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Machine Gun Balance Feedback

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#421 Deathlike


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 09:24 AM

View PostKmieciu, on 15 April 2013 - 01:18 AM, said:

I'm pretty sure machine guns in MWO are instant hit weapons, like lasers and flamers. At least on testing grounds: you can shoot a mech 199 meters away. If the 100 meters/second were true, id would take damage after 2 seconds, when in fact the paper doll instantly shows damage.

I was kinda rambling on that post, and didn't take it seriously. ;)

Is there even a legit reason to have a cone of fire for a weapon that does insignificant damage? If it did serious damage, I could understand it... but really...

#422 Utilyan


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 09:47 AM

I think we should keep machine guns and flamers away from being direct powergamer weapons.

Give machine guns tracer color options, Go for looks. Keep the range far as damage, but let range for how far tracers fly go across the map. Not where it would plink armor or cause any annoyance but where visually capture attention long distance pointing out enemies and grabbing enemies attention.

Let these weapons be fun and add to the immersion of being in a battlefield. ;)

#423 Esplodin


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 09:53 AM

Behold! The 24DPS, 6 Machine gun Spider!

*Apologies for the dodgy video in places. The encoder tried it's best on my craptop speeding the footage up 15X. Yes, 15X normal speed.

#424 stjobe


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 10:26 AM

View PostEsplodin, on 15 April 2013 - 09:53 AM, said:

Behold! The 24DPS, 6 Machine gun Spider!

That was funny as hell - especially the parts where he had to catch his breath :(

#425 Wildstreak


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 10:40 AM

View PostRealityCheck, on 12 April 2013 - 11:15 AM, said:

Machine guns for infantry and battlemechs are completely different, at any rate SL does 3 damage in TT and MG 2. I am not advocating the MG to beat the SL damage wise. I just want it to be better than it currently is. Furthermore, in my proposal a few pages back, I mentioned cutting the current ammo per ton to 1000 rounds in exchange for 0.08 damage per bullet. Also added in a decrease to crit modifiers too. Machine guns need a buff and neither you nor PGI can convince me otherwise.


Yes, they are different.
Correct, the MG shouldn't beat the SL.
Not sure MGs need a buff and I see nothing you nor anyone else has shown that can convince me otherwise.

View PostConraire, on 12 April 2013 - 11:16 AM, said:

@Merchant, when you quoted me and said what you did, you pretty much just killed your own argument. Don't call people ignorant when you don't know what experience they really have. I'm not making assumptions or assuming anything.

Nope, nowhere did I call you ignorant, ignorant and assumption are 2 different words entirely with different meanings. Your statement was not directed at anyone and phrased with, "When most people..." and that is a generalized assuption, but not an act of ignorance.

View PostDemonRaziel, on 12 April 2013 - 11:21 AM, said:

Raven RVN-4X. I decided to only comment on this part of your post since other people has already commented on other parts and pointed out some of your factual errors...

RVN-4X is nowhere near the same as the 4 Mechs I focused on, it has 1 more Energy and 1 Missle with only 2 Ballistic compared to SDR-5K and CDA-3C. I have seen mentions of RVN-4X designs running nothing but 2 LL and seen in game a 2ML, AC/5 and Strak RVN-4X. Because of the extra Energy and the Missile slot plus only half the Ballisitc slots of a SDR-5K and CDA-3C (that lacks the JJ of the RVNs or SDRs usful for accessing high places and turning), different builds are more possible with a RVN-4X.

RVN-4X doesn't count as I see it.

#426 Pinselborste


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 10:44 AM

View PostEsplodin, on 15 April 2013 - 09:53 AM, said:

Behold! The 24DPS, 6 Machine gun Spider!

*Apologies for the dodgy video in places. The encoder tried it's best on my craptop speeding the footage up 15X. Yes, 15X normal speed.

but cant you see how much stronger it is than a 6 sl jenner and how it wrecks an atlas in some seconds :(

Edited by Pinselborste, 15 April 2013 - 10:45 AM.

#427 Wildstreak


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 10:48 AM

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

So instead of balancing weapons we should balance the hulls and keep broken weapons broken.

If the problem is largely on certain variants, then that is where you focus for a fix, not changing a whole weapon. Certain people advocate that is where the problem is, certain variants due to their hardpoints being largely Ballistic.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

A mech variant and a weapon system are two different things. The topic is simple. A weapon that could damage mechs and did (in my opinion) too much damage in the TT game has now become USELESS. The weapon is not balanced, it's as simple as that.

