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Patch Notes - - 17-Feb-2021

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 02:31 PM

MechWarrior Online

February 2021 Patch Notes

Patch Date and Time - Feb 16th 2021 @ 10AM – 1PM PDT - Downtime can last from 1 to 2 hours

Version Number:

Size: 38MB

Please note that due to compression differences the Steam patch size may be larger than the standalone client patch size.

Patch Files (Direct Download) - http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/frontend/FrontendPatch_383.zip

Greetings MechWarriors!

Although it's not the largest patch in terms of looking back at the patch history of MechWarrior Online, it is a big step forward for the future of MWO. It is the return of regular MWO patches. It is the return of MWO development. It is the return of a dedicated, growing MWO dev team. And for those of us already on the team, it is the return to a game and community that we all love. To all of you who have already contributed to the discussion, on the forums, and elsewhere, thank you. These are the beginnings of the results of your efforts. As we continue to move forward on the MWO roadmap for 2021, the patches will grow in significance, and so will the need for your input. For those that are interested, but haven't contributed yet, there's no better time to start! We have a lot of work to do this year, and the sooner you get involved, the more of an impact you can have. Let's do this!

The MechWarrior Online Team


Bolt-ons, Stay on - Global Change

In this patch, we changed every bolt-on in the game so they will NOT fall off when damaged unless they are attached to a component that is destroyed. This was a change to a significant number of bolt-ons. (There are 12,238 bolt-ons in the game mostly due to duplication)

However, we have received some crucial feedback about the impact this could have on gameplay. We have heard this feedback and agree that some bolt-ons SHOULD fall off. Specifically, bolt-ons that can give players a false impression of weapons or hit box locations. So we need your help to determine which bolt-ons do this. We will be posting a forum thread where players can name the critical bolt-ons and provide a screenshot (of the bolt-on equipped on a mech in the front end where you don't have to buy it). In most cases, 1 shot per bolt-on type should be sufficient. We are looking for specific and actionable items. Please avoid spamming opinions in this thread such as "delete all bolt-ons" as it's non-constructive. Another reason to keep that thread clean and clear is so we can quickly address the offending bolt-ons and have the change out for the March Patch. Yes, that is right we are going to be living with the current bolt-on situation until the next patch.

The final reason to not spam that thread with an opinion is that we have added a new item to our Road map. That new item added to the road maps is.....*drum roll*... Make the rendering of bolt-ons an option in player preferences. YES, we have heard your feedback and we agree that this is the best way forward. This way players can enjoy the game the way they choose, with or without bolt-ons. We don't have a specific date for this change yet but we will be doing an initial investigation during this month and we hope to give you an update with our next Dev Vlog or the Roadmap update.

Living with the current bolt-on situation from Feb 16th to March 16th may frustrate some players but please look at the process we are using to drive changes in the game this year. Understand that we are often listening to a variety of conflicting opinions and doing our best to take everyone's input into account when making decisions. We think this decision is an example of our commitment to listening and adjusting our plans to serve the community and the game the best way possible.

Reconnection Time Limit and Early Leaver punishment threshold change

  • Change the Reconnection Time limit from 2 to 4 minutes to rejoin a match
  • Change the Early Leaver punishment threshold from 2 to 4 minutes
We hope this change will allow players to reconnect to matches when they have connection or crash issues. Please note your mech will remain in the game so it could be destroyed by the time you return.

Also, understand that Yoloing and purposely disconnecting from a match results in a negative experience for the rest of the players in the game. If the match isn't going your way, tough it out, it builds character and you always have an opportunity for another kill or to rally the team for a victory. If you are leaving due to unpleasant VOIP spam, muting and blocking the offending party will mute them in future matches, and reporting their behavior is helpful for our customer service department to maintain a positive community or enforce the COC rules. If you are leaving early because of groups in quickplay please know we are looking to remove groups from the solo queue. It's on the roadmap and we hope to give you updated criteria for making this happen along with an ETA on when we hope to do the work. This information should be present in the next road map update.

Reduce Unit Recruitment Costs

Reduced unit Recruitment Cost by 90%.

# of Members already in Unit

OLD Cost

New Cost 10%

1 (Unit Leader)





















Increase the Cadet Bonus

Increased the Cadet bonus C-Bills and added additional rewards. We will not retroactively reward these new C-bill values or items to old accounts.

