The Man shifted the cigar in his mouth, replying “And I guess you’re the ones to show me off, then?”
“That’s right. And we’re thinkin’ that nice Mech o’ yours would be a good partin’ gift. So why don’t you get on out, and we’ll let you leave.”
“Well, that’s mighty kind of you,” he said, biting down on his cigar, “But I think I’m just going to walk outta here, if you don’t mind.”
“The thing is, loner, that we do mind.”
The two Mechs stood, stock still, facing eachother. To each side he saw Mechs coming in to flank him.
“I guess we’re doing this the hard way then,” he stated.
“For you, yeah we are!” the other man sneered, suddenly starting to raise his arms. The Man was faster though, bringing his six medium pulse lasers to bear on the enemy Atlas’ head, coring it in the blink of an eye. He shifted left, as lasers from a Cataphract burned past him. His next salvo took the pilot right in the chest, straight through the cockpit glass. Missiles landed around him as he spun and fired again, obliterating the side-torso of a Commando – he turned away as it slowly thudded to the ground, and stood staring straight at a Centurion pilot hiding behind a rocky outcropping.
“Now you are probably thinking you’ve got me. My guns are overheated and I can’t possibly fire again. If I fire I’ll overheat, shut down, and you’ll have me dead to rights. Ain’t that so?”
“I, uh, yeah. Yeah! Surrender now, get out of your Mech, and I’ll, uh, let you go!”
“Well you’re forgetting one thing, raider. One very important thing that has passed right over you, that you aren’t thinking of, that coulda saved your life.”
“Oh yeah, and what’s that!” the raider shouted, his voice breaking at the end.
“That the entire time I’ve been talking, my heat has dropped back down, and your cockpit is peeking out over the rock there.”
“Oh s-“ the pilot started to say, as six medium pulse laser shots hit his cockpit, exploding it outward. As his Centurion collapsed against the rock, The Man turned his Quickdraw towards the right, saying over his open mic.

“And you there, Raven behind that rock. I’m walking out of here, and you, you’re going to tell ‘em. Tell ‘em what happened here. Tell them that no-one tells me what to do."
And with that, he turned and walked towards the sunset, blue light low forming a halo around him.