Strum Wealh, on 08 August 2016 - 12:03 PM, said:
IMO, it's neither fair or accurate to blame DBZ (or DB in general) and SM for the failings of the Clans...

I don't blame either for the Clans. I simply said they appeal to the same mindest of confusing poorly written, flashy piles of pooh for being good. DB followed even more predictable episodic structures than even Voltron did...and you KNEW every episode was going to end with forming Voltron and using the Flaming Sword to cut the Robeast in half!
As opposed to good, well written (and generally better illustrated) anime like Appleseed, Akira, Patlabor, New Domnion Tank Police, Ghost in the Shell (though stand alone complex was crap) Macross, Votoms, etc, etc, etc.
Indicative of the same 90s mentality to at overhyped Wolverine and Punisher as the supposed end all be all characters of Marvel, brought sword swinging Gundams to Battletech and largely ruined rock music til the middle of the 2000s.
(Yes, I generally wish that the decade from 1994-2003 could be wiped from existence, as it was generally a creative graveyard filled with realyl limp offerings like NuMetal, DBZ, etc. Not that I have any kind of strongly opinionated bias about it or anything, though.)
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 08 August 2016 - 12:51 PM.