Edited by Nerroth, 03 June 2013 - 04:18 PM.

Technical Readout: 3145
Posted 03 June 2013 - 03:21 PM
Posted 03 June 2013 - 06:43 PM
Goldhawk, on 03 June 2013 - 02:11 PM, said:
Hey! You remember all those characters that you loved from year 3025-3067? Yea, the Blackists took most of them out.
News flash, tanks and infantry have always been around, and used, in greater number than battlemechs. Sure this is battletech and battlemechs are a major part of it, but I think a lot of people are forgetting that really a mechwarrior was like the elite of the elite and a majority of planets were defended by very few battlemechs and more so by infantry and combat vehicles.
But oh no no no, we can't have armies using combined arms, and producing combat vehicles that logically and logistically make more sense than a battlemech.
Also most of those characters from 3025-3067 weren't that great anyway *cough*PeterSteinerDavion*cough* [Disclaimer: I am not saying the new 3145 characters are any better. Damn plot armored little female dog that is Alaric Wolf.] and the Blakists were the "bad guys". Yeah...

How about helping the Free Worlds League (re)build ship yards prior to the Jihad? I'm sure that was a horrible idea. How about admitting that it was ComStar that destroyed several factories on several planets, and then rebuilding them to help those planets out? Whoops that was a horribly evil thing to do too wasn't it? How about bringing stability to worlds in the Chaos March in the form of the Word of Blake Protectorate? Awful idea right there.
You want someone to blame for the Jihad and following dark ages? Blame the Inner Sphere. The dissolution of the second Star League was the spark that lit that powder keg that had been building up since right after the halt of the Clan invasion.
Those elite Blakist Cyborgs? Those were really meant to fight the Clans when, not if, they resumed their march towards Terra.
How about the Wolf's Dragoons? Yeah, they show up with enough of a naval force to outright rival if not dwarf a majority of the Great House's Navies and no one bats a damn eye. Then they admit they were a scouting force for the Clans the entire time they were in the Inner Sphere before the Clans invade and there are no repercussions for it?

Don't even start with the "but the Blakists used nukes" BS line, because that is totally not something that every other faction in the Inner Sphere has done. Oh wait, how about three to four succession wars worth of them doing EXACTLY THAT, and leading to a major collapse of interstellar civilization and some of the worst, if not the worst, technological decline of the entire Battletech universe cannon.
This isn't some black and white issue here, every faction in the battletech universe is pretty damn evil/bad when you get right down to it.
Pro-Blakist rant aside, TRO 3145: Federated Suns has a few interesting things in it. Like they totally skip over there being a Templar II and jump straight to a Templar III omni mech.
The Atlas III has a "small shield" on each arm, and a "radical heat sink system", and that big gun on it's right arm? That is a Rotary AC/2 and it's detachable.

The Centurion in there is an Omni mech.
They have a 15 ton ultra light mech called the "Prey Stalker" that mounts 2 re-enginered medium lasers (that sounds like they do normal damage to reflective armor from the reading of the fluff text for them, and possibly even to hardened and ferro-lamellar armor, given what the SEC Gear card of the same name from the Clix minis game did.)
The Paladin Long Tom system is very nice, as is the 200 ton siege vehicle that mounts something like 40 tons of hardened armor on it.
Way too many XXL engines floating around in that book though for my liking. For the price of some of those XXL engines you could get a lance of Atlai, or get clan spec XL engines.
Edited by Evinthal, 03 June 2013 - 06:46 PM.
Posted 03 June 2013 - 10:30 PM
BTW: again i think that the tanks an BA are more interesting - like it was allready with ConCaps.
Only Mechs of the DC were better as the tanks.
Hm although: really nice i think its the first time that i see a Mech Mortar on a BattleMech in an TRO
In generall those new toys:
of different advance armor types and energy weapons made it much more challenging to create the ultimative battlemech:
those reinforced ballistic armor for example (don't have any rules yet) just text from the EraReport 3145 looks like some bonus vs ballistic and missile weapons but some quirks vs energy weapons.
On the other hand this Re-engineered laser can ignore the reflective armor - so that they look like the answer vs all armor types... but you can have 5 MLAS for the weight of two of these things.....
Edited by Karl Streiger, 03 June 2013 - 11:46 PM.
Posted 04 June 2013 - 04:59 AM

