no matter what, stop reading, right now.)

A little better but if this was an actual feedback thread then it would be posted in the correct forum and it would contain ways in which to fix the problem(s) listed (Or at least your best suggestion as a Beta tester). You sir are just crying over issues and hoping the good people at PGI notice, or even care about issues that already have been brought up dozens of times just because you post them. It seems to me like you are just trying to troll the forums or that you are looking for the general community to somehow give you approval of your dissatisfaction with the current state of the Beta.

#19 Wraith Catar


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:56 AM

Hmm all i read, from TE, sounds like *mimimi*

Alpine is a fine map, i played it 10 times an not 1 time a game was won trough cap.
Solution: learn to play light Mech.

The Graphics are fine i playe on high settings and have no problems.
Solution: learn to use properly PC and Game settings.

Alpine is a fine map for fights 8vs8 but for 12vs12 its to small, the old maps are fine for battles 4vs4.
The timer used on Alpine sucks a little but i can live with it.

#20 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:58 AM

View PostMegachromulent, on 21 February 2013 - 02:51 AM, said:

This is repeated, over and over and over again, but the evidence doesn't support it, why? Because people do it now, already, every single game. So choosing maps won't change what is already happening.
Based on your opinion (and many others) all current maps are "short range" (besides alpine) so choosing maps _can't_ affect things anymore than it already is. Splat cats are all over, and they are easily defeated...

caustic remember caustic is long range mostly and the forest colonies are the best balanced maps for both short and long playstyles.

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