im so F'in sick and tired of these OP threads both for LRM and ECM (i dont use ECM and while its annoying and could use a tweak its not OP)
Do people just want a magic umbrella so they never have to do anything vs LRM's? do they want to just have everyone run up to each others face with short range 1 button alphas and that be that?
LRM's are Long range weapons, that lock on to a target and have a limited tracking ability, the better the lock and if you have LOS the better the clustering thats how they are supposed to work.
If someone wants to arm themselves with nothing but LRM's thats up to them instead of whining about it go run up in their face and laugh as they try to run away and you tear them apart.
If there are 2 LRM boats covering eachother TRY KEEPING THE ONE YOUR ATTACKING BETWEEN YOU AND THE OTHER ONE. guess what those missles WILL HIT HIS TEAM MATE.
Every map has plenty of cover if your dumb enough to sit in the open then you deserve to die from LRM's. I mean do you whine when you get blasted long range with a PPC or Gause or AC/2? ya know weapons that require no lock and can be fired from even farther then an LRM (less damage but still hurts) and that aside from PPC are instant travel time?
"oh but missles hit me behind cover!!!!"
TRY NOT JUST BACKIN UP move to the friggin side and watch the missles splat at your feet.
I mean seriously people all this whinning basicly adds up to certain people just wanted LRM's removed from the game because they cant handle them and want an easier game where they have to think less.
i hate saying this but LEARN TO PLAY, once you do you will realize that LRM's are SUPPORT weapons yes they get kills but they usualy just soften up mechs for rest of your team. I have had games with 700+ damage and zero kills but 5+ assists because the guy with the instant speed weapons finishs them off and thats fine i did my job.
Edited by Ph30nix, 14 March 2013 - 10:35 AM.