Then there are now 2 types of people advocating for MG changes, not 1 group.
Group 1 - based on certain variants.
Group 2 - based on the weapon regardless of variant.
Fixing anything rquires seperating these groups and discussion points because the methodology used to do so is NOT the same. Will fixing the MG overall change the fact that certain variants are limited in weapon choices due to a large number of Ballistic hardpoints? No, thus conclusions and steps needing to be done if any follow different methods. Chaging the MG will not change that SDR-5Ks and CDA-3Cs are limited compared to even RVN-4Xs as I responded to someone else.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

I make the assumption based upon the data you deliver. Your point had no data, facts or anything that brought anything IMPORTANT to the discussion, just a short comment about your opinion.

That particular item referred to your assumption that seems to indicate someone must pilot a SDR-5K or CDA-4C to have a valid reason to post. I know this is not necessary for anyone, anyone who has played the game and can anaylyze data can post whether they have run those variants or not.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

I agree about it, the ranges should be equal. But of you state that the damage between SL and MG should be different why do we have the damage difference on a scale of 10 to 1 on the AC/2 then?

Here you are ignoring what I said. This point I referred to what a Mech variant was designed for, has nothing to do with MGs compared to SLs. You are focused here too much on the weapon.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

Good, so I did. I have posted the facts several times that you disagree or ignore them is not my problem. Even if we ignore the facts it boils down to that this is a game where weapons and equipment are supposed to be viable to be FUN. MG's are not FUN, they are at best extreme borderline usefullness if you are lucky.

Disagree yes, ignore no, stop making assumptions.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

Bragging wins no point with me about real world military which I have been a part of as well. This is about game balance.

So you think the two are seperate, that is a shame. I will stick by both what my counselors said when I got out that it is possible for someone's military experience to crossover into other areas and my time involved in game balance and design on other games that has proven military experience can matter. The two are not always as seperate as you think from what I have seen.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

If your post had included facts to back up your opinion you would have been given a better response, like you provided in this post.

Can't help the fact that like others I have experienced, sometimes you start typing something on the Internet then you get interrupted by an emergency so you put up what you got and come back to it later. People do this more often than you think.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

Oh I agree. Not having heat IS an advantage, but you also have no BENEFIT from the 10 DHS you might have in your engine - which is essentially ammo regen for lasers. Now, Small Lasers and MG's did NOT have equal damage, hell, the SL had MORE damage than the AC/2 and the MG. A +50% damage (3 to the MG's 2 and AC/2's 2.)

Actually you do since moving generates heat especially jumping if you have it. But now this is a different argument about what should be the minimum number of Heat Sinks in a Fusion engine thus different topic.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

Not a problem really. The issue I DO have is based on several points.
-MG's was RADICALLY changed from all the other weapons in terms of DPS, Damage per tonne and damage per shot.
-It is the slowest weapon to deliver 80 points of damage (200 seconds)
-It is the ONLY viable ballistic weapon for light mechs without crippling a build

Other weapons have been changed too such as how Autocannon use current TT method of damage delivery compared to lasers that use the older standard. As for build crippling, that is personal choice and cannot be forced on someone to avoid else why not just remove MechBay and make people run pre-designed versions.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

Yea, we could do that, but at the same time it would be nice to gain answers to WHY they radically changed the way that weapon does damage. I can fully understand if PGI dont want the MG to be a short ranged AC/2 but giving it 1/10 of the DPS and 60% of the damage per tonne was crippling. The reason for it to have MORE damage (not much, just more) is due to the extreme spread the weapon has, it's almost nigh impossible to hit a specific location when shooting a moving enemy at more than 50 meters with machine guns. The damage will spread out over multiple locations or miss. So even if it got 2 DPS it would perhaps be 0,4 damage hitting the location you aim at. Personally I think 2 DPS is too much but 1 to 1,5 DPS with bullet spread and slower bullets than the lasers beam makes the weapon far harder to use than the small laser.

This is actually the first I have heard of MG damage spread however since it is supposed to be anti-infantry, I can see that making sense as the spread would be seen as needed to target small beings such as infantrymen over a large area. Might have been part of the plan for when the Clans come in and maybe they bring in the first powered armor with Elementals under AI control, who knows.

Edited by Merchant, 15 April 2013 - 10:48 AM.

#428 Deathlike


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 11:03 AM

Let me know when the 4 MG mech actually threatens your mech (outside of your mech being so messed up in the first place).

Every Spider-5K and other MG variants simply don't threaten anyone. Anyone who has used/played MGs variants know this.

People aren't saying this to want the MG to be OP... we just want it to not be completely irrelevant which is simply the current state of things.

#429 Prezimonto


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 11:14 AM

Why is an engine not critable? If you could crit engines and do significant damage and/or actually slow a mech or wreck it's engine heatsinks (and so killing it's effectiveness) MG's would be more viable in their present state.