I really think Catalyst should've let him give it a proper redesign instead...
Posted 11 June 2013 - 09:03 PM

Posted 11 June 2013 - 10:26 PM
Adridos, on 11 June 2013 - 09:03 PM, said:

Blake I hope the League gets some awesome stuff.
I was so glad that TRO:3145 Federated Suns wasn't chalk full of uber goodness for the silly Davions, and I loved that TRO:3145 Capellan Confederation was one of the better ones. Nice to finally see the factions that have been over shadowed for so damn long start shining.
Posted 16 June 2013 - 02:32 PM
<Mgun>: In what order will we see the coming 3145 TROs?
<Habeas2>: Mgun - The sequence of the 3145 TROs is as follows: Mercs, Liao, Kurita, Davion, Marik, Steiner, and Clans.
<BrokenMnemonic>: Mr Beas, given the sequence you've described for the 3145 TROs, are you willing to let us know which will include Republic equipment, if any?
<Habeas2>: BrokenMnemonic - That would be the print TRO 3145.
<frank>: will clan wolf-in-exile stuff for 3145 been in steiner or clan tro
<Habeas2>: Frank - Steiner.
<Mgun>: What is the preliminary release time between the remaining 3145 TROs?
<Habeas2>: Mgun - In all honesty, as quickly as we can do it, to a minimum of two weeks between PDFs.
<Nova_Dew>: Will the print TRO 3145 be mostly things from the pdf's or will the pdf stuff be in the minority?
<Habeas2>: Nova_Dew - At present, the goal is that at least one fourth of the print TRO 3145 will cover units for the Republic of the Sphere faction, with some additional new content, and a mix of units from the PDFs.
<Oswald>: DO you know if AL the original WWiz Kids Dark Age designs are included with the TROs or did some get cut?
<Habeas2>: Oswald - Between the units in TR 3145, and the preceding TROs going back to 3075, all Dark Age units introduced in the WizKids MechWarrior Dar Age line should be covered. If we miss anything, it wasn't cut so much as overlooked.
<Nova_Dew>: so 1/4th will be TRO 3145 Republic with the other 3/4's being made up of new things for other people and machines from the PDF's... sorry im having a derp day
<Habeas2>: Nova_Dew - 3/4 will be highlights from the PDF TROs, with some added new features. A straight repetition of those units would be cheating, after all.
<Mgun>: How many of the TRO3145 PDF faction units will make it into the print product (rough percentage)?
<Habeas2>: Mgun - About 40% of each faction's units will be represented in the print TRO 3145
<DavidBowie>: stupid question: the 3145 TRO pdf covers all have its faction colors (green for Liao, purple for Marik, red for Kurita...). What will be the color theme of TRO Clans?
<Habeas2>: DavidBowie - Whatever layout decides. Probably brown.
<Nerroth>: To clarify a (potential) misunderstanding from the boards, will there indeed be a TRO:3145 Republic of the Sphere PDF; and will the units set to fill 1/4 of the print edition of TRO:3145 be drawn from that list?
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - We have not decided if there will be a stand-alone RotS PDF for TRO 3145.
<Nerroth>: If that is the case, would there then be a larger PDF release of the print edition, where the RAF (and/or any other factions not covered in the first seven volumes) will go instead?
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - I do not understand that question.
<Nerroth>: Traditionally, there would be a PDF release of each print TRO volume, and a separate PDF with all of the Record Sheets from that file. However, with the faction pdfs from 3145, the unit stats and Record Sheets have been grouped together. If there is no faction-specific RotS PDF, will they be part of the "old" way of doing electronic versions of TROs?
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - Oh. It is likely that the PDF for TRO 3145 print will have no Record Sheets in it (or will have only the "new" units' Record Sheets). An alternative we are considering is, of course, a two-volume RS 3145 Unabridged PDF offering.
<Nerroth>: I see, thanks.
<Nerroth>: Is it looking likely that ComStar will be in whatever file the RAF ends up on, or has it yet to be decided? (It seems less obvious for them to show up as an "associated faction" anywhere else.)
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - If ComStar makes an appearance, it will be as part of the Republic.
<Nerroth>: Duly noted, thanks.
Edited by Nerroth, 16 June 2013 - 02:38 PM.
Posted 18 June 2013 - 04:55 PM
Adridos, on 04 June 2013 - 04:59 AM, said:

