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Lowdown On Launch From Bryan Ekman (Reposted From Reddit)

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#41 ICUBurn


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 06:45 AM

cant believe I forgot about this. Its MWO Launch day in 14 second clip.

Edited by ICUBurn, 05 September 2013 - 06:46 AM.

#42 RickySpanish


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 06:48 AM

I'm one of those 50% of founders that still plays the game 'monthly'. For me that means once or twice a week dropping in one of the Mechs I've had since closed beta - My Ilya or Awesome. Occasionally I pop down in a random Jager to mix things up.

I stopped paying for premium time a few months ago as I didn't believe it was worth the cost, and now that the c-bill nerf has hit my belief is reinforced.

I have just 20 million c-bills banked, and I have absolutely no desire to spend any of it, because of the insane time required to earn it back again. Furthermore, in order to be competitive with the pilots the matchmaker matches me with, I need to have AT LEAST an elited Mech, mastered is preferable. This requires a huge investment of either c-bills and time, or MC and money. As such, I'm further disuaded from purchasing a new Mech with either form of currency as I know I would need to spend even more MC to elite it, or a heck of a lot of time being a hinderence to my team and losing 3/4 of my matches.

I briefly considered purchasing the Orion hero, however despite having 1500 MC floating on my account, I would still need to spend $20 in the store due to the MC pricing model to buy that Mech, which I do not believe to be worth it, given the above paragraph.

Although I increasingly get the impression that this game is not for me considering the huge cost of cosmetic and Mech items and lack of meta game / meta strategy, I do of course wish PGI all the best in their efforts. I hope that CW launches in time and that a ranking / ladder system will revitalize my enjoyment of the game.

#43 Wolfways


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 06:49 AM

So...launch is a shop.

Heat sinks are working as intended, and clans will be nerfed senseless. But that's okay. At least i'll have the shop to not spend any money in... B)

Why is it every time i hear anything from PGI i think "Is it April 1st?"

#44 Dawnstealer


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 06:55 AM

I like the fact that the people who are "quitting this game forever!!!!!!" and "demanding a refund right now!!!!!" and "OMGPGILIEDDEKJLKJF:lsdjkf;lakjdf;lajksfdla!!!!!" are still posting in the forums.

We get it.



For all of those promised tweaks in the far future? I'm still having fun playing this game, so I'm willing to wait. I'm sure, no matter what MWO does, I'll eventually get bored and go do something else, but I'm not there yet.

I still like stomping around in big, stompy robots, and I still get a {Noble MechWarrior} flutter in my stomach playing a game I used to play on the tabletop in my early teens.

Do I want to see UI2.0? Sure.

If I don't see UI2.0 on launch will I leave? Nope. It would be nice, but I've been navigating the current version for months. It's clunky, but it works.

Do I want to see Community Warfare (CW)? Yup. I really, really, really want to shoot at other Houses' stompy robots with real consequences and, later, be on the front lines for the Clans invasion.

If CW isn't part of the launch package, will I leave? Nope. Still having fun with the capture-the-flag/team deathmatch games. For now. Like I said above, I'll eventually get bored of that. Right now, I'm leveling up my last Spider to Master and it has been a HUUUUUUGE grind that's kind of burned me out. But I'll be back once I fire up Orions.

I don't know, guys. I get the anger, but this is a game. If you don't like it or you don't like where it's going or you don't trust the company that's making it, why are you still here? There are GOBS of other games out there.

Edited by Dawnstealer, 05 September 2013 - 07:05 AM.

#45 3rdworld


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:01 AM

Coming soon™

That is about all the information we get anymore.

#46 Kazly


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:03 AM

as;lfdkj 2;l3k4j askdf nk;2 ;il23 l;kasdfl knv''aweorislkfn nasd;lkj2l3j4r

My official response.

#47 Malsumis


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:20 AM

Official Launch Day Preview

Posted Image

Notice the difference?

#48 Oriius


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:23 AM

So the launch of MWO is gonna be... a new shop?

I get the feeling the launch reviews are going to be very harsh, maybe deservedly so, but it still makes me sad for the IP I love.

That shop better sell something more than magic beans.

