Hi Russ.
One question here. I'm a bit concerned about my choice of the exclusive mech class for my Elite pack (unfortunately I cannot afford the Legendary one, which should solve my problem...

Other Online FPSs out there (namely World of Tanks) have focused money-grinding class and tiers of vehicles... Using WoT as an example, money grinding is almost exclusive of medium vehicles of medium tiers.
Light vehicles earn too little currency (but also have lower maintenance, thus having a rather small profit). Meanwhile heavier vehicles have higher payouts, but extremely higher maintenance costs, resulting usually in even money balance in the best case, and net loss of money most of the time.
As the prime advantage of Founder mechs is the money grinding feature, It would be extremely useful to know how money making is going to work in MWO. Is money grinding (almost) exclusive of one of the weight classes? Can any class be as profitable as the others? Will the medium class be superior here? Will the Assault class be designed as a c-bill sink?
Thanks in advance for the answers.
Edited by LokkenJP, 21 June 2012 - 12:59 AM.