I really think Catalyst should've let him give it a proper redesign instead...
I pitched a fit when I saw what they did the Hatchetman's left hand, was dumbstruck with horror when I saw the Atlas resculpt and nearly cried when they butchered my beloved Pack Hunter. The Wolfhound I was happy with though, I have not been happy with the head since they redesigned it on the WLF-2. Many of the DA original designs were hit and miss. I love the Thunder Fox while I despise the Shockwave.
Posted 25 June 2013 - 04:45 AM
Like the 55 ton Hunchback II... I mean Quasimodo. Or the Leonidas BA... which Leaguers are cool with selling to us.

Posted 25 June 2013 - 04:53 AM
Adridos, on 25 June 2013 - 04:45 AM, said:
Like the 55 ton Hunchback II... I mean Quasimodo. Or the Leonidas BA... which Leaguers are cool with selling to us.

WTF I have a newsletter spamming my email folders - and they forget to tell me???
Wait one - and bought.
Hm some of the "Artwork" reminds me at the darkes hours of TRO development - the TRO 3085 series....but the cool mechs like that Stalker looks sweet... although i have to say i hope that that thing will never made it to MWO..... 7 LLAS or 7 CERPPCs (lucky not 8 PPCs)
Edited by Karl Streiger, 25 June 2013 - 04:59 AM.
Posted 25 June 2013 - 05:06 AM
Karl Streiger, on 25 June 2013 - 04:53 AM, said:

WTF I have a newsletter spamming my email folders - and they forget to tell me???
Yeah, I was also quite suprised when I found out.
The official site had no announcement on it, but then I looked up the forums which had a thread saying it's time for LC TRO now that Leaguers are done...

Posted 25 June 2013 - 08:05 AM
The forums are always up to date, though. I would suggest to letting you notify whenever something is posted in this thread: http://bg.battletech...pic,2209.0.html
The moment a new product is available, it will show up there.

Posted 25 June 2013 - 10:05 AM
Nathan Foxbane, on 18 June 2013 - 04:55 PM, said:
The Thunder Fox, and the Stalking Spider (II technically) sculptures were some of my favorites from the Dark Age game.
Adridos, on 25 June 2013 - 04:45 AM, said:
Like the 55 ton Hunchback II... I mean Quasimodo. Or the Leonidas BA... which Leaguers are cool with selling to us.

The entire TRO: 3145 Marik is total WIN through out the entire thing. I don't think I saw a single thing in there that I took a look at and rolled my eyes at.
My favorites though from it have to be:
R10 Mechanized ICV, because it is relatively fast, well armored and has some good firepower to support the infantry it carries.
The Juliano for being a 4/6 90 ton 'mech with 4 clan spec streak-6 launchers and some back up medium and large lasers.
and the real winner:
The CSR-F100 Picaroon aerospace fighter. Sorry but 35 tons, with 75 front armor, 52 side armor and 45 after armor, and it is fast (8/12 thrust...), sure it only mounts a single Heavy PPC, but it is a beast on strafing runs. The CBT forums are calling it the Marik A-10 because of it.

