Trondheim Live, Daily Report
Posted 25 January 2015 - 10:18 PM
Posted 25 January 2015 - 11:11 PM
Posted 26 January 2015 - 12:17 AM
Trondheim Live Daily Report, on 25 January 2015 - 07:03 PM, said:
Im really sorry. I just wrote it cause i feel it. Will remember it

Posted 26 January 2015 - 08:23 AM
Edited by Tarogato, 26 January 2015 - 08:24 AM.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 01:32 PM
ThomasMarik, on 25 January 2015 - 11:11 PM, said:
While we provide news from across the Inner Sphere, our primary sources (and a vast majority of them) of information come from units and people directly in the Free Rasalhague Republic. And despite our obvious leniencies with our opinion articles, we strive to bring news in a....dare we say it...."fair and balanced" fashion.

Of course, we're always looking for more "outside sources", so if you'd like to submit send us a message!
DelphiAuriga, on 26 January 2015 - 12:17 AM, said:
Im really sorry. I just wrote it cause i feel it. Will remember it

We would be happy to include said article. The main reason we request private submission first is because it gives us a chance to look over it and do some 'touching up' before print. Maybe discuss certain points and really bring out the emotions of the author(s). If you'd like, we'll take a look and properly "publish" it.

Tarogato, on 26 January 2015 - 08:23 AM, said:

Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 26 January 2015 - 01:33 PM.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 01:54 PM
starwolf1991, on 25 January 2015 - 08:45 PM, said:
To all FRR Commanders - High Priority Message
We have Smoke Jaguars at the border. Repeat, Smoke Jaguars at FRR Border.
Jezersko has fallen to surprise attack from Clan Smoke Jaguar. Repeat, Jezersko has fallen, Last Frontier under assault.
From the defenders of Last Frontier and Trondheim: The Jaguars have come to bargain for our worlds. We'll make them an offer they can't refuse.
**Message Repeats**
The Free Rasalhague Republic has found itself in the dire situation of being under assault from all four invading Clans. Gods bless the defenders.
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 26 January 2015 - 03:08 PM.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 02:28 PM
Trondheim Live Daily Report, on 26 January 2015 - 01:32 PM, said:

All urs to take it. Give me a call someway (quoting me, or PM, whicheve u prefer) and i will delete the original post

