LackofCertainty, on 14 April 2013 - 07:35 AM, said:
Before I delve into quote madness, I have one thing to say regarding MG's not having their proper rate of fire in game. Don't ask the devs to buff MG damage to fix a bug with their rate of fire. Ask them to fix MG's rate of fire first, the buff MG damage so that they're balanced. It's better to fix the core problem rather than slap a patch job overtop of it and pretend it's fine.
I'd like to see them do both. Fix it, and raise the damage. If they raise the damage, but don't fix it, the weapon will suffer in the hands of those with a higher ping. If they fix the ping related problems but don't buff the damage, the weapon will suffer for everyone.
An MG should not do the same damage as an SL in .75 seconds. The reason for this is that the SL has factors that limit it's rate of fire (heat and Cooldown) whereas the MG does not. (technically ammo, but that's not a factor unless you drastically reduce the ammo/ton) If you want to compare things with a straight up 1SL vs 1 MG fight, then you have to use the MG properly.
Weight was covered by someone else in another post. You do seem a little confused on what most of us are asking for. We don't want mg's to do 3 damage in .75s like the small laser. We want them to give 3 damage over 3 seconds like the small laser (or something similar... only the extremists are asking for more than 1.5dps).
However, the crux of the problem comes when you apply 4dps MG's against a slow target. Against an atlas, you're not going to be missing much, and if even 1/4 of your bullets hit the location you're aiming at, you're doing the same focused damage than an SL as well as shredding the surrounding armor with your spread.
Why do you keep harping on the 4dps guys?! Very few people are asking for that. I'm going to continue the reply as though you're against 1dps mg's since that's what you're doing.
For the first five seconds of an engagement, a 6ML jenner has an effective DPS of 12. After which they can break off or circle strafe. Most builds would be able to continually fire 2 of their lasers for 2.5 dps after. In fact, that's actually how my weapon grouping is set on my Jenner. Button one is alpha strike. Button two fires two lasers.
For argument's sake, let's say a fight between an atlas and our spider and an atlas and a jenner that sticks around lasts twenty seconds.
The Jenner deals 60 damage in the first eight seconds, then circle strafes for the next 12. This can generate up to 84 damage. Our spider with the 1dps mgs and LL deals 6.12dps for the entire 20 seconds potentially inflicting 122.4 damage. A bit of a difference.
Lets switch the Jenner's loadout back to SL's since that is what we were talking about and would have a more similar attack style. Without shaving armor and boating sinks, the max sustainable DPS is 4.26 on a heat neutral map. On a cold map however, the full 6dps is sustainable. I tested this out.
Setting my SL's to two groups and chainfiring to simulate the effect of the dreaded 6mg spider or the 4mgLL spider with 1dpsMGs, the fights played out EXACTLY how I expected. The heavies shot my legs off because I couldn't turn away from them for long and I was at point blank range. When my SL's weren't chainfired, I did quite a bit better. My damage wasn't spread out all over the mechs and managed to kill a few because I could evade fire and direct 18 damage alphas to locations of my choosing.
1DPS mgs will not be in any way OP.
At point blank 4MG spider could strip one of the rear armor locations of an atlas in about 2 seconds.(possibly less) The only cost to the spider for such immense power is 3-4 tons of gear. That is a problem.
Seriously. Get over 4dps. We're not asking for that.
I can't do this in my 6SL Jenner. in 2 seconds. MAYBE... MAYBE 5 seconds in a 6ML Jenner if the Atlas stands still after my first alpha and has low back armor... but I have to run after that.
4DPS MG's would be anti-assault cannons, and would remain mostly ineffective vs lights. I'd rather see spread reductions, range boosts, and moderate damage buffs instead of just multiplying MG's damage by 10 and pretending it's reasonable.
Most of the reasonable people here are not asking for 4dps machine guns. You really are trying to make a straw man argument out of this aren't you? You've picked the most extreme damage buff anyone has suggested and ran with it as what the majority have suggested. Most have suggested somewhere between .6 and 1.5
I'd take .6 if range were increased 250%
I'd take 1 as is, even with an ammo nerf.
I'd take 1.5 with a heavy ammo nerf.
Also, your hypothetical 4dps MG would shred enemy lights in light vs light combat. a 4mg spider with a LL would have 18dps. That's a pristine Jenner's leg in a little more than 5 seconds (realistically, like 10 or so). If you let a jenner kill you in under 10 seconds in a light on light duel, you're doing it wrong.