I've got to say I am very impressed with the Jagermech, it is an excellent heavy mech. We were off to a bit of a rocky start with the whole LRM/SRM splash thing but now that things are back on track.
First up: The JM6-S
The absolutely love the stock load out on this build. Dual 2's over 5's is just amazing, drop in some endo and stack in some armor and ammo and this build is made. Unfortunately the amount of ammo you would need and the armor to make it combat effective pushes you right out of a 260 STD and down into a 245 XL. Which is just no good. Sadly I had to shelve this mech simply because the XL would defeat the purpose of this mech. Raw DPS and what amazing dps it is, i've squared off with atlas's and gunned them into a the ground, though not too many times with the XL though so it had to go.
Instead was born the "Vera" named after Jayne's gun from Firefly.
JM6-S "Vera"
260 STD
11 DHS
352 STD Armor
AC20 (x4 tons of ammo)
x2 Large Lasers
x2 Medium lasers
This build is simplistic as it is powerful. The AC20 has plenty of ammo, the Standard Engine means you have to kill this mech the hard way and the Larges over mediums mean you have both range and alpha potential.
Heat is a non issue though I tend to run hot, in close I rely on the Ac20, meds and when I can afford the heat the Large lasers. At Range the AC20 and larges provide excellent power and unlike dual 20 jagers I don't have a pressing need to push into CQC until I am ready.
Video Show casing the power and toughness of this build:
Next up the JM6-A
I would go out on a limb and say the JM6-A is the quite possibly the best heavy mech in the game, simply put: It can do it all! There is no build that the JM6-A can't run well.
Double 20's? Check
Quad SRM6, Twin Larges? Check
Double Gauss? Check
LRM boat? Check
PPC Sniper? Check
Personally I prefer a build the a bit left of central and makes me feel like I am piloting a Metal Gear Rex simply because of the single rail gun offset by the missiles and mediums.
JM6-A "MG Rex"
260 XL
11 DHS
336 STD Armor
AMS (1 ton of ammo)
Gauss Rifle (x3 tons of ammo)
LRM15 (x2 tons of ammo)
x3 Streak2's (x2 tons of ammo)
x2 Medium lasers
This is a very high-tech build, by that I mean that ECM tends to kick it in the knees. That being said it is by no means helpless. The Gauss provides excellent long range direct fire damage backed by the LRM15 which puts pressure on your target. Most people are willing to have a sniper duel, but nobody likes a sniper duel with incoming missiles
I don't mind running an XL in this build simply because it has great long range potential that only gets nastier the closer it gets to it's target. Within 500m the mediums kick in allowing you to cycle them continuously followed by the streaks at 270m which always hits and with the nerf to missiles (Thank the Good Lord over all creation for that!) I no longer feel that streaks are the devil in weapon form and can now be used by everyone equally with out insults being thrown.
JM6-DD is a unique mech, I had quite a lot of fun playing around with all the different builds. Unfortunately to access most of the ballistic builds required the use of an XL engine. And though the Jagermech isn't the worst chassis for an XL it is a equal opportunity mech meaning that if someone wants to hit your torso it's just as easy as it is the CT. As such I felt the XL was out and decided to follow in the footsteps of the JM6-S.
Jm6-DD "Jesup"
255 STD Engine
10 DHS
368 STD Armor
x2 UAC5's (x6 tons of ammo)
Large laser
Medium Pulse Laser
Originally i had x2 UAC5's backed up by twin larges, which was a good solid build but only left me with x4 tons of ammo. Decent provided you didn't senselessly waste your ammo, but because senselessly wasting my ammo was exactly what I had in mind I downgraded one of the large lasers to a medium pulse.
This build may stick in the craw of some of you OCD guys, but the large and the med pulse work together quite well. The UAC5's with the latest batch of patches seem to jam a bit more than usual so bearing that in mind you really have to baby them until you really have a clean shot to drop the hammer.
This mech is solid, clean and gets the job done at all ranges and is quite enjoyable when you do drop the hammer on a mech and get 6-9 rounds in a row on a target with the uac5.
These are my best.
Look forward to seeing your guy's best builds!
Edited by Carrioncrows, 23 March 2013 - 12:49 PM.