luxebo, on 18 August 2013 - 02:34 PM, said:
So, I've got a few new questions after doing decently well in some games over the past week after getting my computer up to date. I'm at elite status right now for my 3 Hunchbacks (4p: 8 med lasers and added ammo with no small laser,
This pushes 2 medium lasers over Ghost Heat, your 4P cook off way hotter than it should.
luxebo, on 18 August 2013 - 02:34 PM, said:
4j: lrm 20 with 3 med psl lasers, standard 220 engine, and endo steel, and
A single LRM/20 is a really bad choice at present, because AMS will utterly obliterate it. Med Pulse are slightly lack luster.
luxebo, on 18 August 2013 - 02:34 PM, said:
4g: ac20 and 2 med lasers with AMS and ammo for ac20.)
While the Hunchback isn't nearly as good as the Centurion, this one is decent.
luxebo, on 18 August 2013 - 02:34 PM, said:
I'm going for master very soon. I don't feel like doing all the calculating, is there a program/way besides having to do all the math on selling parts and mechs?
Yep! It's called
SMURFY and it's extremely useful.
luxebo, on 18 August 2013 - 02:34 PM, said:
I probably won't do it too soon for a new set of 3 mechs (I decided leaving the 4th slot open would be a good idea for reference on which mechs have what and etc.) I'm leaning toward some of the trial mech base chassis due to heavy credits/xp there (Raven, Cicada, Catapult, and Victor.) My Victor has like 14000 xp and I don't think it's play style is bad!
I'd really recommend you try a Centurion if you want another medium and a Highlander if you want another assault. I actually wrote a newbie guide recently you can find
here that addresses much of what you've talked about, I think you might find interesting.
luxebo, on 18 August 2013 - 02:34 PM, said:
Also, is there a guide on map strategies or anything on maps? I tried the wiki but barely anything is written there and certain maps (Mainly Tourmaline Desert) I've some trouble with.
I've yet to read a good one; primarily because as far as map usage goes, there's no consensus. Even at the most competitive levels of the game, everyone has their own ideas.
While the
Testing Grounds are entirely broken for weapons testing (the numbers aren't right) they are really great to fire up and look around the maps in though. I'd recommend if it you want to look at the maps in more detail without being shot at.
luxebo, on 18 August 2013 - 02:34 PM, said:
Last question, I feel that Hunchback 4g is a bit experimental, sometimes I can poke my head out and murder 5 guys in a row (The last game I just had I scored almost 500 damage and killed 2 lances of mechs), but sometimes I die in the first three minutes doing 40 damage and getting one shotted before even hitting critical damage. Thanks for the help in the past week, I like the friendly community here.

In more casual play how much damage you do can often be tied to how much you are ignored. An AC/20 will do
incredible damage if left unchecked.
However the Hunchback is a poor chassis primarily due to it's gun pod. That giant shoulder pod of yours is hittable from
every direction and counts as RT every time. Thus almost everyone will immediately target and go for that weapons pod with everything they have, coring your 'mech
quick. This is also why the 4SP is viewed as the best Hunchback, as it trades the one huge pod for two very small ones.