So, I'm kinda tired of seeing all these posts and threads about how "Performance is never rewarded" and "Everyone always earns the same average c-bills every round no matter how much damage they do".
Sure. That seems sound superficially. But I think many of you forgot that you're playing a Mechwarrior game. Mechwarrior games do reward performance. They just don't reward the same kind of performance that many non-veterans are used to.
The Battletech universe is a dystopia, coming out of a severe technological dark age. Working tech is scarce. Bullets, Ammo, even scraps of Armor are worth their weight in gold.
Does this sound like the kind of world where players would get rewarded for blowing up all the perfectly good armor, ammo, and equipment on the enemy Mechs? Hell no. It sounds like the kind of world that rewards players for killing pilots and saving as much of that technology as possible.
And it does.
I'm sure some of you have seen these pictures a half dozen times already. You're probably sick of them. Well, I'm kind of sick of posting them. But c'est la vie.
High Damage + Low Efficiency = Low C-bill Rewards

Low Damage + High Efficiency = High C-bill Rewards

Note the Salvage bonuses in particular.
This is where performance is rewarded in MWO.
You don't get points for blowing the crap out of precious tech. You get points for sparing that tech and killing the pilot.
Kill the Meat, Save the Metal.