#49 TyrEol


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:23 AM

Shame UI 2.0 still isn't ready but I guess releasing with a stable UI even with it's terrible group management elements is better than putting in an shiney but buggy UI on launch day that crashes for everyone.

Releasing sounds like it means taking off the beta tag, launching new in game store and getting a bunch of press reviewers in to play it. I'm supprised they've not tested the new in game store on the public test server tbh.

I liked the sound of the future pre drop lobbies, but I'm not convinced I'll be grinding out multiple copies of the same chasis with the current Cbill earnings levels, not so long as they keep releasing new mechs.

#50 jozkhan


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:31 AM

Someone maybe can clarify this but the new shop is in Launch Build? or First build of UI 2.0 post launch?

#51 van Uber


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:45 AM

View PostHammerSwarm, on 05 September 2013 - 05:47 AM, said:

An Example:
Bryan there was a kerfuffle within your community about third person view. Many people have not been swayed by your rational or apology. Many people have complained that your responses have made your community more angry. What reply do you have to the claims of third person view represents a huge breach of trust and signals a change in directions of your game to a more low brow audience?

'Well let me first say, we screwed up. The announcements of both third person view and the subsequent launch of third person view were botched. The community is right, this is not a feature they asked for. It is one we as a design team felt was important because we're trying to increase the size of the audience. We should not have insulted our loyal fans by saying things like "Silent Majority" and "Vocal Minority". The truth is that yes we are trying to broaden the appeal of this game and increase the audience size. We're ready to respond with split ques when the size of the player base increases. We don't feel that the vision mode will destroy community warfare as long as people know what they are getting when a match is started. Two teams of 3pv players squaring off against each other will offer no balance issues within that match and will be calculated as a match played on for purposes of faction warfare. We anticipate that whole groups within factions and merc corps will form up based on view and play styles. You will never be forced to play against a view you don't want to once CW goes live.'

Swing, hit, home run, ballgame:
It's often called red meat in politics. When you tell your supporters exactly what they want to hear to fire them up. Low information gamers eat that stuff up. If you don't understand find the family guy episode where Louise runs for Mayor ("What do you plan to do about crime?"...."A lot")

Very good post and excellent example. If they only had done something like this. Bryan are you taking notes?

#52 Threat Doc


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:48 AM

View PostAym, on 05 September 2013 - 03:23 AM, said:

I know a LOT of founders are waiting for the Beta tag to be taken off before judging the game, so the numbers don't really mean a lot currently.
I'm not waiting for the beta tag to come off... for me, this game has not launched until I said it's launched. What that means, in short, is that I won't be placing any more money into MWO until they get back on the right track. That means removal of 3PV, period, restoration or plan explanation of the recent economy nerf, explanation for their process for determining Hardpoints on 'Mechs, explanation for a lot of things. FOR ME, this game doesn't launch until I say it launches.

View Postcarl kerensky, on 05 September 2013 - 05:11 AM, said:

Also why in blazes can't PGI communicate these things here? Why does it have to second hand news? The core audience is the canary? Wtf The core audience is the foundation of this game !! You lost almost half of your founders? These people paid money because they believed in what you were doing. They saw the vision and potential. That has to tell you something. Like PGI needs to change the way they operate. Seriously.
Wow unbelievable.

I don't have time to read the rest of the two remaining pages of this thread, but what Carl Kerensky has expressed is absolutely true for me. This latest interview, not posted on these forums, especially with the population numbers and the PGI team not wanting the numbers to be misconstrued -which means they're a LOT lower than PGI determined they needed to survive, already-, and with their lack of ability to communicate appropriately with this community, has clinched it for me. I will not be restarting my mercenary unit until I hear about the improvements to the game that I listed earlier, and that I've continuously heard over the past several weeks from concerned players.

Don't worry, MechWarrior Tactics is very much going the same way.

Take care, MWO community. I may be back and forth to answer and read, but as of now, I'm gone. I can't stand by and have my favorite game universe of all time, and my favorite tactical combat simulation game ever be wasted by people who want to kow-tow to the twitch-game community, the 40 year old little children who aren't interested in learning how to play a game, and would rather have absolutely everything easy and at their fingertips right away. Valley girl gamers.

PGI... you're doing it wrong!!!

#53 Sidekick


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:48 AM

The first UI2.0 will be online some time after launch, as far as I get it.

