Amsro, on 07 August 2013 - 06:52 AM, said:
I'll take your work for it and try a batch of matches in the SDR-5K, I'm hoping to be OP now

Oh, don't twist my words that way
They're not OP, they're just not completely useless any more. In 4's and 6's, they are actually rather good at killing stuff.
Pinselborste, on 07 August 2013 - 06:16 AM, said:
the fact that they only work fine against internals now, but still not armor still means that they are wasted space.
No, they really are useful for e.g. the SDR-5K with its four ballistic slots. Prior to yesterday, those slots were indeed wasted space. But with yesterday's patch, it's actually possible to reliably kill 'mechs with those MGs - and not by some random lucky shot, but by actually using them as weaponry. That was what my little experiment was designed to test, and the results support the hypothesis.
Pinselborste, on 07 August 2013 - 06:16 AM, said:
especially since any other weapon also is better against internalls cause of the crit damage bonus that now applies.
This will always be the case, an AC/10 that crits will always destroy a component outright (and now also deal 1.5 to 3.5 extra IS damage).
But we're talking MGs here, the lightest of the ballistic weapons - and it has a crit damage bonus that means the new internal structure damage will be proportionally larger. Remember, it's 15% of crit damage, not 15% of regular damage. In the case of the MG, that means that the internal structure damage will be higher than the regular damage by far:
No crit (39%): 0.1 damage to IS
Single crit (25% + 11%): 0.1 + 0.1875 damage to IS (and 1.25 to component)
Double crit(14% + 6%): 0.2 + 0.375 damage to IS (and 2.5 to component)
Triple crit (3% + 2%): 0.3 + 0.525 damage to IS (and 3.75 to component)
If you do the math, this means that a single 1.0 DPS MG does roughly 3 DPS (2.9875) against a breached target's internal structure, and over 11 DPS (11.36) to its internal components! (Although spread and general accuracy will do its part to lower those numbers by approximately 25% to 50%, that's still a LOT of DPS).
Let me repeat those numbers: The current MG does 1 DPS to armour,
3 DPS to internal structure, and
11 DPS to internal components. That's not bad. At all. And that's a single MG. Now put four of them on a nimble 'mech like the SDR-5K, and you'll be doing 12 DPS to that internal structure.
Yes, you need something (or someone) to breach the armour, but when you do...
Try it, you might like it.
Edited by stjobe, 07 August 2013 - 07:50 AM.