Homeless Bill, on 10 June 2013 - 01:03 PM, said:
Yes, you're right - the problem you point out is quite a serious problem, which removes a LOT of replay desirability from the game.
Not simulating the BattleMech's ability to bring each of it's individual weapons to bear, under any given condition, and instead allowing all direct-fire weapons of like velocity fired at any given time to hit the same armor panel has a necessary consequence:
It makes high-damage alphas (of literally any direct-fire flavor) into THE best tactic of the game; almost to the exclusion of any other sort of tactic. He who can reliably put out the most damage against a single armor panel in the shortest time will consistently win; so much so that this tactic will push out the viability of any tactic that doesn't kill a target as quickly as it does.
This is a math equation that finishes out to the result of people leaving, once they get tired of a one or two dimensional gameplay. MW4 had this problem quite severely. Were it not for a prebuilt fan-base that's backed by the fanbase for the novels and the other parts of the lore; and fans from mw1/2/3, I suspect MW4 may have died a far earlier death than it did.
Simulating how well a 'Mech can bring it's weapons to bear under any given condition is indeed something that will give rise to intuitive gameplay. It takes no genius to figure out that overheating, running while shooting, shooting past medium rated range for any weapon, etc result in a lower hit percentage.
but Battletech was balanced based on that very premise. A shooter needs responsive aim, but visceral, plodding 'mech combat needs something to limit pinpoint damage. My solution is essentially meant to be the bridge between the two requirements.
The MechWarrior genre is not an shooter nor an FPS genre. This misunderstanding stems from a confusion about how aiming happens in a BattleMech. The 'Mech's pilot controls a reticule on their hud by the means of a joystick and the pilot triggers the weapons.
The 'Mech does all the rest of the aiming chores. The 'Mech has to do the calculations to decide where to physically aim it's weapons in order to hit what it's pilot is indicating. The Mech has to physically bring those weapon to said alignment. The 'Mech has to compensate for all of the other conditions at the time of the shot that could throw the shot off. Yes, the 'Mech actually can and does aim each weapon individually; even torso mounted ones.
... and we know how well a 'Mech can do these things. We have it in a useful format; in numbers and the mechanics those numbers were built and balanced to work in. This is not my mere opinion; we know for a fact that the 'Mech actually does these parts of the aiming chores, and said numbers express this aiming ability. MWO currently doesn't simulate the 'Mech end of the aiming chores. It should.
The hit location table used determines what is hit in the TT. If you aim for front center of mass, your shots are put against the front of the target, with most shots clustering on the ct and side torsos. These tables describe a BattleMech's ultimate ability to get it's weapons fire clustered under the reticule; which is why there are multiple different tables representing different conditions; from chiseling a specific part off of an immobile 'Mech, to clustering your shots as tightly as a BattleMech can possibly get them vs a mobile target. There's really very little that's unpredictable about it, and you can control which table you're using (meaning human thinking and physical skill is rewarded).
No skimming on this part. My solution is to implement a scale that represents the load on the targeting computer (TCL). Each weapon would, similar to heat, have an associated targeting computer stress value (TCS). When a weapon (or group) is fired, the stress value of all about-to-fire weapons are added to the load on the targeting computer. The targeting computer load automatically dissipates at a constant rate of 100 per second.
When the load is between 0 and 100, there are no ill effects. When it goes over 100, all missile locks and Artemis functionality are lost, convergence stops working (all weapons fire straight ahead), and you begin to take a small accuracy penalty (cone of fire) to any shots fired. Locking capability, Artemis, and convergence are not restored until the load on the targeting computer reaches 100 or below.
From 101 to 200, the accuracy penalty gets progressively worse (the cone of fire expands). Each weapon fires at its own accuracy offset, rather than all picking the same skew. The pilot can continue to drive the targeting computer load up to a maximum of 500 by continuing to fire, but the effects of a targeting computer overload reach their worst at 200.
To clarify, you can't get away with one free alpha strike; TCL values are added and penalties are applied before the shots are fired.
This won't solve the one-dimensional gameplay problem. It will simply substitute a different problem - everyone will use sub-100 load direct fire pin-point alphas. So, instead of having 6 ppc stalkers, you'll have the reign of the 6 ppc stalker, firing 2 ppcs, than 2ppcs, than 2 ppcs, or 2 ppc fast heavies; or the 2ppc fast mediums, able to flit out and back from cover and pick apart targets far more safely than the relatively sluggish assaults; and if you squash down on those, people will start using large groups of sub 100 TCL load direct fire weapons, and the game will become a one-dimensional short ranged brawl-fest, where he with the highest DPS at 100 TCL load will win. If you patch to stop this, people will start making REALLY fast 'Mechs, and totally ignoring the TCL load; and instead they just rush up to complete point blank range, and blast away with obscenely high damage (and high TCL load) builds; knowing that their being virtually chest to chest with their targets will ensure that their shots will connect with their target. Something like a 'Mech toting SCADS of missile type weapons, for example, or any other weapons with an extremely high DPS.
It will spiral down into a patch/patch/patch cycle with a single latest/greatest for each patch as players figure out new ways to min-max and munch out the system; all the while driving out new and more casual players who don't have/haven't figured out the latest and greatest.
No, the problem is that the 'Mechs haven't been built to handle their weapons as they do in the lore. Instead, they've been built to function as large FPS avatars, instead of as armored combat units; with no thought to how the definitional setting has the 'Mechs behave in combat.
I understand a lot of people will think this is overblown, too complicated, too new, too dangerous, too homeless, etc., but I've yet to see an adequate solution - simple or complex - to our current balance issues.
I've seen countless posts claiming the problem lies with heat or convergence or alpha strikes, but it really comes down to the combination of convergence and high damage.
The problem is that they started with the TT weapons damage and mech armor values systems. But they allowed for FAR more weapons to be hitting a single section of a target than those numbers were ever designed for. So they started tweaking numbers. First, they doubled the external and internal 'Mech armor values. Than they started tweaking the recycle times.
They didn't make a complete combat system concept and than work their numbers in said system. They tried to make a frankenstein's monster, mashing the weapons damage and Mech armor values into an FPS mechanic; which was doomed to fail from the start. Because they haven't gone at it as a complete system, they've so far been trapped in an ever downward circling spiral of weapons tweaks, resulting in the latest/greatest per patch problem. This is the basic nature of a frankenstein's monster approach to a combat system.
They should have either: scratch built their own entire custom combat system and numbers to work in it /OR/ used the tt combat system, in real time, excluding the pilot skill simulating gunnery mechanic/rolls.
I say: do the latter: http://mwomercs.com/...different-idea/ ; it will enhance gameplay depth; it will actually allow players to use all the skills they use now AND more; and it will make the 'Mechs really matter; it will stop the patch/patch/patch latest/greatest spiral; because it's a simple and yet systematic approach, and to top it off, the devs will have most of their work and balance testing already done for them.
Edited by Pht, 10 July 2013 - 10:32 PM.