01: Jenner - generic Draconis Combine emblem
02: Atlas - no insignia
03: Hunchback - generic Federated Suns emblem
04: Dragon - no insignia
05: Catapult - 4th Tau Ceti Rangers
06: Centurion - 39th Avalon Hussars
07: Commando - 10th Lyran Regulars
08: Awesome - 1st Regulan Hussars
09: Raven - 1st Crucis Lancers
10: Cicada - 3rd Hussars
11: Cataphract - Waco Rangers
12: Stalker - Grim Determination
13: Trebuchet - 17th Donegal Guards
14: JagerMech - Simonson's Cutthroats
15: Spider - Black Omen
16: Flea - 2nd Night Stalkers
17: Highlander - Hansen's Roughriders
18: Blackjack - 4th Deneb Light Cavalry
19: Orion - 15th Marik Militia
20: Victor - Davion Heavy Guards RCT
21: Quickdraw - Warrior House Lu Sann
22: Locust - 3rd Fusiliers of Oriente
23: Shadow Hawk - Dynasty Guard
24: Thunderbolt - Genyosha (1st, 2nd)
25: BattleMaster - Smithson's Chinese Bandits
26: Kintaro - 1st Ghost Regiment
27: Wolverine - Robinson Battle Academy
28: Griffin - 17th Recon Regiment ("Camacho's Caballeros")
29: Masakari - Clan Wolf, Iota Galaxy
30: Mad Cat - Clan Smoke Jaguar, Alpha Galaxy
31: Ryoken - Clan Jade Falcon, Delta Galaxy
32: Puma - Clan Ghost Bear, Omicron Galaxy
33: Daishi - Clan Smoke Jaguar, Epsilon Galaxy
34: Thor - Clan Diamond Shark, Beta Galaxy
35: Black Hawk - Clan Nova Cat, Alpha Galaxy
36: Uller - Clan Steel Viper, Beta Galaxy
37: Firestarter - Canned Heat
38: Banshee - 4th Arkab Legion
39: Vindicator - 5th McCarron's Armored Calvary
40: Koshi - Clan Smoke Jaguar, Delta Galaxy
41: Fenris - Clan Wolf, Delta Galaxy
42: Loki - Clan Ghost Bear, Alpha Galaxy
43: Man O War - Clan Jade Falcon, Gamma Galaxy
44: Vulture - Clan Wolf, Beta Galaxy
45: King Crab - Greenburg's Godzillas
46: Panther - Sword of Light (1st or 2nd)
47: Enforcer - Raman Draconis March Militia
48: Grasshopper - Bronson's Horde
49: Zeus - 15th Arcturan Guards
50: UrbanMech - Kirkpatrick's Invaders
51: Gladiator - no emblem/insignia
52: Cauldron-Born - no emblem/insignia
53: Shadow Cat - no emblem/insignia
54: Hankyu - no emblem/insignia
55: Wolfhound - no emblem/insignia
56: Crab - no emblem/insignia
57: Black Knight - no emblem/insignia
58: Mauler - no emblem/insignia
59: Marauder - no emblem/insignia
60: Highlnder IIC - no emblem/insignia
61: Orion IIC - no emblem/insignia
62: Hunchback IIC - no emblem/insignia
63: Jenner IIC - no emblem/insignia
64: Warhammer - no emblem/insignia
65: Rifleman - no emblem/insignia
66: Archer - no emblem/insignia
67: Kodiak - no emblem/insignia
68: Phoenix Hawk - Crescent Hawks
69: Dragonfly: - no emblem/insignia
70: Cyclops - no emblem/insignia
71: Night Gyr - no emblem/insignia
Federated Suns (House Davion): 7
Draconis Combine (House Kurita): 6
Capellan Confederation (House Liao): 4
Free Worlds League (House Marik): 3
Lyran Commonwealth (House Steiner): 3
Free Rasalhague Republic: 1
