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Ask The Devs 32 - Answered!

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#101 Malora Sidewinder


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Posted 02 March 2013 - 05:57 PM

View PostHavok1978, on 22 February 2013 - 04:32 PM, said:

i may get hit for this.. but, any chance on real life swag items? for example, mechwarrior online tshirts, caps <possibly models hint hint>

would love to see some of the MWO artwork on a shirt or beanie. <cataphract with fraken paint scheme on meh head!> =)

View PostHavok1978, on 22 February 2013 - 04:32 PM, said:

i may get hit for this.. but, any chance on real life swag items? for example, mechwarrior online tshirts, caps <possibly models hint hint>

would love to see some of the MWO artwork on a shirt or beanie. <cataphract with fraken paint scheme on meh head!> =)

View PostHavok1978, on 22 February 2013 - 04:32 PM, said:

i may get hit for this.. but, any chance on real life swag items? for example, mechwarrior online tshirts, caps <possibly models hint hint>

would love to see some of the MWO artwork on a shirt or beanie. <cataphract with fraken paint scheme on meh head!> =)

View PostHavok1978, on 22 February 2013 - 04:32 PM, said:

i may get hit for this.. but, any chance on real life swag items? for example, mechwarrior online tshirts, caps <possibly models hint hint>

would love to see some of the MWO artwork on a shirt or beanie. <cataphract with fraken paint scheme on meh head!> =)

View PostHavok1978, on 22 February 2013 - 04:32 PM, said:

i may get hit for this.. but, any chance on real life swag items? for example, mechwarrior online tshirts, caps <possibly models hint hint>

would love to see some of the MWO artwork on a shirt or beanie. <cataphract with fraken paint scheme on meh head!> =)

YES THIS 1000000 times this.

i would buy every single model at $100 apiece. no joke.

#102 Abivard


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Posted 03 March 2013 - 03:37 PM

View PostNKAc Street, on 01 March 2013 - 08:50 AM, said:

It was not answered. The question was about MAP selection. M A P S E L E C T I O N.....

The DEVS answer may imply that the parameters in question would include the INABILITY to play specific PLAYERS, but I wanted clarification on that point since it was not mentioned.

If you know for a fact that we will not be able to play with specific players then we could be done with this exchange by pointing me towards what answers that question.

Do you know, or are you assuming the DEVS answer meant that specifically?

Maybe if you had asked the question in some kind of coherent way it would have been answered.

Why don't you do your own research instead of asking others to do your 'homework' for you.

#103 Sexport


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 04:10 PM

View PostDV McKenna, on 23 February 2013 - 06:12 AM, said:

First off lots of great info in here. Some points of contention could do with far more explanation.

While I know you can not say much about CW, can you tell us if a territory can be completely taken over or will each House have a core number of planets that can not be conquered?
A: No. A territory cannot be completely taken over. Players will only be able to fight over a select number of border planets.

This one i think has me the most concerned, we'e known for some time Mercs will fight over border worlds, factions will compete over planets based on some sort of influence system, and story important planets would be locked out.

However from this, what your actually saying is it won't be community warfare, it'll PGI warfare, it's a dicey one and i don't envy you guy's having to design it, but if its not engaging and there is no house wide grand tactic led by the players you will lose out to third party leagues, where players and teams get to make their own history.

This topic gravely concerns me and deserves more attention. I get the sense from the answer that CW is going the cop-out route, and it's the one angle to the game I've been most looking forward too. If all we get is a few skirmishes that represent faction A vs faction B with no world (galaxy) consequence... dreams crushed... When the game was being hyped, I truly got the sense that we'd be planet hopping and cutting into faction turf!

Doesn't this contradict what was stated about Faction Warfare in Dev Blog #1?
(yes I do understand that these were subject to change... but my god... that's one dramatic change that you guys seem to be flying in under the radar...)

Edited by Sexport, 05 March 2013 - 04:51 PM.

