Release 1.5.2
* percentage display of damage done in match
* added "other damage" if present, this contains things like ramming damage, air strikes and so on
* changed order of columns in battlelog for better readability
* added script for taking screenshots with all checkpoints
How to use the screenshot-script:
In the scripts directory simply start the take_screenshots.cmd script.
This script will take 5 screenshots in the following order:
1. MenuModePoints (used to trigger the update after a battle was found)
2. MatchModePoints (used to detect a coming battle)
3. EndOfMatchLostPoints (triggers the screenshotting)
4. EndOfMatchWinPoints (triggers the screenshotting)
5. ReadyButtonPoints (used for clicking the ready-button)
On every screenshot you will find small rectangles with red or green border.
The inner color of the rectangle is the color mechcollect is looking for.
My guess is, the loadingscreen of the battle (the one you see the image of the oncoming map in the background) hasn't a match.
Please, if you have the time, run this script during the following situations:
1. in the main menu (independend where you are there)
2. during the loading screen
3. during the ready-screen
4. after the match when you lost or won
All images can be found in your %TEMP%-directory, most times something like
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\ but the take_screenshots.cmd will tell you where it put the images.
ups, forgot the downloadlink:
this is, what these rectangles look like:
Edited by SjurWarEagle, 11 February 2014 - 08:35 AM.