- Strong mechs have a greater chance of winning than weak mechs.
- Players generally prefer a strong mech to a weak mech.
- Players will attempt to design the strongest mech they can to suit their current play style, or the play style they would like to adopt.
- In a competition setting, players will choose the mech they feel gives their team the best chance of winning.
- Pay to Win means that something that is only available for cash can provide an advantage that can not be duplicated by an equivalent non-cash item.
- Providing a date at which a pay-to-win item will be available for in-game currency does not change the pay-to-win nature of said item in the present.
Stepping away from the tournament, let's have a look at Clan tech. It is available immediately for cash, but will gradually become available in the C-Bill market between August and November. That's 2 months before the first clan mech is available for C-Bills, and 5 until the last is released.
Clan tech has many unique attributes. Nearly all attributes deviate from IS tech, and while most of them are pros, some are cons. The question is how do we figure out which is better overall? Well fortunately we don't need to come up with a consensus on which is better. Individual players will decide the answer based on their own estimations of what will best suit their play style. Some will be wrong, and make bad choices, but some will be right, and make good choices. Of the ones who are right, some will choose IS, and others will choose Clan. I can not irrefutably prove the existence of players who will both choose clan and be correct, but I do feel it is a reasonable assertion that such a player can exist, and most likely does exist — possibly in large numbers.
I'd like to point out that it does not matter whether this hypothetical player is highly skilled, or modestly skilled. The question is whether Clan tech will improve their ability to kill enemies and/or win matches. If they can build a mech that is better suited to killing/winning using their play style with Clan tech than they can build using IS tech, they serve as living proof that Clan tech can indeed provide an advantage to certain players that currently can not be acquired with C-Bills.
Is this Clan advantage universal to all players? Maybe not. It doesn't particularly matter, though. Some players may find Clan tech does not suit their play style. That does not mean that other players can not boost their combat potential using clan tech. Thus, whether or not you feel you can personally benefit from Clan tech, you should absolutely recognize that it is a pay to win element that will continue to be just that until all of it is available for C-Bills.