#104 Strum Wealh


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 06:39 PM

View PostSexport, on 05 March 2013 - 04:10 PM, said:

This topic gravely concerns me and deserves more attention. I get the sense from the answer that CW is going the cop-out route, and it's the one angle to the game I've been most looking forward too. If all we get is a few skirmishes that represent faction A vs faction B with no world (galaxy) consequence... dreams crushed... When the game was being hyped, I truly got the sense that we'd be planet hopping and cutting into faction turf!

Doesn't this contradict what was stated about Faction Warfare in Dev Blog #1?
(yes I do understand that these were subject to change... but my god... that's one dramatic change that you guys seem to be flying in under the radar...)

It seems that the issue is less CW being a "cop-out" and more about some people's overly-lofty expectations.

It's right there in Dev Blog 01:
"At its core, the territory battle is a fight for resources – planets. Planets are divided into three types. Each type requires a more active level of participation by the player and as a result earns a greater reward.
  • Core Worlds – Are managed by the dev team. These are worlds that necessary for future planning and part of major historical events.
  • Faction Worlds – Are fought over by Faction players. These planets buffer core and border worlds, and do not play a significant role in major historical events. Rewards for controlling these planets are directly linked to global bonuses and abilities associated with a player’s Faction.
  • Border Worlds – Are fought over via a contract bidding system by player run Mercenary Corporations. These planets change hands on a regular basis, and have no impact on historical events. Rewards for controlling a boarder world are significant and go directly to the occupying Merc Corp.
It’s important to state now, that worlds can change from Border to Faction to Core, or any combination thereof, at any time by the development team. This will be necessary to facilitate dramatic changes in faction territory control as we progress through some tumultuous times within the BattleTech® universe."

As stated, those worlds that play major parts within the in-universe "history" of BattleTech (such as each Successor State's capital and a few of their most important worlds, and otherwise-important worlds like Tukayyid) are the Core Worlds will be managed by the Devs.
By contrast (and also as stated), those worlds that players would be fighting over - the Faction Worlds and Border Worlds - "do not play a significant role in major historical events" and "change hands on a regular basis, and have no impact on historical events".

In other words: as far as in-universe "history" is concerned, we're the bit-players - the "other guys", the ODSTs to the Master Chiefs and the redshirts to the Captain Kirks - and the battles to be represented by the vast majority of player matches, while important to us, are merely the side-stories that serve as the footnotes of in-universe "history".
Granted, some may ultimately become more significant footnotes than others... but those lucky (or unlucky?) few will still be footnotes all the same; we're not meant to be the Justin Allards, or the Grayson Carlyles, or the Victor Steiner-Davions, or the Archer Christiforis, or the Aidan Prydes, or the Natasha Kerenskys.
And really... that's okay!

I suggest giving this post - and the materials linked within, especially at the beginning - a read... :D

#105 BlacKcuD


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Posted 07 March 2013 - 12:36 PM

View PostHavok1978, on 22 February 2013 - 04:32 PM, said:

i may get hit for this.. but, any chance on real life swag items? for example, mechwarrior online tshirts, caps &lt;possibly models hint hint&gt;

would love to see some of the MWO artwork on a shirt or beanie. &lt;cataphract with fraken paint scheme on meh head!&gt; =)

Awesome idea ;) They want to make money, I want my Atlas on my coffee cup!

#106 PoLaR


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Posted 07 March 2013 - 12:46 PM

View PostBlacKcuD, on 07 March 2013 - 12:36 PM, said:

Awesome idea ;) They want to make money, I want my Atlas on my coffee cup!

Agreed, I would open up my wallet for real MWO products for sure!

#107 Magik0012


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 01:21 PM

MWO-the T-shirt, MWO-the Coloring Book, MWO-the Lunch box, MWO-the Breakfast Cereal, MWO-the Flame Thrower!

#108 Hennessey


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 02:42 PM

^ The kids love this one. And last, but not least: MWO-the Doll.... Me.

#109 Steinar Bergstol


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Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:11 AM

The possibility of MWO swag is tantalizing indeed. And there is one type of merchandise I'd want more than anything.

MWO plastic mech model kits! Remember Revell's Robotech Defenders plastic model kits from the 80's? The kind you had to glue together and paint yourself? They used the classic unseen anime designs andt they were awesome! Articulated limbs, twistable torsos, the works! The LAMs could even transform!

