Donkehote, on 11 July 2013 - 10:23 AM, said:
I cant even launch the 12v 12 client. when i press play on the patcher it minimized, then windows has a popup that says Mechwarrior Online has stopped Working, and gives me the option to check online for a solution or close the program.
Donkehote, on 11 July 2013 - 10:33 AM, said:
If i reopen the minimized game, it does this too. just says please wait.
maybe the test server is overloaded/full?
Donkehote, on 11 July 2013 - 11:01 AM, said:
so i re downloaded the 12v12 client. same issue. Very frustrating when devs post to respond to trolls moments after I ask a reasonable question. No help for people who pay money into the game, post reasonable feedback, and want to help with the development of 12 vs 12.
Shame on you Paul.
I will try again in the next session, as i love this game (broken movement or not) and want to see it succeed. Just tired of being openly slapped in the face.
There is still no info for those of us who havnt gotten the client to work. I still have not been able to even get to the log in screen of the 12 vs 12 test server. i know the server is down, but my client wont even get to the logon screen, its extremely frustrating when there is no place to find solutions. i have done 2 full installs of the 12 vs 12 client, and it still has not worked. I cant give feedback to a game i cant launch.