Match #

Original C-Bills

New C-Bill Rewards

New Items








Common Supply Cache




50 MC Redeem Bundle








Common Supply Cache




50 MC Redeem Bundle




Cockpit Mounted - Retro Arcade Warhorn




Common Supply Cache




Cockpit Standing - MWO MUG




50 MC Redeem Bundle








25 GSP Redeem Bundle








Uncommon Supply Cache




25 GSP Redeem Bundle








50 MC Redeem Bundle




Cockpit Mounted - Retro Handheld Warhorn




Rare Supply Cache




25 GSP Redeem Bundle








Cockpit Hanging - C-Bill Medallion




Ultra Rare Supply Cache












Time of day Speed Set to 0 for 6 Maps + New default times selected

6 maps had Dynamic Time of Day where the lighting would progress from approximately 7:30 am to 7:30 PM over the course of 15 minutes. (Most matches last 8 to 10 minutes) We have set the time of day speed to zero and set a new default time per map.

  • These time of day settings were chosen for this patch based on the existing lighting.
  • Our choices were based on gameplay visibility first and atmosphere second.
  • Please understand that they will likely be further adjusted in Q2-Q3.
  • We hope to be able to offer more variety in the future.
  • Crimson Strait received the most drastic change so let us know what you think. (were calling it Crimson Strait Dusk)
  • We are open to your feedback.

Here are the New settings:

Forest Colony - 10:00 AM

Frozen City - 08:00 AM

River City - 10:00 AM

Polar Highlands - 08:00 AM

Viridian Bog - 02:00 PM

Crimson Strait - 06:45 PM

Minor Content

MechWarrior Online Comp Series Titles and Badges

CS 2020 Gold Champ

CS 2020 Silver Champ

CS 2020 Bronze Champ

CS 2020 Top 12 Qualifier

CS 2020 Participant

CS 2020 Referee

Solaris Season Reset

  • Current Solaris Season Leaderboards Archived
  • Solaris Season Leaderboards Reset
  • Solaris Season Rewards Injected

Minor Bug Fix

  • LightGaussRifle minheatpenaltylevel="3" changed to minheatpenaltylevel="4"

Patch Files (Direct Download)

To make the patching process easier for players with limited download caps, we'll be providing direct download links for the patch file(s) that comprise this patch. This will allow you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, for manual injection into the MWO patcher through a Patch Cache folder.
Aside from allowing you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, on another connection, there are no additional benefits to performing the patch this way; the patching process itself will be the same.
This direct patch download process will only work for players running the standalone client. It does not apply to players running MWO through Steam.

Patch File(s): - http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/frontend/FrontendPatch_383.zip

How to use these patch files
• Download the above file(s)
• For sake of ease, we recommend creating a dedicated folder for the patch file(s), such as 'MWO Patch Cache'
• You do not need to unzip or unpack the patch file(s)
• Launch the MWO Portal
• Select the three horizontal lines in the top left of the Portal Window
• Choose the 'Specify Patch File Cache' option
• In the field that appears, paste or enter the location in which you saved the patch file(s) and hit OK
• For example, C:\Users\<username>\Documents\MWO Patch Cache
• Click the blue Patch button
• The launcher will now check the Patch Cache folder you defined. If it locates the required patch files, it will unpack and use those files to apply the patch.
• Once the patch is complete, launch the game

#2 ShogunKid


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 02:36 PM


#3 NeckWorrier


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 02:41 PM

View PostShogunKid, on 12 February 2021 - 02:36 PM, said:



#4 Gold13


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 02:46 PM

# of Members already in Unit - OLD Cost - New Cost 10%
1 (Unit Leader) - $50,000,000 - $5,000,000

^ This a typo? I don't remember it costing 50 mil to start a unit but it's been a few years lol

Edited by Gold13, 12 February 2021 - 02:47 PM.

#5 Brauer


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 02:49 PM

Thank you for putting a bolt-ons on/off toggle on the roadmap and for including the CS titles and such in this patch. I hope you all are able to add the toggle sooner rather than later and appreciate that you all are responding to this feedback.

#6 YouKnowNothing


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 02:56 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 12 February 2021 - 02:31 PM, said:

muting and blocking the offending party will mute them in future matches

Unfortunately, this does not work. At least, not all the time. There's been plenty of occasions when we have to unblock, mute, and then block the person again. And then repeat that the next match, and so on, and so on.

EDIT: Clarification: we had to do that because even blocked, you can still hear the person talking sometimes. Oh, and also, you can still see/hear them spamming the command wheel too. Some people really love doing that.

Edited by YouKnowNothing, 12 February 2021 - 03:27 PM.

#7 Ratsnacker


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 03:03 PM

And so it begins! This is a good start IMO.

Obviously not everyone will be happy with all changes (I actually don't mind Groups in Solo, and I predominantly play solo), but this shows you are actively trying to improve the experience for long term players as well as increase the player base, which benefits us all.

#8 Alilua


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 03:11 PM

Fare thee well dynamic time of day. May you feature in other games.

#9 Heavy Money


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 03:24 PM

Great work devs!

