Lordred, on 13 April 2013 - 08:15 PM, said:
Image dump 4

This is literally the BEST Mechwarrior screenshot I've ever seen. Wonderful composition; this shot has all the elements of great design! I really love the color scheme here, both of the subject and scene! The lighting-accents in this shot are the icing on the cake.
I won't babble too much on about all the great attention to detail, but this is certainly fit for desktop-wallpaper. And I'm certainly biased towards Catapults; growing up on MW2:Mercs, the Catapult was for me the most iconic Battlemech (even more than the Timberwolf).
some critique: the facing and direction of the mech as well as the tunnel apex draw the eyes to the short end of the picture; this naturally leaves something for the mind to be desired. Something generally avoided for good composition, but understandably sometimes unavoidable. However, I think that's been cleverly offset: The sign looks as if it has an arrow point left (maybe that is one, never actually looked that close in game) which draws the eyes back towards the subject, along with the (well-positioned) brilliant lights on the other side; thus allowing the observer more time to look at the picture before being done with it. I would even say the very contrasting light glare off the back of the mech gives my eyes one more sweep of the image. I also like that the sign is truncated. I'd rather see it like that than see the whole thing; were the whole thing to be in the image, I'd feel it to be another subject in the scene, which it shouldn't be (nor deserving, imo).
Great picture and keep up the great work!
Edited by Toltecher, 30 April 2013 - 09:27 PM.