Peiper, on 26 March 2013 - 02:25 AM, said:
Other than some rather smart debates on game balance and some heated debates on ECM that shouldn't even be necessary, the core knows EXACTLY what it wants, and the majority isn't silent at all. We want community warfare with a malleable map of the inner sphere where our efforts mean something. We want lobbies so we can set up leagues, matches, and fair fights. We want ECM fixed (the majority still do). We don't want gold ammo/consumables or 3rd person. We want role warfare. We want more maps and game types/modes.
3rd person has no place in a simulator, but in something like the testing grounds/tutorials it would go a long way for people to learn to visualize torso/leg movement. Us old hats, and those of us who know what joystick twist and/or pedals are for take it for granted, but new people should have some obstacle courses and firing ranges with tin ducks moving along to shoot at. What we do need is rear-view cameras, and the ability to look left and right with the hat on our joysticks like MW4. Crisis may not allow it, but the lack of peripheral vision hurts. Still, this game is a battletech simulator, and not just another shooter.
The devs have finally brought LRM's and streaks down to some semblance of balance, and they have listened to us and altered their short-sighted ideas for gold-coolant, which is great! ECM is still totally FUBAR. We have some great new maps, fantastic netcode fixes and state-rewind is moving along smoothly. The game, overall, runs smoother on everyone's system compared to 4 months ago and they've made many, many improvements.
Those of us who play every day see changes happening rather slowly, but my friends who are returning to see the changes are stunned and impressed. CW and lobbies/private matches will bring everyone back, along with bring in droves of people sitting around waiting for the game to be more complete before they dive into it. It IS BETA.
Yeah, waiting for the roadmaps for the next couple months is agonizing. The game is at a place where we can have some great lobby organized games and matches out there, and the players are frustrated as all-get-out waiting for this to happen.
But, if PGI really said that the core doesn't know what it wants, then they are either monumentally sarcastic, or seriously out of touch with their BETA testers.
All you need to do is see the PAX video that is on here...It is a doozy. And no, they were NOT being sarcastic