Conquest Mode Is Killing My Stats
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:04 PM
i am one of the few players that always chooses ANY as game mode before launching the game.
usually it's ok and it results in a close match won by caps or a heart racing hunt to destroy the last remaining mech.
but lately i have been seeing my team spread off in different directions, all in groups of 1.
this results in a massive defeat, generally with these guys not even listening to suggestions and will insult you if you try and set up a game plan
i suspect this has a lot to do with capwarriors playing on conquest mode only a lot of the time, and of these capwarriors, usually a large number of them are scrubs who think they can get a win by going rogue with their light mech, it's really frustrating, and i'm starting to get discouraged by the whole ordeal
i don't want to play assault game mode only but what am i supposed to do?
conquest capwarriors are allergic to tactics and don't even realize that fights end the majority of the conquest matches- even when they themselves lose to it over and over
what to do? what to do...
just venting some frustration here, but really should i go assault always?
what do you do?
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:06 PM
Unless the MM forces me into it when I have assault only selected (which does happen).
I got sick of watching one 3l win versus two full lances after we've killed the entire rest of his team and my team is too stupid to figure out that zerging wont work.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:10 PM
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:17 PM
Mazzyplz, on 18 March 2013 - 06:04 PM, said:
i am one of the few players that always chooses ANY as game mode before launching the game.
usually it's ok and it results in a close match won by caps or a heart racing hunt to destroy the last remaining mech.
but lately i have been seeing my team spread off in different directions, all in groups of 1.
this results in a massive defeat, generally with these guys not even listening to suggestions and will insult you if you try and set up a game plan
i suspect this has a lot to do with capwarriors playing on conquest mode only a lot of the time, and of these capwarriors, usually a large number of them are scrubs who think they can get a win by going rogue with their light mech, it's really frustrating, and i'm starting to get discouraged by the whole ordeal
i don't want to play assault game mode only but what am i supposed to do?
conquest capwarriors are allergic to tactics and don't even realize that fights end the majority of the conquest matches- even when they themselves lose to it over and over
what to do? what to do...
just venting some frustration here, but really should i go assault always?
what do you do?
First thing, you really lost me when you wrote "I am one of the few..." I'll leave you to figure out why.
Second thing, what you can do is at the beginning of the game, ask people to go to a certain dz "theta and epi first? don't go/careful with/go in pairs to x" at the beginning of the danged game.
This is what I do, usually followed up with "Lets get to sigma" ... occasionally I'll throw an "A" or a "T" depending on if we encounter a mech I am hopeful we can focus fire on.
I will also at times put out markers (Hit the B, upper left hand "take control" and the rest comes with practice..) which helps with people seeing what you're typing (Take Note PGI: The BLUE ON BLUE IS HORRIBLE FOR IN GAME TEXT). I also keep an eye on people with the function and will sometimes refer to warriors who are not following along by name. It shows you're paying attention to the whole field.
You don't have to hit the chat key, just click on team and type it out. Takes ~8 seconds, but can be meaningful for the whole game.
Btw, another option could be that you have low ELO and that the players around you somehow represent that (or high ELO).
Another option is that people will do what they think best left to their own devices and the lack of a unifying voice (it IS a capture of bases game).
I can think of a few more possibilities, mind you.
Edited by Daisu Saikoro, 18 March 2013 - 06:23 PM.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:19 PM
There are two options to win:
Cap to 750 points
Kill the other team.
If I am playing a light,
I see it as my responsibilities to
scout and cap.
If I am playing anything else,
I'm going to join the fight.
Both are valid strategies.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:19 PM
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:19 PM
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:19 PM
And he went for the tunnels anyway...
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:27 PM
1st. there suppose to be a respawn
2nd. everyone dies before 750 resources are collected.
3rd. most rookie player spread out to capture objectives while the vets stay together and kill off the other team while there spread out since you can kill them before 750 resources are collected.
4th every time your toggle a objective your lighting off a flare saying were over here.
5th I can spend a whole day in a light mech messing with objectives and get screwed on EXP and money since I never fired a shot.
Now they made it more profitable to play but that's just because it was a total fubar when it launched.
Edited by Corbon Zackery, 18 March 2013 - 06:28 PM.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:32 PM
Sure, you'll get a few morons spreading out in Conquest, but the other team does it as often as yours. If you're really unhappy with the split-up, take command and give some orders. I've found most players (newbies and veterans alike) are happy to take orders as long as you aren't a **** about it.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:32 PM
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:40 PM
i often give commands; people tend to listen in assault mode even ask for a plan but in conquest mode i am met with tons of insults when i try to give any directions
actually only 40% of the time do they even acknowledge i'm there, the rest of the time they do the exact opposite of what i suggest, not kidding - exact opposite
Edited by Mazzyplz, 18 March 2013 - 06:44 PM.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:44 PM
I laugh at enemies whose entire strategy on conquest is just sticking together. All your team has to do is withdraw and keep fighting sparse or held up at choke points while your faster 'Mechs cap. Then they lose, and then they QQ and call BS that their infallible strategy of sticking together hasn't paid off for them.
Listen, numbskulls. Slow 'Mechs stick to fighting. Faster 'Mechs (doesn't even have to be scout, even a fast Centurion or Dragon works) split up and cap, then return to the fight once they've capped. Learn to play.
Sometimes sticking together does pay off if they can wipe out your main force in 2 minutes, then they just spread out and cap, but that's more a problem with the main force sucking, not with the tactics.
Basically, if your plan for conquest hinges on plowing through with full force, you're doing it wrong. Ideally, conquest is a well executed tug of war with smaller fights all over the map. If you don't like it, then play Assault, because you obviously don't get conquest.
Sybreed, on 18 March 2013 - 06:19 PM, said:
And he went for the tunnels anyway...
Now this, I have sympathy for, because the Stalker is the one you do NOT want splitting up.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:47 PM
Suprentus, on 18 March 2013 - 06:44 PM, said:
nice gratuitous insult, i love free stuff.
i'm guessing you pilot a fast mech, but often you don't even care what the fate of the assaults on your team end up being huh?
Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:50 PM
Mazzyplz, on 18 March 2013 - 06:47 PM, said:
nice gratuitous insult, i love free stuff.
i'm guessing you pilot a fast mech, but often you don't even care what the fate of the assaults on your team end up being huh?
You are quite welcome. I am always happy to school.
And yes, I do play fast 'Mechs. I play a Cicada, Jenner, Raven, Spider, and Dragon.
However, I also play a Hunchback, Catapult, Cataphract, Awesome, Stalker, and Atlas.
All of these 'Mechs are mastered too, btw. So I know a little something about what each role should be doing.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:16 PM
Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:26 PM
Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:27 PM
Deathlike, on 18 March 2013 - 08:26 PM, said:
unless the last guy left IS a 3l then you HAVE to split up or he just caps where you arent and ONE 3l wins the entire game. Ive seen it over an over an thats why I play assault only
Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:33 PM
Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:35 PM
Mechwarrior Buddah, on 18 March 2013 - 08:27 PM, said:
unless the last guy left IS a 3l then you HAVE to split up or he just caps where you arent and ONE 3l wins the entire game. Ive seen it over an over an thats why I play assault only
That's why I like being the 3L on Conquest. I could be the last guy and still feel invincible vs the 2 or 3 mechs left on any map.

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