Posted 25 June 2013 - 04:10 PM
Evinthal, on 25 June 2013 - 10:05 AM, said:
Recheck the Stalker II. With it on the cover, I as hoping for some bad *** slugger mech. instead, it's a nightmare for the poor pilot inside. Hardened armor with torso mounted cockpit and no arms? Good luck getting up if you get knocked down. It's missile weapon selection makes less sense, since it is as opposite it's beam weapon load out as possible. Swap the missiles for just about any other missile choice, and drop in some more heat sinks. I loved the new Stalker art, and had been hoping for a badass new version (Two Blazers and Two MML-9's would've been my pref), Instead, it's a very schizophrenic design, hard to pilot, slow but equipped for brawling and will be calling life alert constantly because it's fallen, and it can't get up.
Posted 25 June 2013 - 04:22 PM
Posted 25 June 2013 - 07:03 PM
Fenris Winson, on 25 June 2013 - 04:10 PM, said:
Recheck the Stalker II. With it on the cover, I as hoping for some bad *** slugger mech. instead, it's a nightmare for the poor pilot inside. Hardened armor with torso mounted cockpit and no arms? Good luck getting up if you get knocked down. It's missile weapon selection makes less sense, since it is as opposite it's beam weapon load out as possible. Swap the missiles for just about any other missile choice, and drop in some more heat sinks. I loved the new Stalker art, and had been hoping for a badass new version (Two Blazers and Two MML-9's would've been my pref), Instead, it's a very schizophrenic design, hard to pilot, slow but equipped for brawling and will be calling life alert constantly because it's fallen, and it can't get up.
First off: The no arm quirk means jack nothing if you aren't using those quirk rules.
Secondly: I am going out on a limb here and assuming you have never heard of the "Careful Standing" rule from TacOps. Which completely negate both of the hardened armor and torso mounted cockpit penalties when standing up.
Third: Optional rule for weight class modifiers to pilot skill rolls for falling negate the hardened and torso mounted cockpit penalties for falling too. (assaults give a +2 mod, which would negate the -1 from the torso cockpit and the -1 from the hardened armor)
Fourth: If you are putting a pilot crappy enough to consistently fail those pilot skill rolls then you deserve to have the Stalker II on it's *** for the entire game, and from the start too.
Fifth: ELRMs are meant to soften up targets as you close in, and with their range they can do a bit of softening up.
Maybe you rolled your eyes at it, but I certainly didn't as I could figure out ways around all of that, but hey, that was just me.
Sure it isn't the best, but that is why we don't get our hopes up when getting a new TRO for anything.
Edited by Evinthal, 25 June 2013 - 07:04 PM.
Posted 26 June 2013 - 08:52 AM
DireWolf307, on 25 June 2013 - 04:22 PM, said:
Well, DA was always going to be part of the Battletech Universe as soon as it was sanctioned by the company with rights to the franchise, so the only alternative to bringing it in line with the true Battletech game would be to either halt all development permanently as soon as the game caught up to that point in history, or do -another- time jump to some period even further past the DA period.
Personally, I loved the DA period, as it highlighted just how, even with all the benefits of peace and stability right in front of them, people will choose to throw it all away, remember all the old grudges, and grab a gun as soon as things get a little rough. That, and how good people can sometimes do nothing more than watch their nation fall because that's what everyone else wants.
Then again, I guess I'm always the odd person in any group, because I don't go with the crowd when people claim how bad Star Wars I, II, and III were.
Posted 26 June 2013 - 05:25 PM
Nerroth, on 26 June 2013 - 04:53 PM, said:
A Scourge and a Zeus-X.
Man I really hope this TRO isn't filled with stupid XXL engines. I like the Zeus, but the Zeus-X is just a nope for me. Sorry, I'd rather not pay 85 MILLION some CBills for a single Zeus.
Scourge looks interesting though, from the cover it has at least 3 Medium/ER Medium lasers, and a Gauss Rifle, and maybe jump jets.
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