I don't mind the idea they have as MG's being crit machines, but when crits to the center torso are essentially useless and that's the primary target in a large percentage of battles, mg's are at best extremely situational, and at worst essentially worthless.

#430 Wildstreak


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 11:18 AM

Continued because using Preview Post, discovered there is a limit of 10 quotations before the Forum software gives an error of not having enough matching Quote tags even though you do have them.

Also discovered if you break a post into 2 posts to keep Quotes then try to post 1 after the other, Forum software merges the 2 posts together messing up Quotes all over again.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

3750 rounds of MG ammo is the equivalent of the AC/2 damage per tonne. It takes the AC/2 37,5 seconds to deliver said damage It takes the MG 375 seconds to deliver said damage 6,25 MINUTES to deliver 150 points of damage compared to 37,5 seconds. And the MG needs 87,5% more ammo load to manage that

Of course we need to lower ammo load. I want a balanced viable weapon not something bastardized that we have now. IF we made it 1DPS it could look like this: Damage per tonne: 150 Cycle: 0,25 [Yes, the gun could do with a cycle rate] Damage: 0,25 Ammo: 600 Now we have a 1 DPS weapon that does 4 hits per second instead of 10 so the crit chances are fewer but damage is slightly greater - and if that doesnt work we can CHANGE it because we are in a BETA.

Given that MG to SL damage was 2/3 in the same time period, I would expect 0.67DPS for a MG.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

Oh, of course. So you DO agree that buffing the AC/2 to 4DPS which is essentially 20 TIMES the DPS it had in the TT is completely wrong then? Unlike the MG which got a X2 DPS boost and THEN THEY DOUBLED ARMOUR VALUES. Cant you see the flaw in your argument here? By your own logic the AC/2 is wrong as well. The comparisons are made from the bloody source and we simply ask the devs WHY they deviated so extremely on ONE weapon. Hell, when will you call the SL OP since it has 1/14 the weight of the ERPPC but has 1/3 the DPS (and no, I dont find the SL op, I do find MG's awfully underperforming.)

Just where in TT does it mention DPS? Never had a reference to it.

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:

So? How is that BAD? Is the Jagermech with 6MG's suddenly gonna become a deathmachine when we have people boating far more efficient weapons yet no-one has a problem with it, but this, the weakest weapon in the game and the ONLY light ballistic weapon available for under 30 tonne mechs will become OP if it is buffed?

Who says no one has problems with boats of large numbers of PPCs, LRMs and other weapons? There have been topics on this, I have even been clear stating I don't care what damage a weapon does, there should be a limit on such things and I am not the only one. Do you ignore those topics leading you to assumptions?

View PostTerror Teddy, on 12 April 2013 - 11:44 AM, said:

Is the forum completely ****** when it comes to quotes or does it have a maximum limit because this drives me NUTS.

See first sentence of this post.

#431 Eternal Hunter


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 11:30 AM

I agree that increasing dps might not be the way to do it, but what about increasing the crit dmg then? Atleast to a level where we can "feel" it's worth it.

#432 RealityCheck


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 11:35 AM

Merchant, from your posts I get the sense your a reasonable guy. In light of this, I would like to pose a few questions to you.

1. Why do you believe the machine gun is working as intended?
2. Since this is beta, why not give the machine gun a small to moderate buff?
3. If you absolutely had to buff the machine gun, how would you do it?

The reason I ask is that you are one of the few who are opposed to a machine gun buff. Just like to pick your brain to see where your coming from.


Edited: Double posting error
Sorry for any misinterpretations this may have caused. Was not intended to offend Merchant, just start a constructive dialog. My apologies.

Edited by RealityCheck, 15 April 2013 - 12:11 PM.

#433 stjobe


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:07 PM

View PostMerchant, on 15 April 2013 - 10:48 AM, said:

This is actually the first I have heard of MG damage spread however since it is supposed to be anti-infantry, I can see that making sense as the spread would be seen as needed to target small beings such as infantrymen over a large area.

So, you're ex-military are you? Since when is an inaccurate weapon a good weapon? Not to mention that the MG in BattleTech isn't designed as a primarily anti-infantry weapon; that is it's secondary function. Its primary function is to do damage to 'mechs.

#434 Conraire


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:09 PM

View PostMerchant, on 15 April 2013 - 11:18 AM, said:

Who says no one has problems with boats of large numbers of PPCs, LRMs and other weapons? There have been topics on this, I have even been clear stating I don't care what damage a weapon does, there should be a limit on such things and I am not the only one. Do you ignore those topics leading you to assumptions?

