Vaderman, on 10 April 2013 - 03:57 AM, said:
Maybe it's just me but I still don't understand why being able to hit targets at long range with weapons designed to be able to hit at long ranges is a bad thing.
I really don't understand why the community is up in arms about people able to hit tiny dots with their skills. I mean unless you're standing there not moving its pretty hard to pop you at 1300m.
But anyway, nice work on this guys.
Because the devs disliked that TIR was the go to vision mode when it came to battle, they wanted each view mode to have strengths and weaknesses so you had to use the correct view mode for a particular situation. This I kind of understand, and I like it now that for longer range targets at night, I'll switch to night vision to scan for any movement, then at closer range switch to TIR for contrast purposes.
I like the idea which is being put forth, though maybe not as pixelly. What I really hope is they implement some kind of slightly realistic heat map shader, as right now its just a white haze transparently overlaid over the standard view mode in monochrome, which I find unrealistic and un immersive. It would be really nice as someone else said, to have water effect the heat maps, but I doubt we will see that kind of depth. What would be cool is to see heat dissipating from the heat sinks, or from any hot areas of the mech.