Kodyn, on 20 October 2014 - 03:06 PM, said:
I do fully understand that this game is base of a long-standing TT game and it's lore, don't assume I'm completely clueless. I also know that if it wants to survive, be a healthy and fun game and have a bit of a lifespan, it cannot focus and pigeonhole itself that much. There simply isn't enough money in it...which is why the game does have its FPS/Twitch side. Now I'm no CoD guy, but I really enjoy the combination of FPS and actual tactics and strategy, having a mech built for your specific needs, etc. I think those are the cornerstones of this game that keep people coming back, besides just the lore guys who will play anything BT.
All I'm saying is that I feel this will be a healthier game if regardless of what they billed it as, and what it was meant to be, they stick to the parts of the game that will draw new players and keep current ones around, rather than trying to get even more technically close to an already none-too popular genre.(which has clearly hurt this game in the past)
I'm new to the genre myself, and the lore, but find it highly interesting, I just don't want to see it gimp gameplay, because they're trying to follow it so closely it just becomes a graphically prettier Megamek. I'd probably be even more interested in the lore if so many of the lore-hounds on here weren't some of the least interesting people to see type. but I guess I shouldn't judge a whole genre based on it's most annoying fans.(Not lumping you into this Bishop, referring to some other old-heads)
It was the crowd. Theres more of us than there are of them. Theres alot of that attitude here, but its also the same few people (none of which are in this thread actually) over and over again. Most of us forumwarriors are getting drunk and stoned on teamspeak and rolling noobs or getting rolled by huge groups.
We just dont generally go to comic shops to play. Or cons. Cant smoke, everyone is a ****, theyre turning off the stereo. The garage is where its at. If you didnt happen to be in one of the huge cities in the late 80s early 90s when this stuff was super popular...you missed out.
But trust me, ive been with this franchise a looooong time. Alot of the issues that come up game, after game, after game, after game, are pretty much all due to bad translations of the lore, to a PC game, not the other way around. The games succeed despite the fact that theyre horrible knock offs.
Think about it this way. Most MW games, while fun, have been like the 80s Spiderman and Punisher movies. Or say the Street Fighter movie. Bad. Enjoyable to a cult fanbase...but bad.
The more you go back to the source material and stay true to that, the better youre going to be. Like any of the Xmen, new Spiderman, or Batman movies. The proof is in the pudding. Generally the source material for an IP that "makes it" is golden. The more you start shifting away from that to appease "the masses" the sooner you end up with a flop that pleases absolutely no one.
Because what the nerds generally see in something, is value, unrefined. When you take it, and try and shove value into it, it fails. Hollywood discovered that. So you have to go back, find the value, and polish the **** out of it. That usually takes someone who really, really loves the source material and does it justice.
Its like 90s pop punk and how horrible that is. Whenever you try and placate the masses by diluting the source material to appeal to a wider audience, youre doing the wrong thing. It sucks.
Edited by KraftySOT, 20 October 2014 - 03:20 PM.