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Dakka Dakka Dakka Macro In Action

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#61 Inkarnus


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Posted 02 May 2013 - 03:09 PM

sure they give an advantage why else would you defend the use of it
if it wouldnt give any gain nobody would care to use it anyways ....

with normal fire no issue with chainfire no issue but with macroed chainfire it gets fubar
it chews trough a light so fast you couldnt imagine it its
like a closed beta streak cat eating lights in seconds

Edited by Inkarnus, 02 May 2013 - 03:13 PM.

#62 Void Angel


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Posted 02 May 2013 - 06:53 PM

View PostInkarnus, on 02 May 2013 - 02:32 PM, said:

wich is clearly
"d) Exploits bugs or existing game mechanics"
and it was Niko i quotet from and till they revoke it as a post or edit it, it stays still valid


Well what they sayin is simple allow VANNILA MACROS ALREADY PROGRAMMED INTO

since macros normally give players that didnt have them an disadvantage *****
like that macro were i dont need to push down shift all the time
or that script that unjams my uac5 for dakkadakka
or that AC2 Yager not overheating cuz macro shoots for him

Acutally, that's what you decided an "unfair and undue" advantage means. Macros as provided by hardware providers are editable - they don't actually DO anything until you program them. So, Niko is not actually saying what you want to pretend he said here. It's your opinion, and is not actually supported by any quotation you've thus far produced. This makes your argument based on a faulty appeal to authority, and that makes your reasoning invalid - based on the validity of your arguments, you are wrong. If your opinion happens to be validated later, that is a happy accident for you.

View PostInkarnus, on 02 May 2013 - 02:32 PM, said:

since you are god and you say so we need to shoot faster so it doesnt take skill to make that input yourself
mind using an aimbot then or esp too? since its literally the same category of thinking
it puts the player as god who decides what he does and not the DEV who made CHAINFIRE

Aaaaand here comes the personal abuse and wild accusations, right on cue. You've been putting words in a developer's mouth, now you make up wild lies to slander my opinion, giving no factual evidence or logical refutation, and I'm the one with the God complex? Clanner, please. As you yourself pointed out, until the devs act to modify or clarify their stated policy, their position on macros is just as you quoted - they are allowed.

Edited by Void Angel, 02 May 2013 - 09:16 PM.

#63 Asmosis


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Posted 02 May 2013 - 07:18 PM

View PostNoob Weapons, on 12 April 2013 - 11:47 PM, said:

it wouldn't be terribly hard to get this essential effect in game without a macro anyways. All you have to do is bind one ac2 to each 1-5 then bind all of them to 6. Then you just hit 1 through 5 in sequence then hold down 6 and let the game fire them immediately as they come up. It might not ever be as precise as his macro, but you would still be getting in 24 damage every second.

It doesn't even need to be that complicated.

What I do with my 5LL stalker is set fire group 1 to all lasers, and fire group 2 to all lasers on chain fire.

The trick is you don't hold down the chain fire button, you just tap it as fast as you want the lasers (or ac/2's in this case) to shoot. Once you fire the last weapon hold down LMB and you got chain fire as fast as possible, slightly out of sequence but its still max DPS.

Another way of doing it is put left arm weapons on LMB chainfire and right arm weapons on RMB(grp 2) chainfire. then just click and hold both buttons out of sync. Also means you can just peak around corners without wasting ammo on one side.

As for macros, theres no issue with it. your not getting more dps than simply putting everything in one group and firing all at once. If anything is hax/OP its the ability to change mouse DPI (or w/e its called) on the fly when zooming to get smoother aiming.


Oh, and awesome vid btw, was very entertaining.

Edited by Asmosis, 02 May 2013 - 07:24 PM.

#64 Void Angel


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Posted 02 May 2013 - 09:04 PM

It's DPI. =) I haz a button, though I actually don't use it while playing - I simply use different settings for different games.

#65 CompproB237


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 12:14 AM

View PostAsmosis, on 02 May 2013 - 07:18 PM, said:

It doesn't even need to be that complicated.

What I do with my 5LL stalker is set fire group 1 to all lasers, and fire group 2 to all lasers on chain fire.

The trick is you don't hold down the chain fire button, you just tap it as fast as you want the lasers (or ac/2's in this case) to shoot. Once you fire the last weapon hold down LMB and you got chain fire as fast as possible, slightly out of sequence but its still max DPS.

Due to a bug in chainfire this does not always work. Many times, for myself, I end up having to wait for the cooldown to finish on the last fired weapon (sometimes not even in the group) before it will fire the next weapon. This, I believe, is where most people find issue with chainfire. The other part is with it always firing the topmost weapon in the group. This is a leading cause (from my observations) to UAC/5 Jams. I also find that not exactly knowing which is the next weapon it will fire in the chain a bit irritating.

