I like the idea of the armored vs unarmored target version the of the MG.
Vs ARMORED targets it behaves like it does now. Only being able to "HURT" armored pieces at 200m or closer.
Vs UNARMORED, It should be KING of Destruction. VS an unarmored target, meaing whatever doesn't have armor, wether it be a pick up truck, soldier, a mech's right torso that lost its armor, IT should kill with greatest efficiency.
Vs unarmored its RANGE should be across the map, Its damage should be like 1 point damage per bullet.
This keeps the theme of being worst vs armored, great vs unarmored.
ITS the worst, very worst weapon that its "BEST" for.......LOL
IF MGs......shot PAINT BALLS......it would be a weapon 10x dangerous then what you have now, cause you might blind someone or offend someone with a dirty mech or graffiti.
If MGs......shot Bubbles like the kind you get kids at a grocery store.......... It would be a weapon 10x more dangerous then what you have now,...... cause the enemy might end up shooting at your bubbles instead of shooting you.
If MGs.......shot Mayonaise........ it would be a weapon 10x more dangerous then what you have now.....mechs could slip and fall.....Folks might decide to snow angels in the mayo...... You can paint things on buildings....
If MGs.......shot Paper Airplanes........it would be a weapon 10x more dangerous then what you have now...... you could blind folks , they could have school flash backs, they could get caught up in mechs joints.
If MGs......shot tennis balls........it would be a weapon 10x more dangerous then what you have now......it could be noisy bumps on the mech, they can slip and fall, some mechs might try to swing at it.
If MGs.......launched kittens.......it would be a weapon 10x more dangerous then what you have now........MEOW!