Posted 26 January 2015 - 03:07 PM
Entry #639
From the Journal of
New Oslo is down.
Now we have two clusters of worlds surrounded by the ghost bear's.
I have tried and tried during these last days to join the fight, only to find myself placed among some mixes of kurita's and lyrian's lances, barely reinforced by militia and 'lone wolves' hired for the specific purpose of filling ranks.
I honestly try to be as stubborn as usual, ya know ol' "give no ground until you're dead", but there's just no way. Time and again we face these well dug-in, pristine 'mech clanners with some spare old mechs fresh out of mothball and whatever hodge-podge monstrosity they can scrape off the battlefield. And I guess these lone wolves are just the last ditch effort by the KungsArme. It doesn't help that the bear's keep shooting their energy weapons at extreme range over our heads at night, scaring the tar out of the greens and keeping us vets up with the constant blue flash. I spent many a restless night that way in the "barrack" on Hermagor - actually an old, very old, granary that probably has seen the times of Kerensky himself.
I guess it could be worse, I mean I'm not dead....yet. But I'd lost my will to fight here. So many dead, and one could've been my mech amongst the rubble, or me. My hope...the hope for the FRR to rise from the ashes is fading. After the last fight practically my entire unit was destroyed, and with the dropships taking the survivors to the nearest "safe" world and simply dropping us off nobody asked when I secured passage for myself to Skandia. Haven't been back to my old house in a while, but I'd hoped while I was there to train, improve, relax, and meditate. I knew I couldn't stay for long though, I know the FRR KungsArme still needs me but I felt useless as I was...am. I heard through the vine one day the First Prince and the government-in-semi-exile of the FRR have formed a new unit from the remains of the other Drakøns.
Of course they found me. And now of all things, I've been promoted. A Korpral placed in a Löjtnant rank...
In charge of my 1st lance we have the chef of the 2nd Drakøns. He's my only man that's actually been closer than a planet from the frontline.
And then we were ordered to press against the bear's fieldworks. I knew then I would have to write some condolence letters that night for a man....several men that, most likely, were in fight for less than 5 minutes. I don't even try to remember their names anymore, or dream up some excuse for that obvious bullet hole in the cockpit. No, cause it's a waste of time. If you are up to survive for a week, then maybe I will remember.
We are the KungsArme. We are fighting for the very survival of the Republic; and I don't know you, but I'm not up to give up. I just...I need some rest from the everlasting carnage that the mercenaries have left to us. We should have never trusted them. A mistake that we arent gonna make for a third time with those traitors...
...I hope.
Löjtnant, formerly Korpral, Jan "Auriga" Delphi
Commanding Officer of the 1st Company, 2nd Battalion, 9th Drakøns
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 26 January 2015 - 03:13 PM.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 11:33 PM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 19 March 2015 - 07:22 PM.
Posted 27 January 2015 - 07:10 AM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 19 March 2015 - 07:23 PM.
Posted 28 January 2015 - 06:10 PM
FRR Under Attack from Every Clan
--No one thought it possible, but the FRR has now come under assault from every single invading clan. On the 26th, Clan Smoke Jaguar broke through the Ghost Bear's border to the isolated Trondheim Cluster and quickly laid siege to the cut off worlds. Some resistance was made but the Smoke Jags made quick work of them, the local militia unable to hold off for long save to send out final messages of distress.
With Trondheim lost, the TL,DR too has lost its homeworld. A moment of silence for the fallen.
Wolves Close path to Rasalhague
--Rasalhague has been reunited with the rest of the Republic no less than 3 times since the Ghost Bears sought to encircle the FRR's capital. This time though, things are different. With the loss of Hermagor, New Bergen and New Oslo the direct supply line to Rasalhague has been cut off by Ghost Bear - time after time these worlds became bloody battlefields to reopen the supply lines, as help was always just a world or two away at Bruben.
The return of Clan Wolf has seen that supply line encircled and captured. Bruben, along with the rest of the First District worlds recaptured from the Wolves in the New Year's CounterAttack, are now under Clan Wolf control. The nearest uncontested world to Rasalhague now is Kandis, more than 80 light years away and far beyond the capabilities of even the longest ranged JumpShip. And with the Wolves pressing on and the Jade Falcons already past Kandis to Tamar, the resupply of Rasalhague is finally beyond the capabilities of the Inner Sphere.
Rasalhague may very well be truly lost.
Skjaldborg Sets up Shop in Liao
--The Skjaldborg is is a large mercenary unit, but their work is often subtle. They don't 'claim' worlds often or set up many bases, preferring to float between worlds and set up shop where needed.
Therefore, its comical to see their name in Liao. Heaven knows what provoked them to pick green as their new color, but whatever the reason we had the TL,DR fashion consultant take a look at their new mech coloration. He gagged, fake passed-out, took another look, really vomited, then really passed out. Harsh.
According to Liao fashion designers and Liao loyalist units alike, the colors look good and they 'get the job done', which is better than the Liao Hiring Officer could've hoped for. Well, we guess everyone is entitled to a wrong opinion every once in a while.
Rasalhague, Luthien Behind the Lines
--While they haven't seen eye to eye over the years, Rasalhague and Kurita perhaps have seen and shared more loss and horror than they'd like these past few months alone. Both have lost multiple systems. Both have lost thousands of soldiers. Both see their capitals almost irrecoverably behind the lines. Perhaps that sense of loss is what keeps the FRR/DCMS border so deathly quiet. They both know the cost - why add more to it?
FRR <40 Systems
--It seems hard to believe, but less than 40 planets remain affiliated with the FRR. The Free Rasalhague Republic is crumbling at the seams with no clear path for the future.