Also, the way you set up your weapons (left weapons, right weapons) is how I do a lot of my setups. ;)

I know that we're beating a dead horse at this point but Macros do NOT increase fire rate. They do NOT increase DPS. They do EXACTLY THE SAME damage as Groupfire. I think the biggest problem, really, is in how chainfire works currently.

Edit: Forgot to mention something else.

Edited by CompproB237, 03 May 2013 - 12:16 AM.

#66 NedlejAK


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 10:31 AM

]Need help with a Logitech G500

I created chain fire macro and edited the sleep times to 85 ms. I don't think my mouse setting are being used when I load up the game. I have all .exe files selected in applications which should activate my mouse setting for MWO. I have the macro selected and set to 2 different buttons.

Anyhow, I think my issues is with the mouse itself.


Edited by NedlejAK, 20 May 2013 - 10:32 AM.

#67 Garagano


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 12:32 PM

macro/exploit users will have more disconnects then normal users! That is a fact!

Dont start to use macros, or your game folder will delete itself and your computer will explode!

#68 kesuga7


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Posted 03 June 2013 - 08:43 PM


Made a build with 5 ac 2's and 375 ammo for them but i don't have a jagger or more mechbays :<

* 320 armour

*15 double heatsinks

*64.4 Kph with tweak

*26% cooling efficiency? (Smurfy lab?)

*5.2 Max sustained DPS (Another smurfy thing i don't know)

My new one


*208 armor
*76.8 kph with tweak
*16 double heatsinks with xl 280 engine
*28% cooling efficiency
*5.60 sustained DPS

Edited by kesuga7, 03 June 2013 - 09:06 PM.

#69 Johnathan Mercer


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 09:36 AM

I honestly think these macros are a game breaker, especially if you've been on the other end of one guys. For those that play honestly it's an unfair advantage and kills all the fun out of the game. Sure it's an easy way to stack up kills but it's not a right way, or a fun way, it's the way that'll eventually cause players to quit the came, and could be the death of it if things like this continue.

#70 Viper69


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 10:02 AM

I think the game should have adjustable timings in the mechlab for your weapons. This way you can tweak them under the blanket of the game not externally which is an unfair aspect.

#71 Void Angel


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 06:21 PM

View PostHeavy Head, on 05 June 2013 - 09:36 AM, said:

I honestly think these macros are a game breaker, especially if you've been on the other end of one guys. For those that play honestly it's an unfair advantage and kills all the fun out of the game. Sure it's an easy way to stack up kills but it's not a right way, or a fun way, it's the way that'll eventually cause players to quit the came, and could be the death of it if things like this continue.

The macros do not circumvent the cycle times on the weapon system; they merely allow true chain fire without increasing dps over alpha-striking the weapons. In point of fact, there is a slight dps loss while the macros cycle up. The same effect can be achieved in-game by MANUALLY firing the weapon systems and then alpha striking. Thus, the macros do not lend an unfair advantage - and yes, I've been on the other end, and no, I have never used one. The chain fire may be intimidating to listen to, but it's not an increase in damage. The numbers don't lie; this issue is a math problem with graphics, and you have the wrong answer.

#72 SpiralRazor


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 11:19 AM

View PostHeavy Head, on 05 June 2013 - 09:36 AM, said:

I honestly think these macros are a game breaker, especially if you've been on the other end of one guys. For those that play honestly it's an unfair advantage and kills all the fun out of the game. Sure it's an easy way to stack up kills but it's not a right way, or a fun way, it's the way that'll eventually cause players to quit the came, and could be the death of it if things like this continue.

Ill be glad when they quit...less superbads playing is a good thing.

#73 Seelenlos


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 07:34 AM

It's interesting:
The macro give less DPS but all who can use it, use it !!!???

Any of you have access to the DB and made queries if it is really that bad and how the chance of killing has been increased or decreased for the macro users?

If we have facts that they are on the real bad end, ok. But its very interesting that i am mostly cored by the macro ones and not the non-macro ones... and I relay on my experience and feeling on that, as long as there is no Dev-Thread explaining it with data.


Edited by Seelenlos, 15 July 2013 - 07:35 AM.

#74 Julius Septim


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 07:52 AM

And now People who can´t use their Gamer Mouse complain about People who CAN.

To be clear... EVERY modern Gamer Mouse can be Programmed, you want to make PGI to forbid Macros then u have to forbid those Mouses, try to do that it will be fun to see Player numbers drop....

For my own Mouse (R.A.T 7 Contagion) its Program is so easy to write a 6 year old kid can do that. 1,2,3,4,5,6 - copy those numbers - right click - quantize time - save - activate - dakkadakka - Fun!

