In AsktheDevs 34 there is a resounding no to team death match mode, because it would split the player base and add little to the game. Meanwhile, here is a big yes to a feature that will split the player base, potentially cause balance issues and arguably add no new content. If we must have 3
rd person view as an option please consider:
- Add private matches first, with the ability to set teams and rules (such as enforced first person) so that the player base has the option to more effectively create our own content.
- Make 3rd person not an option in ladder matches, CW games or even restrict the option to solo dropping.
- Offset the advantages of 3rd person by forcing Arm Lock and disabling zoom and vision modes; perhaps even limit radar and targeting information.
- Disable 3rd person while using Jump jets and/or greatly increase camera shake.
- Make 3rd person only an option in training ground or private matches.
Many other players have made similar suggestions, but none of these things would actually make the new player experience easier.
Third person view only helps the new player if it is really easy to use and provides substantial advantages over the current system. More caveats and alternate rule sets would make the game even more confusing and more frustrating to a new player.
The focus really needs to be on better explaining, teaching and encouraging new players to stick with the current system. Throttle decay and arm lock as default already provide new players with a much easier interface to learn, similarly ELO rankings keep new players away from experienced min/max warriors in expensive Mechs. Let’s get in some features that help new players, while also adding content for the existing player base (or at least not alienating this group).
- Add Mouse Sensitivity to the in game option menu. Every single person I’ve brought into MWO has benefited from mouse tweaks in the user.cfg
- An interactive tutorial map would help new players overcome early barriers. Even a half hour of a training map that rewards XP and Cbills would help a great deal.
- The ability to play with and against AI controlled Mechs is an ideal way for players to learn the game, while also adding content for those of us who’ve been here a long time.
Check out how Blizzard has made multiplayer in Starcraft much more accessible in Heart of the Swarm, without impacting the core gameplay.
For the record I do like many of the ideas other players have suggested about UAVs. That would “Offer up a different style of gameplay and tactics” and also add a neat consumable.
Edited by Ethidium, 22 March 2013 - 11:22 AM.