Bilbo, on 15 March 2013 - 10:26 AM, said:
Sure I agree with the point about more players and assault mode and larger maps.
I'm not frightened of assault mode, nor do I particularly hate it. As a unit we have good tactics for capping, and for defending base, so I'm OK with it as a win condition when we either need to use it or it's the best option. I do prefer TDM though. What bothers me is people coming up with reasons why TDM is a bad idea. It's already been confirmed, so at some point it will be playable, and it will be optional, so those who don't like it don't have to play it.
hammerreborn, on 15 March 2013 - 10:28 AM, said:
And when 8 lights charge to this point at the start of the map, and cap it before you can conceivably kill them all, you'll be right back in here crying.
I'm not crying dude, I'm just pointing out a reasonable solution to the "last man standing and running scenario". I don't even care about that scenario. I played NBT for years and we just either found and killed the last man standing, or he survived and saved his unit a mech. I don't need a way to handle that scenario, I'll just deal with it.