Madcap72, on 08 October 2014 - 09:07 AM, said:
No, you're taking it like I'm inferring something when I'm asking a question.
How do you define customer, and how to you rate opinions? Should people with more skin in the game get a higher preferance than people that don't?
IMO ppl playing should; yes. They should have telemetry of ppl who are playing and who arent. I could swear that if you havent played in a certain amount of time then you cant post here (or did that change) that could be the dividing line to who can and cant vote when you send out the email.
Sending it in an email and making the choice known to more ppl (no matter the outcome) is better than not imo.
Still though, how was it that ppl getting the choice to have the mode they wanted adversely affected the gaming of the ppl who voted yes?