Around the Sphere:
Clans Settle Differences
--It seems the Clans, if nothing else, are masters of solving internal disputes. The fight lasted for less than a week before things returned to "normal" and "business as usual" in their drive for Terra. With their goals agreed upon in a 'Meeting of the Crusaders' the business was dealt with and the voices of dissent silenced. Now all that remains in the way is a broken FRR and Kurita and a surrendering Steiner.
Kurita takes it to Davion
--Now of all times, Kurita should be diverting its focus to the Clans - with Luthien far behind the lines, the Dragon should be eager to reunite with its capital. Instead, they have picked now to divert most of their attention to Davion, where a bitter fight has begun to rage as Kurita attacks with all the ferocity of its Marik and Liao allies. Some may say this is stupid. Some may say they're missing the mark - diverting forces from the real threat. But none can deny Kurita has been doing something they haven't been doing for weeks - they've taken worlds, not just lost them.
Liao Edging Closer to St. Ives
--One Jump, one planet is all that remains between Liao and attacking St. Ives. Liao's push from the Tantara Region has gained momentum and once again sits just outside of striking distance from St. Ives. With Marik and now Kurita in on the action, most Liao officers talked to have just one thing to say. "Soon."
Marik Pushes Deeper
--Marik has finally "secured" the Wazan Cluster, putting it behind the frontline worlds for the first time. Their drive looks to separate Liao from Sarna, possibly severing critical Davion supply lines as the fronts get muddled in the constant swapping of worlds. Davions promises to annihilate Liao and push back Marik are finally getting shoved back at them, as Davion's captures fall to nearly no net gains since the outbreak of hostilities. Likewise, Steiner is pushed back slowly but surely from Marik's traditional worlds, giving the homeland some much needed rest.
Davion Fights Hard for Misery
--Davion not giving up the fight, though they do seem to be going down in flames. the Kuritan planet of Misery, and the planets surrounding it, have been the hot-spot of Kuritan/Davion tactical maneuvering. Every time Kurita gains Misery, it loses a planet protecting it from the front. Every time Davion gains Misery, it loses a surrounding planet. The death-spiral may be the reason why Davion has seemingly ignored its other fronts - the pride of taking Misery is too much to let go.
Steiner Unable to Advance
--Though only fighting the Jade Falcons and occasionally the Wolves, Steiner has no help against the Clan front and every bit of Marik's attention from the opposite side of its territory. Steiner units fall nearly as fast as the planets they defend, and the whole Lyran Commonwealth seems to be just sacrificing worlds to the Falcon Gods just for a little R&R. Will they go back to picking on the FRR to make themselves feel better? Nobody really knows.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:21 PM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 19 March 2015 - 07:24 PM.
Posted 28 January 2015 - 10:35 PM
"Look at the Smoke Jaguars doing charity work for the tormented people of Trondheim... the people they tormented!"
"As if they would need Advanced Life Support and Regenerative Trauma Centers if it werent for the Stars of the Jaguars running rampant in the cities, trying to rut out the last of the milita defenders, with no afterthought for the civilian populace!"
"I did not fight of clanners from Trondheim trice during the course of that invasion to get my brethren and fallen comrades mocked by the smug self-righteousness of Smoke Jaguars!"
In full on rage at this point, sitting in the back of the catapults hangar he left just a couple of hours ago, screaming at a display of the TL;DR, he gets interrupted by a FRR technician saying most of the damage of his K2 got fixed, but even as they did what they could, this mech is probably unsafe to use anymore.
Calming down a bit, and looking rather depressed he answers" Its all we got left, as long as it keeps firing lasers, I will keep pointing it at clanners."
At this, the technician nods, and leaves him and his issue of the Trondheim Live alone, getting back to his work in trying to achieve the impossible.
Posted 29 January 2015 - 07:10 AM
Posted 29 January 2015 - 10:42 PM
Inside the FRR
FRR Still Fighting Against 3 Clans
--While the Smoke Jaguars may be out of the loop again, Jade Falcon has managed to press on into the FRR, staying just ahead of the Wolf lines. The bid for Tamar was risky in and of itself, with little hope for resupply if the fight dragged out. However, Jade Falcon not only took the world but is still pressing on, using the forward worlds to catch up to the Bears and Jaguars. With their corridor taking a more direct route to Terra, we can assume the Falcons will look to exploit what remains of the KungsArme.
Ghost Bears nearly Laterally Even with Tukayyid
--With Toffen falling to Ghost Bear, the Bears have almost pushed laterally past the FRR's Tukayyid - one of the coreward-most worlds in the FRR. The planet-isle of Ardoz now finds itself uncomfortably surrounded on three sides by bears, and Setubal, Maule, and Halesowen find themselves in the awkward position of relying on the FRR for access to the Combine - which the FRR is all to willing to allow, given the times. Even so, the proximity means that the Clans have pushed over halfway towards their ultimate goal; and it doesn't seem like there's much left in the way to stop them.
Skjaldborg Returns, Leads Blistering Counter Against Steiner
--The Skjaldborg returned late on the 29th to the remains of the FRR to find their few remaining worlds under siege from not one, not two - but three hungry Clans out for the blood of the crippled KungsArme. Not to be outdone, the Skjaldborg Commanders rallied the forces of the KungsArme and evacuated them from overrun Clan worlds. From there they dropped with the rag-tag FRR House Forces on not a Clan planet, but of all places Shaula - Steiner.
Shaula was taken by the Skjaldborg in the earliest outbreak of hostilities.