I was bored by the lack of interesting gameplay modes. So I started playing WarThunder.
I was annoyed from the HighAlpha-Meta. So I was sticking to snowflake builds that offer at least some variety, even If I keep sucking with them.
I was quite enraged when I had the 3PV pulled on me against statements before. So I didn´t play for several weeks.

But in these quite annoying months, I didn´t loose my motivation. My friends list was turning red all over, but I kept logging in after most patches to drop and check out what is new. I missed out on TD, completely overslept the launch of TT, and still, the game was the same and I kept playing a little. I bought in the Phoenix Pack early.

And even with all these disappointments, I didn´t leave and I did not request a refund. I did not break the deal.

And now.... I´m pulling the plug. The patient is dead, lets cut the life support.
CW, a feature promised half a year ago, might, MIGHT be launching in half a year. UI2.0, a feature promised since early 2013 to be ready at launch, is pushed back.... somewhere in the future, MAYBE october.

So.... why should I invest? for the next 6 months after "launch", there is nothing coming that I could justify to spend new mechs on, or even waste the premium time for. The "loyality bonus" might be worth something, but that´s somewhere in 2014! How should I know that I keep playing in 6 months if the last 8 weren´t really enjoyable OR promising?

So yeah... my phoenix pack will be ordered for refund this week. My founder´s premium time will self-activate at launch and dribble away. The "bonus" of the PP will not be used as well as the days from the PP itself.

If I cumulate ALL these months of premium time, it will be gone before any worthwile feature is added to the game.

Good grief. You really, really want to kill this game. Congrats.

Be proud. It´s "50% founders"-1 now.

#54 Lord Ikka


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:50 AM

Frankly, while I think that it is bad that release won't have a lot of new features, the fact that this interview actually gave us information is a good thing! For the past three-four months there has been very little info released at all, so I'm happy that this info is actually being given.

Despite all the negativity, I actually think this interview was a good thing. Lots of info, looks like the Devs are focusing on the core elements that will make this game worthwhile in the future. Not everything is horrible- I'd love to have UI 2.0 and CW right now, but I want it to work rather than have a broken system put into place before it is ready. This interview gave me some hope again.

#55 Hollander Burial


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:57 AM

View PostNamesAreStupid, on 05 September 2013 - 03:20 AM, said:

No UI 2.0? No CW? No DX11? What exactly are they launching.

So does this mean CB WAS launch?

#56 BDU Drakzen


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:59 AM

  • Bryan talks about new player numbers and player retention rates Retained more than 50% of original Founders, who still play at least monthly. "Most" of them have bought into Phoenix.

Counting Founders that log into the forums (since the logins are linked) as players that are still playing does not count as active players, please correct your statement Mr. Ekman. I would not be to proud that even if you really did hold 50% of the original Founders as something to brag about, I would actually be ashamed of loosing so many due to departing so much from the founding principles of the game you and the team laid out in the beginning and the lack of promised content which granted you such a large following to start with.

#57 Hollander Burial


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 08:01 AM

View PostSidekick, on 05 September 2013 - 07:48 AM, said:

So I started playing WarThunder.

AH, the game that makes you play tutorials before you can even get in a match

#58 PlzDie


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 08:01 AM

View PostWolfways, on 05 September 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:

So...launch is a shop.

Heat sinks are working as intended, and clans will be nerfed senseless. But that's okay. At least i'll have the shop to not spend any money in... B)

Why is it every time i hear anything from PGI i think "Is it April 1st?"

It kind of makes sense that the first thing in will be a shop, PGI never disappointed us with the delivery of thing to sell for real money.
I kinda expected CW and UI 2.0 wont be ready.

I do have questions: If most the founders bought into the Phoenix program, how many asked for refunds lately or was the numbers taken after all the refund requests was handled?
I know this was already asked but I really feel it needs to be asked again, after Bryan's apology regarding 3rd PV and the communications breakdown, why is it that this type of information comes from other sources than the MWO forums?

#59 jozkhan


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 08:03 AM

That's over 20,000 founders lost then?

That's knee deep in canaries

#60 Sug


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 08:03 AM

Oh look absolutely nothing planned for launch but a party like I said a month ago when it was announced.

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