Mead, on 08 February 2016 - 01:30 PM, said:
Rather I was agreeing with you, a few pages back, one of the posters basicly said, how is that realistic?!? So I cited what the chin mounted chain gun on my Apache would do, when shooting it... He the process to say that hardly makes me qualified to offer comment on how realistic a CoF mechanic would be...
1453 R, on 08 February 2016 - 01:11 PM, said:
So explain to me, Bishop, how my JIIC(O), with six SRM-4s and enough ammo to keep them fed, doesn't rule the roost with these changes. I'm a small, maneuverable light 'Mech - people have trouble hitting me when they get pinpoint aim. Now, the proposed CoF changes require players to stand still, bottom out their heat bar, and sacrifice significant tonnage to sniper equipment to have any remote chance of hitting a moving, evading light beyond 400m.
So, I basically get free run of the battlefield outside 400m, provided I don't make myself into Lurmbait.
The effective range of my SRMs is, for the purpose of clean arguments, about 300m. I don't get a lot of tightly clustered hits there, of course, but SRM-4s can land damage out to ~300m with range module. Since I'm using SRMs I don't give a whack for CoF-reduction modules which are now otherwise mandatory for all direct-fire 'Mechs and can freely equip cSRM-4 range and refire.
Enemies have roughly a hundred meters in which they could hope to accurately hit me before I can hit them. My particular JIIC(O) is unusually slow (255cXL), so only hits ~126kph. Do some basic conversion math, that Jenner hits 'bout 35 meters a second footspeed if my brain is working today. So...just about three seconds of engagement time for my enemies, where they can reliably hit me before I can hit them (provided the game reports speed accurately. personally, I'm pretty sure I actually cover 100 meters a lot quicker than three seconds, but still. Math for the Math God).
Once inside that 300m range, of course, I have a quick-cycling 48-point salvo that does not give a rat for your CoF nonsense. My JIIC(O) has more brawling power than a number of heavy 'Mechs and a handful of assault designs. If your direct-fire platform suffers the same degree of spread/inaccuracy as my SRM launchers...well. We all know exactly who's going to win that engagement unless I manage to blow it beyond comprehension.
This is, of course, assuming the enemy is aware of my attack and is specifically targeting me as I close in. They have three seconds in which to try and land a hit and discourage my run, which translates to precisely one shot given most MWO weapons' cycle times. They don't get time for a follow-up before I'm ramming missiles up their robo-rectums.
Do you feel like you can disable an evading JIIC(O), reliably, with one singular shot, in whatever you pilot, Bishop?
How many Bulltrue medals did you get, back in the Halo days?
Anyways. Even exempting concerns over the iron-fisted dominance of the SRM Shotgun Meta, should a CoF thing go's just not good game design. Not in a game where every single individual shell in a weapon, or bolt fired from an energy gun, has to count. One single miss in a close-fought duel can decide the fate of an entire match in MWO and we all know it.
Is it really fair for that one shot to be decided by RNGsus, and not the player making the shot?
Actually I find the spread on SRM's with out Artemis about right, based off of what I'd see when using rocket pods on the inner mounts when we had them on the Apache.... Was fun to see them pepper the area.