hammerreborn, on 02 March 2013 - 07:27 PM, said:
I also love how that tool Carlyle isn't reporting these comments but reports mine. Birds of a feather flock together I guess.
And I've been on all sides too, and you're still wrong, so you got that going for you.
Clearly you haven't.. or you would be very annoyed that as a light you have a real big problem with a bunch of 3Ls,
as a missile support mech, you'd be disgusted that some toolbag that put 1.5 tons of tiny equipment on his mech in the mechlab and forgot about it has required you to train a laser on him in order to use 3-20+ tons of your weaponry just for the chance to fire at him.
You'd be very annoyed that bringing missiles to a map where LoS is utterly impossible to maintain (namely anywhere with snipers) that in order for your team to defeat the enemy teams ECM, you have to have MORE ECM than them.
Mystere, on 02 March 2013 - 07:29 PM, said:
And what makes you think I also haven't? Unlike you, though, I do not consider ECM an issue because they can be dealt with with the proper load out. In fact, I like gunning for ECM-equipped mechs, and that's without using one myself. Heck, I even use streaks and LRMs to kill them.
Well so could my MFC and DFG from a few pages ago.. but nobody was clamoring for that..
Any time the odds are in your favor with ECM (You have more than them) missiles can happen.
The big problem with you two is: You both actually DO see the problem with a tiny piece of equipment eliminating an entire class of weapons, you just like that they aren't your favorite weapons.
hammerreborn, on 02 March 2013 - 07:29 PM, said:
Also because clearly you know nothing, it's calle the light guass rifle, this weapon already exists (falls in the clan period for release date) for the exact reason you mentioned.
Jesus you have no clue
Edit: looked it up, 3056
Yeah.. I did know about the Light Gauss, I know the Heavy Gauss, and the Hyper-Assault Gauss Rifles.. none of them weigh 4 tons, or take up 4 critical slots, or do standard Gauss damage..
But good try.