I want to be able to put together an Alex Iglesias designed plastic mech, paint it up and gaze lovingly at it every time I sit down to play the game. Come on, Bryan! You can't tell me you wouldn't love having a line of MWO model kits on display in your office. :)

#110 Dark Scepter


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Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:22 PM

im late coming to the game but where are the clans? according to your timeline we are a third of the way through the invasion.

#111 RaNDoMPReCiSioN


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:10 AM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 22 February 2013 - 04:22 PM, said:

Servers – EU :

Seth: Could you clarify the answer last week concerning the split of US and UK players on different servers? I ask because a number of units have members from all around the world and it would be rough if we couldn't interact with them in the game.
A: For most regions, players will get to choose which servers to play on. So if you have a friend in the UK that want to play with US players, they can log into NA servers. This holds true for NA players, who can log into EU servers and play with friends there. Final details are still evolving, so this information is subject to change.

WolvesX: Is a server split really necessary, could there not be just the option, before a match where to play (EU / NA) and the community could stay together (Worldwide ComWar, Units)?
A: To offer the best possible play experience and customer support for each region, yes we believe regional servers are the best choice. For most regions, players will still have the option to play on any server.

This answers what I asked way back in August/September. This tells me exactly what I wanted to hear. Thank you for the prompt reply :)

#112 Viper69


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:22 AM

Yeah, completely ignore my question of...

Why the reversal on the "no coolant flush in game".

Unless I missed it in there.

#113 Kill Killmore


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 09:48 AM

This has probably been asked/answered somewhere but here we go again! Could you guys please make the GLOBAL CHAT window as a toggle on/off. The amount of SPAM,,garbage and craziness been sent over WHACKED!! Insults,hate,slurs,racial non sense...etc. You will probably answer to report user/game..etc. Even if the abusive user gets banned, he will just create another account.

gracias KILLMORE

#114 Mordynak


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 10:43 AM

Killmore. They have finished this weeks Ask the Devs.

They are on Ask the Devs 34 now...

Also, your question was answered in Ask the Devs 33


Werewolf486: Can we have an On/Off switch for chat?

A: No plans.

Edited by Mordynak, 21 March 2013 - 10:43 AM.

#115 Sir Ratburger


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Posted 06 April 2013 - 04:43 AM

My question is simple - when will you fix these horrendous map bugs. I get them at least 6 out of 10 matches. they are either .....

1 - no map at all - no map and when you press b a cursour appears with no map at all.
2- a bunched up map - all your points are bunched up and your 'direction point' is locked south.
3- fantastically coloured rainbow maps - does not display any info and is pretty much the same as no 2 apart from the fact the mini map is coloured with pretty rainbow colours.

it happens a lot and i hear people complaining about it almost every round.

#116 Pando


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Posted 07 April 2013 - 07:00 AM

View PostSir Ratburge, on 06 April 2013 - 04:43 AM, said:

My question is simple - when will you fix these horrendous map bugs. I get them at least 6 out of 10 matches. they are either .....

1 - no map at all - no map and when you press b a cursour appears with no map at all.
2- a bunched up map - all your points are bunched up and your 'direction point' is locked south.
3- fantastically coloured rainbow maps - does not display any info and is pretty much the same as no 2 apart from the fact the mini map is coloured with pretty rainbow colours.

it happens a lot and i hear people complaining about it almost every round.

I think you mis-understood the purpose of this thread. It is the answered thread. Meaning, questions have been answered. You would have to ask questions, in the ASK thread...which is locked BTW pending answers...tomorrow on monday.

#117 ShadowDarter


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 12:48 AM

All i can say is that Master Twigg throws out to many questions.....

T W I G G ! ! !

(I'll catch your show when your next on the air..)

#118 RedDinamo


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 03:26 AM

How you intend to fight and distinguish players using the third-party software such as aim-bot and so on which can be downloaded with ease from third-party sites (the link I won't spread for the reasons clear to you)?

PS Sorry for my English (Promt) :P

Edited by RedDinamo, 08 April 2013 - 03:27 AM.

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