I have huge problems with people boating the high alpha damage weapons. They're generally completely imbalanced builds. And the key issue with them, is there are no consequences for doing so, because of the way the heat cap works. But, there are certain mechs that are specifically designed to boat a specific weapon as well. HBk-4P with medium lasers for example, if you do it right, its completely capable of 9 mediums, a 260std, and enough doubles to be fairly heat stable, with max armor, and thats a mech that does 92kph with speed tweak.. The Catapult A1, think thats the one, is solely a missile boat.

But, there are only a few chassis specifically designed around the Machine Gun. Thats the Spider 5k, the Cicada 3C, and there are other mechs, but they aren't in the game yet. So that's two chassis, which are near useless because their primary weapon system was rendered useless. Now, there are only a few more current chassis, that are even remotely capable of boating MG's. Thats the Jagermech 6S, and 6DD, and the Cataphract 4X. Now these heavy mechs would obviously be better served by using heavy AC's. But then, what do you do with the extra 2-4 ballistic points? If MG's were working properly I'd fill them with those. Those two lighter mechs though, don't have the option to use heavier AC's without seriously messing up the rest of their build.

There are also several chassis that would benefit from a buff to MG's. The Raven 4x would gain back a useful weapon for its two ballistic points. The hunchback 4G would have a legitimate reason to fit 2 MG's along side the bigger AC in the hunch. The Trebuchet 7k would benefit from a light backup weapon. The Dragon 1N and 5N would both benefit, which would make up for one of the 5N's bigger problems. All 3 Jagermechs would benefit, good backup weapon for the 6a if going missile heavy, DD could do an anti light 2LB10, 4MG fit then. Cataphract 4X would be able to mount 2 MGs along with AC 10s and still be useful.

As it stands right now though. It's a waste of time, to fit them on anything medium or higher. And if you're fitting them on a light, the ammo becomes a liability with no added reward for it being there.

And like I said, it's a matter of perception. Which has caused a problem for every mechwarrior game. When none military people in general think machine gun. They're think Man portable LMG's like the m60, or HMGs like the M2 at best. The big 20mm gattling guns that they actually are in canon, are made to be used against other mechs and armored vehicles. Just so happens that gattling guns tend to be fairly good and mowing down troops as well.

Edited by Conraire, 15 April 2013 - 12:20 PM.

#435 Deathlike


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:11 PM

View PostEternal Hunter, on 15 April 2013 - 11:30 AM, said:

I agree that increasing dps might not be the way to do it, but what about increasing the crit dmg then? Atleast to a level where we can "feel" it's worth it.

No. The crit damage bonus already works (although, insanely too effective when initially implemented [it shred stuff in no time flat, but still killed nothing], and the corrected #s made them less than useless), but doesn't really counter the fact that MGs serve no relevant roles that other weapons can do better (even the small laser is better).

Edited by Deathlike, 15 April 2013 - 12:15 PM.

#436 RealityCheck


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:12 PM

St Jobe has a point, the machine gun is meant to do damage. On a side note, please take note of my previous post. Ran into a few errors trying to post and have since edited it.


#437 Abledime


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:16 PM

to put MWO machine guns in to perspective 10 rounds per seconds is equivalent to the rate of fire of.........

wait for it.........

your bog standard un-enhanced......

Russian Built 1947 era


#438 RealityCheck


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:22 PM

View PostAbledime, on 15 April 2013 - 12:16 PM, said:

to put MWO machine guns in to perspective 10 rounds per seconds is equivalent to the rate of fire of.........

wait for it.........

your bog standard un-enhanced......

Russian Built 1947 era


LOL :(

#439 stjobe


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:31 PM

View PostAbledime, on 15 April 2013 - 12:16 PM, said:

to put MWO machine guns in to perspective 10 rounds per seconds is equivalent to the rate of fire of.........

To be fair, most assault rifles are in the 500-900 rpm range.
Most modern-day machine guns are in the 600-1,200 rpm range, and most multi-barrel machine guns are in the 2,000 - 6,000+ rpm range.

But yeah, it's a bit slow for a 1000-years-in-the-future, large-calibre, multi-barrel anti-'mech weapon.

#440 FrostCollar


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:44 PM

View Poststjobe, on 15 April 2013 - 12:31 PM, said:

To be fair, most assault rifles are in the 500-900 rpm range.
Most modern-day machine guns are in the 600-1,200 rpm range, and most multi-barrel machine guns are in the 2,000 - 6,000+ rpm range.

But yeah, it's a bit slow for a 1000-years-in-the-future, large-calibre, multi-barrel anti-'mech weapon.

Hey, who cares if it's slow if it's firing large shells?

However, given the fact that the current ammunition is closer in deadliness to frozen peas, it is an issue.

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