Wales Grey, on 28 February 2013 - 10:55 AM, said:
I think it's because the people accused of it indirectly support them.
Be it games where you always see those said nations as the bad guys heavily drawing from stereotypes, media that always shows them in that light, etc.
For instace, in your case, I agree Goons are far from what you've initially appeared to me. However, you still do stuff just to support the accusations, be it doing something of no harm you know will **** a few people off like liking your posts, or even directly supporting the image of anti-sociological group by earning places like Kraketora section, which is said to be a place for you and all the junk of the forum threads, or videos of victories against groups you have a quarrel with to things like sigs and so on...
It may not be really what goons are like, but I think we can agree that it doesn't even matter to you, sice you are strenghtening the image, rather than proving people wrong.