Tice Daurus, on 25 March 2013 - 06:32 PM, said:
See I think this also could be a great incentive as well if PGI were to adopt this as well. If you not only give people the opportunity to help create maps and submit them a small share of the profit could be given for the purchase of the map created.
Also I just wanted to say as a side note, I want to thank everyone so far for doing their best to keep this, for the most part, fairly flame-free and a highly interesting discussion.
To recap as well, I think we've established some ideas, where if PGI could help get us a basic map creator, we could establish basic maps to start out with and if given the chance to come up with some really decent map content.
Another thing would be to have a forum or sub forum added for possibly fan art where we could help create, submit, and talk about our works in progress about map design and be able to player and developer review the content ideas. Once fully submitted, the Developers could review finalized submissions, give it a yes/no/needs more work stamp on it, and if the map looks to be decent, PGI could make an offer to have the content become theirs.
Of course PGI would need to establish some legal parameters in order to get this established that once a fan/user submits the work, it's theirs and they own it, and can take the map and make any alterations on to it in order to make the map workable. But overall, it would help the art department to where they would have to spend less work designing and just work on the maps to make sure they are free from bugs or questionable content. I could be wrong on this as there might me more I don't know, but I'm hoping PGI can help clear that up if/when they come here to comment on this topic.
I'm not sure if I'm forgetting anything else here. Thoughts, suggestions, more comments?
Well, there is more to map making than static meshes and height maps. You have spawn points, control points, making sure it's fully baked and walkable (so mechs don't get stuck, etc). Maps are actually the most complex and difficult of all the content, because developers have to go over it inch by inch to verify it. If the map fails, the developers get blamed, no the creator, so that's something to keep in mind.
PGI would need to start small, and include the ability for custom camo patterns, cockpit items, UI elements, sounds, etc. They already mentioned the ability to customize your mech's physical appearance and this could include "nose art."
But they could also put a secondary market online. Users could get items for events or a small random drop chance (so special camo patterns, cockpit items, etc. Nothing that changes gameplay, just asthetics). This would work similar to hats in TF2, but be awarded only after the end of the mission (no, a hat WOULD NOT pop out of a dead mech for you to run by and pick up). Players could then put these up an auction house for MC, and PGI could take 10% of the final MC price.
Lets say you get an Alexander Kerensky bobble head (.001% chance of drop). You could sell it for 1000mc, and PGI takes 100 as a transaction fee. You made 900mc, PGI pulled 100mc out of the market, and someone got a rare bobble head.
Maybe "drop" is a poor term. How about salvage? You have a chance to salvage rare vanity items (think of them as kill trophies) at the conclusion of a drop. If these items could be created by the player base, it would generate a lot of items with minimal overhead for PGI. But they do have to invest the time and money into the infrastructure first, so they have to be willing to take the risk that it will work.