The previous MM system and the current Elo MM system are the exact same result - crappy imbalanced matches.
There is no love for solo play really in the current state, which is of course mindless TDM with no meta whatsoever nor intricate strats.
The overall level of play is not high so the baseline is close to it, anyways.
Honestly this is a game for internal reflection at the moment rather than outward - there is not a lot of skill involved in actually playing the game, the playerbase is not very large nor particularly skilled [most 45 year old dads who played old BT not actual gamers], not a very complex or deeply intwined content system at the moment compared to the lore, etc.
I could go on and on but I'm sure you see the point I'm getting at, which is this game is not particularly difficult to play well nor is it full of technically proficient gamers with high knowledge and tactics.
It's mostly a derpout of groups pooping on one another at the moment given fluctuations in team composition, simple map knowledge, fundamental tactics, yada yada... with the occasional 'beast mode' moment where someone goes off on half a team and chest thumps.
I almost cared to post a similar thread about 5 times in the past week since I've returned but my apathy and weariness makes that hard so I try and temper my attitude by reading other peoples threads who feel similarly and reinforce the notion that this game will actually have meta that matters by the time CW releases.
I'm not saying the game is easy, I'm not saying the game is hard, but it could be beyond what it is right now without a doubt. I honestly believe part of that is due to the community, part due to the nature of the game and the intent of design and business model, but ultimately the games headed in the right direction.
Harsh post for April Fool's Day, I know, but cba to gaf.
Edited by Soy, 01 April 2013 - 01:29 PM.