#10 crazytimes


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 03:38 PM

Why go to all this effort for bolt ons? Almost no one uses them, and to avoid the tiny chance I actually see one- I will be turning off rendering the moment that becomes an option.

Where was the community demand for permanent bolt ons that made it the absolute top priority after 2 years of zero changes?

#11 TercieI


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 03:43 PM

View PostGold13, on 12 February 2021 - 02:46 PM, said:

# of Members already in Unit - OLD Cost - New Cost 10%
1 (Unit Leader) - $50,000,000 - $5,000,000

^ This a typo? I don't remember it costing 50 mil to start a unit but it's been a few years lol

It didn't always. It's changed a few times.

#12 Heavy Money


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 03:43 PM

View Postcrazytimes, on 12 February 2021 - 03:38 PM, said:

Why go to all this effort for bolt ons? Almost no one uses them, and to avoid the tiny chance I actually see one- I will be turning off rendering the moment that becomes an option.

Where was the community demand for permanent bolt ons that made it the absolute top priority after 2 years of zero changes?

Almost no one uses them because they fall off.

#13 Nukebirb


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 03:46 PM

Sure be nice if y'all could inject those cadet rewards for those of us who didn't just join the game, mmmmhm.

#14 Will9761


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 04:06 PM

My thoughts on some of these features

Bolt-ons, Stay on - Global Change - I like this change. Why bother buying bolt-ons if they are just going to fall off in one shot? To me, it seems like a huge waste of money and time, but I get the other side as well, understanding how some bolt-ons can harm the game. What I like further about this idea is how PGI is planning to add a "Turn On/Off" Feature for bolt-ons. Now this action shows how PGI is willing to cooperate with the community and I applaud them for it.

Reconnection Time Limit and Early Leaver punishment threshold change - Yes, finally! There are times where the game crashes on me and I try to log in as fast as I can, only to come back in and get destroyed in the process. To add insult to injury, the game likes to give me penalties for disconnecting prematurely because of this. I like the 4 minute leniency of this change because sometimes, crap happens unexpectedly.

Reduce Unit Recruitment Costs - I'm still not a fan of unit taxing, so I'm indifferent to this one.

Increase the Cadet Bonus - I really love this idea. Offering supply caches, colors and MC, is a very good way to reward new players for playing the game. I fully support this change.

Overall, these changes are a step in the right direction. I can't wait to see these changes happen in game.

#15 Absaint


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 04:10 PM

Good work on getting the ball rolling!

Can we players who already did the cadet mission a few months ago get those warhorns? I need them!

#16 PraetorGix


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 04:16 PM

Well, we have to start somewhere, hope this humble patch is indeed the first of many more!

#17 AizakG


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 04:40 PM

Fantastic. Glad to see a date nailed down. Also...


Make the rendering of bolt-ons an option in player preferences

This is an amazing solution to all of the issues with bolt-ons, and please give a raise to whoever thought of it -- or it was a player, give them a mechpack or something. I am highly satisfied with the current trajectory. We're all counting on you guys. Good luck.

#18 Navid A1


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 04:45 PM

Nice one on the bolt-on situation.

Also very nice update on cadet bonus prizes. That's how it should have been.

Edited by Navid A1, 12 February 2021 - 04:52 PM.

#19 remnar


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 04:52 PM

I think cadet bonus should be fully retroactive. I know many of my friends have recently gotten back into MWO after years of not playing and are having a blast - and having the boost from the new cadet bonus would be really good for us.

#20 Clay Endfield


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 05:12 PM

Also, understand that Yoloing and purposely disconnecting from a match results in a negative experience for the rest of the players in the game. If the match isn't going your way, tough it out, it builds character and you always have an opportunity for another kill or to rally the team for a victory. If you are leaving due to unpleasant VOIP spam, muting and blocking the offending party will mute them in future matches, and reporting their behavior is helpful for our customer service department to maintain a positive community or enforce the COC rules. If you are leaving early because of groups in quickplay please know we are looking to remove groups from the solo queue. It's on the roadmap and we hope to give you updated criteria for making this happen along with an ETA on when we hope to do the work. This information should be present in the next road map update.

Been toughing it out, waiting for PGI to fix spawn locations. Nothing quite like spawning an Annihilator in Alpha lance only to get mauled by the opposing teams' Alpha lance light mechs within the first minute of the match do to stupid spawn locations. Yeah, that's fun.

Or how about getting stuck in an endless cycle of Polar Highlands, because LURMEers are out in force? I love wasting 5 minutes of my valuable leisure time walking to an LRM spam hell where I can do nothing but get shredded without any possible means of countering the incoming onslaught.

Don't tell us to tough out PGI's questionable game design, like we're the ones responsible for the mess; that's just asking for community backlash.

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