I recently went digging around in my old posts. Frankly, this was for another thread, but some of the stuff.. it's pretty much spot on. So, this entire thread is dedicated to "I told you so" posts: If you have a post from 2012 basically explaining EXACTLY what will happen now, add it in.
If anything, I'm hoping this thread might lend a little credibility to those that have been preaching this since before beta even started!
So let's get started with what now makes me feel like I have the curse of Cassandra, specific to BattleTech:
There'd be no reason to purchase an Awesome if this is the case, because the Stalker can do everything it can - and more, depending on how you modify it.
Again the issue really isn't just Stalker vs Awesome. I like the Awesome, but I'm not here to defend it; rather the point that once some more 'mechs have been added to the game, they will cancel each other out in a lot of ways or render one of them simply inferior.
Lots of people who didn't understand the game in that thread, just like now, thought to post helpful commentary too!
RESPONSES: (This is what I feel like I'm reading today with every ELO post):
Though in short, your worrying too much about something that isn't a problem and never was, and instead should get yourself acquainted with more BT lore.
Firing 4 PPC's in a Stalker would fire the mech.
One thing I think the majority of us can agree on is that we positively need a drop limiting factor in the game to determine how much equipment each team can bring to a mission - otherwise, you will end up with 11 assault 'mechs and a recon guy, almost every single time, if past experience is any indicator.
It just comes down to assaults having more guns and armor.
All PAINFULLY obvious sarcasm aside (and attempting to take your disrespectful tone with good nature), you are one of the many out there who have little to no concept of roles, because they have nothing to do with tonnage. Assault classes are adept at DEATHMATCH, but they are not the end-all be-all to equate to success. A veteran light has a decent chance taking down novice assault classes. The pilot is the human AI that gives any chassis its potency, independent of tonnage.
I can't count the times I've seen new pilots come in, pick the larges Mech and then get their rear ends handed to them. Especially if PGI chooses to make game objectives not just come down to a deathmatch.
You're putting too much emphasis in the chassis and not enough into the pilot.
Some responses:

Ultimately, we don't know how mission balance is going to work. We'll just have to wait & see. Maybe we'll have companies of Atlases & everything else will be obsolete. Maybe we'll have to put some of each category of mech in a company.
(ED: This is why I no longer "wait and see.")
Pulse Lasers finally have hit the sweet spot, in particular Large, where they've gone from worthless to niche to finally a main stream, top tier weapon. Yes, they're very good - that's why I say they're top tier - but I don't mean they're overpowered. They have huge range reductions and massive weight already giving them plenty of drawbacks against regular lasers.
Right now it's my strong opinion that no weapons need a nerf right now. Weapons need buffs. If you want to tweak weapon balance, the Ultra AC/5, LBX/10, AC/20, PPC, ER PPC and Flamer, Machine Gun, NARC Launcher and maybe even standard SRMs need your attention badly. They all need buffs to be on the same league as the best weapons in the game right now (Gauss, Large Lasers, Medium Lasers, Streak SRM2s, LRMs and possibly AC/5s now). We really, really do not need the selection of "good weapons" to shrink even more, we need it to grow.
(ED: All that's missing from this list is PPCs. Glad to see game balance is progressing in over a year.)
They're going to shoot that square in the foot with this.
Some responses:
Oh hey, the entire thread thought this was an incredibly stupid idea too! Since Pulse Lasers seemed fine but the heat levels were a "bug" (unintended) they made them terrible and they've never been good again. Funny that the same thing would happen with missiles (doing fine for damage, then immediately ruined) a six months later.
I could go on, but it's getting late and trying to search these forums without a date filter (Is there one I'm not seeing?) to find more posts is outright maddening. I found most of these on google instead.
Feel free to post your own blasts from the past! And also feel free to quote as much of it as possible, because those who forget the mistakes of the past, are doomed to repeat them.