I would like to present you a little tool: MechCollect

Because the name alone doesn't say anything, some Q&A for making clear what this tool is about.
What is MechCollect?
MechCollect is a javaprogram, regulary collecting statistics from http://mwomercs.com/profile/stats. These numbers are stored in a local database.
It provides different analytics and presentations of this data.
Whats MechCollect able to do?
At the moment it can:
- display the main data of the last battle
- progress in MC-Bills and MWO Credits
- Wins/Losses-Display global and per mmap
- Kill/Death-Display per Mech
- Accuracy overall and actual
- average Damage per Hit
- Display of XP per mech
MechCollect takes the numbers of the last refresh, so it displays the difference between two matches and can calculate the accuracy on a match basis.
How does MechCollect knows what I'm playing in a game?
Pretty simple. It takes the data after each match and compares them. The number of played matches is only increased at one mech. This is the mech you played

Where are my logindata is coming from?
You have to edit the config.properties in the directory config of this tool.
What are my logindata used for!?
Nothing except requesting the statistic page!
What is "average damage per hit"?
Simpel: The amount of damage you inflict with one shot.
Lets say you are hitting with a laser and du 5 damage, second shot dies 2 damage. Now you did 7 damage with 2 shots, resulting in 3,5 average damage.
Why does my laser does different damage? You sometimes just scratch a mech with your laser, not doing the full potential of damage.
Why on earth is there a raven on the picture?
*raises both handy* I'm innocent

Is there anything I should keep in mind?
Yes, the data is coming from the homepage, if there are bugs like the missing Tourmaline Desert-stats, I'm helpless.
Where is the data stored?
All data is stored in a file mechcollectdb.script in the directory db.
Can I manually request data from the website?
Yes, please click on the raven.
How does the tool know when I'm playing and when not?
I'm using the fact, that mechlab and so on have a different resolution in compare to the battle-window.
If the resolution of the programm "MechWarrior Online" change, the tool recognizes this.
Can I cahnge the colors of the graphs?
Yes, simply edit the colors.properties.
What about bugs?
Drop me a private message or post into this thread

What do I have to do in order to start with the tool?
Only edit the config.properties and provide your login data.
Where can I get this thing?
See below
How does mechcollect detect when to click the button or to take a screenshot?
First the program catches the window of mwo, so it gets the actual position and size of it.
In this window mechcollect checks specific points for a specific color, if it finds this, it thinks to have found the correct mode of mwo.
Think about this like some kind of fingerprint for different screens.
Then looking at the ready-screen you'll notice the red and blue flag always being at the same position, so if you can find these two, you can be quite sure to have a ready-screen in front of you.
All points are configured in the config.properties:
# The points to look for, in order to determin, of end of match has occurred, based on 1980x1080 endOfMatchWinPoints=385,562,11206656;372,214,7584;380,75,15116032; endOfMatchLostPoints=385,562,7584;372,214,11206656;380,75,15116032; # Points of the ready.button to click on before launch of match, based on 1980x1080 readyButtonPoints=1177,116,-5636096;117,117,-16769894;1700,60,27486;
There is no voodoo done.
I don't want to have the program take screenshots or click on buttons for me!
No problem, go into your config.properties and set one of theses values to "false"
useClickReady=true useEndOfMatchScreenshot=true
and you are done
Where to find the taken screenshots?
All screenshots are stored locally in the database, technically this is the file mechcollectdb.lobs.
When opening this file with a text editor you will only see garbage, this is because the databasefile stores binary data.
In order to view the image, you will have to go into the battlelog and click on the right icon in the line of the fight you did.
You also can adjust the size of the image mechcollect takes, but make sure to look into the screens if they are readable

screenshotWidth=1280 screenshotHeight=1024

What to I have to do if running an older version and want to update?
Make a backup of your directory (yes, always do so), then download the new version (see link below) and copy your db-folder into this new setup.
After this, change your login-data and you should be ready to go.
Any known bugs or unexpected behavior?
- If mechcollect takes a screenshot, it takes the upper most viewable image, so if you have a window above mwo, this window will be in the screenshot.
The screenshots aren't send anywhere, you can delete screenshot by the build-in imageviewer accessable by battlelog.
- the clicking and taking of screenshot only works in "full window" and "window" mode, not in fullscreen. At the moment I don't know a workaround for this.
- when taking an image of the 2. page of the end-of-match-screen the earnings may be wrong. the reason for this: when entering the page, the earnings start to count upwards, I'm waiting some seconds but in good games, the number then hasn't reached the target value. You might see something like 340.000 as "big number" but in the calculation it's 280.000

Now some images for better overview:

Where is the download?
*edit 31.03.2014* updated downloadlink