Official Driver Program from ..... (the owner of ....... technology) try to forbid that... pleeeeeeaaaaaase i want to laugh!!!

Go with the time, or let it be and stop crying

Ps: editet names...

Edited by The Man of Steel, 15 July 2013 - 08:39 AM.

#75 Seelenlos


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 02:10 PM

View PostThe Man of Steel, on 15 July 2013 - 07:52 AM, said:

And now People who can´t use their Gamer Mouse complain about People who CAN.

To be clear... EVERY modern Gamer Mouse can be Programmed, you want to make PGI to forbid Macros then u have to forbid those Mouses, try to do that it will be fun to see Player numbers drop....

Ps: editet names...

And like WoW it can be detected by a good written code and be handled against.

No thats not an excuse for using it. It can be dealt with, but the Devs don't care because of the Release date.
Let's see what happens in Release Version. If it's still there I won't be there, thats for sure,
I won't pay for others to have fun. That's my point of view, accept it or die knowing it.
At the end it is some code i can uninstall to not see some people like you :)

no regards

#76 Sgt Peanuts


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 05:52 PM

I think I ran into you a couple weeks ago on that Alpine Mountain map or whatever the hell its called. I only remember it from the stupid amount of Dakka there was. It tore a nearby hunchback a new a**hole in a few seconds flat.

#77 Julius Septim


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 08:13 AM

As others said it before.. it doesnt give you advantage in DPS, you just can set the chainfire as you SHOULD have the options in the normale ingame settings. Why using an Ac2 if you cant do Dakka? Seriously? Too old or just bitching?

Btw i never played wow because this is the reason people are too dumb to play.... and i dont give a single **** if you wanna see me or not!

Edited by The Man of Steel, 16 July 2013 - 08:16 AM.

#78 Dreamslave


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 12:30 AM

View PostFishbulb333, on 28 March 2013 - 07:18 PM, said:

Couldn't find a way to get my mouse to run macros like this, so I did a bit of googling and found http://www.autohotkey.com/

For anyone else looking for a way to use this macro, it's pretty simple, just go to the above link, download and install autohotkey, then when it's installed right click an empty folder, hit New -> Autohotkey Script, then copy/paste the following and save...


while GetKeyState("MButton","P")
send {1 down}
sleep 85
send {1 up}
send {2 down}
sleep 85
send {2 up}
send {3 down}
sleep 85
send {3 up}
send {4 down}
sleep 85
send {4 up}
send {5 down}
sleep 85
send {5 up}
send {6 down}
sleep 85
send {6 up}

This will bind a similar macro to the one mack uses, to your middle mouse button, quick and easy,
and doesn't need any new hardware.

My question is, how to make the weapons fire smoothly? After a few seconds of holding down the trigger, they start grouping up and firing at the same time. How do I prevent that?

#79 Captain Stiffy


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Posted 24 July 2013 - 10:29 AM

Modifying this I found the following works perfectly for 4 AC/2;

Delay := 88
Delay2 := 99
while GetKeyState("RButton","P")
send {1 down}
sleep %delay%
send {1 up}
send {2 down}
sleep %delay2%
send {2 up}
send {3 down}
sleep %delay%
send {3 up}6
send {4 down}
sleep %delay2%
send {4 up}

#80 1Sascha


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 01:01 PM

Already commented on the vid on youtube, but I'll gladly repeat that this has got to be one of the funniest in-game-vids I've seen in a long time.

I instantly bought me a Jäger *and* a Razer Taipan (couldn't find the Hex for lefties). I've started playing with the macro-recorder, but I can't quite get it to work properly in-game.

Here's what I recorded:

1. Fire selected weapon
2. Move fire selector down
3. Move fire selector right
4. Wait 0.090 seconds

Play until button is released.

The macro works in-game, but the timing seems way off. Half of the guns don't even fire (seems the sequence is too fast?).

Can someone enlighten about the nature of my error?



EDIT: Never mind.. got it to work. If anyone's interested, here are the settings (Razer macro-recorder):

1. press "Fire Selected Group"
2. pause 0.046s
3. release "Fire Selected Group"
4. minimal pause
5. press "Move target selector down"
6. minimal pause
7. release "Move target selector down"
8. press "Move target selector right"
6. minimal pause
7. release "Move target selector right!
8. pause 0.044s

The firerate is indeed insane now.

However: Even though I had to remove one AC2 from the config (needed room/free tonnage and don't have enough $$ left ATM to buy a smaller XL-engine) *and* have an additional DHS installed (12 in total), the Mech will overheat *very* quickly when firing. I could be wrong, but it seemed to heat up a lot quicker than in Mack's video .. and I tested it on a cold map... :)

Edited by 1Sascha, 31 July 2013 - 10:38 PM.

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