Mercenaries: 12
Clan Diamond Shark: 1
Clan Ghost Bear: 2
Clan Jade Falcon: 2
Clan Nova Cat: 1
Clan Smoke Jaguar: 3
Clan Steel Viper:1
Clan Wolf: 3
Lone Wolves, no emblem/insignia: 22
Hero 'Mechs:
- Yen-Lo-Wang (Justin Allard) - FedSuns (MIIO operative)
- Ilya Muromets (Grigori Kovalenko) - CapCon (independent merc)
- Fang & Flame (Donald & Martin Takeda) - DCMS (Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy instructors)
- Death's Knell (Bono Duganmare) - LCAF (22nd Skye Rangers)
- Pretty Baby (Danielle Peterson) - AFFS (Chisholm's Raiders)
- The X-5 (Leopold Crawford) - FWLM (Gibson Federated BattleMechs test pilot)
- Heavy Metal (Rhonda Snord) - Merc (Snord's Irregulars)
- Misery (J. Elliot Jamison) - Merc (Wolf's Dragoons)
- Firebrand (Donald Vincent) - Merc (independent merc)
- Dragon Slayer (Ardan Sortek) - AFFS (Prince's Champion)
- Golden Boy (unknown pilot) - (unknown affiliation)
- Protector (Aleksandr Kerensky) - original Star League Defense Force (from one of Kerensky's formal titles: "Protector of the Star League"); later salvaged & rebuilt as a standard ON1-K for Theodore Kurita
- Boar's Head (Rodney Van Kleven) - AFFS (6th Syrtis Fusiliers)
- Jester (Leigh Voss) - (unknown affiliation)
- Oxide (unknown pilot) - (unknown affiliation)
- Grid Iron (unknown pilot) - (unknown affiliation)
- Ember (Portia Ryan) - Pirate (Scourge Company, Tortuga Dominion)
- La Malinche ("El Guapo") - Merc (Old Crows)
- Huginn (Odin Sigurd) - Kungsarme (unknown unit)
- IV-Four (Ivy Upsalom) - Pirate (Redjack Ryan's pirate 'Mech force)
- Loup de Guerre (Peter Chandler) - FWLM (Regulan Hussars)
- The Arrow (Michael Ubodo) - AFFS (8th Deneb Light Calvary)
- HellSlinger (unknown pilot) - original Star League Defense Force (Martial Olympiad competition unit)
- Anansi (unknown pilot) - (unknown affiliation)
- St. Ives' Blues (Michael Jones) - SIMC (2nd St. Ives Lancers)
- Sparky (Elle Bennett) - LCAF (5th Donegal Guards)
- Pirates' Bane (Lori Kalmar-Carlyle) - Merc (Gray Death Legion)
- Gray Death (Grayson Carlyle) - Merc (Gray Death Legion)
- Top Dog (Mary Tallman) - AFFS (Bremond Draconis March Militia)
- Quarantine (unknown pilot) - (unknown affiliation)
- Bounty Hunter II (The Bounty Hunter) - Merc (Independent Merc)
- Black Widow (Natasha Kerensky) - Merc (Wolf's Dragoons)
- Legend Killer (Gray Norton) - Merc (Independent Merc & Solaris Gladiator)
- Tempest (Morgan Kell) - Merc (Kell Hounds)
- Spirit Bear (Laurie Tseng) - CGB (332nd Assault Cluster)
- Roc (Paul Masters) - FWLM (1st Knights of the Inner Sphere)
- Kuroi Kiri (Shin Yodama) - DCMS (14th Legion of Vega)
- Medusa (Dwilt Radick) - CW (16th Battle Cluster)
- Sleipnir (Ariana Winston) - Merc (Eridani Light Horse)
- Jade Kite (Timur Malthus) - CJF (Turkina Keshik)
Your thoughts?
Edited by Strum Wealh, 26 May 2016 - 08:47 AM.