While facing light resistance at first, the invaders soon came under heavy fire on approach to the major metropolitan areas. While the refreshed Skjaldborg unit (with assistance from a lance of mixed house units) took the fight directly to the defenders, another mixed house group flanked the Steiner positions and captured a key spaceport. Forced on the retreat, the Skjaldborg pushed the defenders and managed to break through their lines, wiping out their command HQ and forcing the surrender of the remaining units.
When asked about their next plans, the Skjaldborg Commander in charge of the operation stated, "One day at a time...this was a good victory, a necessary victory. But we know what we face." It seems the Skjaldborg is more intent on stripping Shaula of infrastructure than building it back up as Steiner was - a key reminder that the Clan front is not too far away.
Steiner/FRR Ceasefire?
--The subject of "ceasefire" has been in debate between the FRR and Steiner for some time. Several times the idea has been pitched - either from Steiner loyalist units, or FRR Counsel - and every time the offer has been rejected. While not in open hostilities, Steiner has used the 'no ceasefire' as an excuse when rogue mercenary Companies ran rampant through FRR worlds. "We can't control them," they said. But did they ever offer concessions? Did they ever want to work with the FRR to foster peace and cooperation against the Clans?
Aside from some well-intentioned units, the FRR has never received any good-will from Steiner as a whole; no counselling on what to do about conquered worlds, as FRR did with Kurita. On that front, the FRR said, "Our Mercs take a world, go ahead and take one back." And so Kurita did; and there was peace. When FRR went to talks with the same peace in mind to Steiner, the response was to "get out before we kick you out - and don't think about touching OUR worlds."
Perhaps it isn't any wonder that in the FRR's final hours the mercenary unit 'Skjaldborg' lead the daring assault against Steiner, not the Clans. When Steiner needed help defending worlds, they signed a ceasefire with Clan Wolf to let the Wolves attack FRR without mercy.
When asked about this ceasefire, the Skjaldborg replied as one, "Karma is coming, and so are we. We are the Skjaldborg - their resistance is futile."
Rasalhague, Luthien Behind the Lines
--While they haven't seen eye to eye over the years, Rasalhague and Kurita perhaps have seen and shared more loss and horror than they'd like these past few months alone. Both have lost multiple systems. Both have lost thousands of soldiers. Both see their capitals almost irrecoverably behind the lines. Perhaps that sense of loss is what keeps the FRR/DCMS border so deathly quiet. They both know the cost - why add more to it?
FRR <35 Systems
--It seems hard to believe, but less than 35 planets remain affiliated with the FRR. The Free Rasalhague Republic is crumbling at the seams with no clear path for the future.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 30 January 2015 - 02:49 AM
Entry #21
From the diary of Sergeant Aldrik " Starwolf"
Which is the stronger poison for the mind, I ask myself; the horrific news of worlds rapidly exchanging hands under a tide of rampant steel and bristling fires? The painful hole left from watching respected allies leaving in their dropships and abandoning our cause? Or the dead man stares KungsArme Commanders give mercenaries under the assumption that we are all scum and 'It must be grand not having to care about the affairs of the Republic'.
I consider the question as I down my chilled soda in silence from the crowded bar onboard the dropship 'Pheonix Flame'. The latest news bulletin on the monitor in-front of me replays the decimation of what used to be a proud fortress of Gunzburg. Shattered remains and crimson flames serve as a grim reminder of the struggles made here. Brave as they may have been, the KungsArme's soldiers were powerless against the hungry hordes of the Ghost Bears and their warband of so-called 'mercenaries'. The ones around me carry five times greater the amount of honor they claim to possess. Just who do they think are being fooled? Certainly not the Menig three tables across who has been shell-shocked for the last fifteen minutes. His entire armor division, the 155th Avalanche, were massacred well before they even stood a chance of defending themselves. God help me if he ends up being another psychological casualty, but how could you not given the hellish nightmare he just had to experience?
I can see it scarred into those citizens and military advisors we evacuated; fear. They have every right to fear the Clans of course. Worlds across Rasalhague space continue to fall one by one. Still no word has reached us from the Capital or our contacts that should've made it out from Luthien in Draconis space. The worst is practically all we can ever assume, especially as more from within our ranks leave our side for pastures unknown. I know very well how they like to work fear; more than some ought to know. Hell, I even caught a fear glimpse of it back on Jezersko. Is that what is actually bothering me or is it those Davion exchange officers who foolishly threw away their lives? I come to realizing my grip on the soda glass was too tight and eased up a little. I’ll figure that one out later, just like how I came to be the Intelligence Officer to a band of misfit mercenaries in the middle of Rasalhague Space. The only thing I know is that 'Fame, power and the almighty C-Bill mean everything.', if you believe what people claim mercenaries are 'supposed' to think.
Looks like I'm about to be joined again. A Lojtnant needing some 'real' company and finding it with the kind of person the Rasalhague military dislikes? Hell, I don't know about real but I don’t think it matters much right now. She's been run into the ground tired from three days straight of coordinating defensive operations and I need a distraction from the horrors of the battlefield. Glad I won't be spending tonight alone for once since my colleagues are scattered on separate assignments. No doubt we'll end up playing 21 questions again over some drinks.
I sure hope one of them doesn't involve why there is a Mad Dog belonging to Clan Smoke Jaguar under lockdown in my personal Mechbay. Guess we'll find out.
Sergeant Aldrik " Starwolf"
Intelligence Officer of the 'Reaper's Wraith'
Edited by starwolf1991, 30 January 2015 - 07:45 PM.
Posted 30 January 2015 - 07:44 AM
Posted 30 January 2015 - 09:14 AM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 19 March 2015 - 07:25 PM.
Posted 30 January 2015 - 09:26 PM
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