Limit battlemech customization.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 04:42 AM
Posted 01 November 2011 - 05:23 AM
Posted 01 November 2011 - 05:40 AM
Vance Diamond, on 31 October 2011 - 09:26 PM, said:
And if heat is worked correctly, shooting that many flamers will cripple your movement speed, if not shut you down altogether. If damage is worked correctly (as in, excess damage properly transfers and internal components are actually tracked and destroyed) your engine is going to be destroyed before you get close. You're going to need armor, and heavier teammates to distract your foes so you can strike at the rear arc.
My problem with the ER Large Laser and the AC/2 from MW4 is that they would knock a 'Mech's cockpit around so badly that if, for instance, someone were piloting a Deimos, with 4 AC/2s, or someone were driving a 'Mech equipped with 4 ER Large Lasers, all an attacking pilot needed to do was hold a count between each discharge of one weapon in their chain, and they could destroy an enemy without any possibility of retaliation, which is wrong. With MechWarrior III, if you were fired at by anything smaller than an AC/20 or PPC, you had almost no reaction whatsoever. The weapons, heat, damage, knock-around, etc., etc., etc., were the most balanced in MWIII.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 05:57 AM
I'm in the camp supporting lots of customisation, with lots of restrictions like time, money, whether you have access to a factory, etc. The construction rules and the myriad possibilities they allow are one of the biggest draws of the board game, and the tiered limitations developed for role play and campaigns seem perfect for a Mechwarrior game with individualised character progression.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 06:17 AM
Targeting computers in MWIII were useless, anyway, and I never used them, so I didn't have anything to wrestle over. And, as for changing everything out, the Mechlab in MWIII was as close to perfect as they could get, and absolutely perfect compared to every other MW game produced before or since. Now, if you've read this entire thread, you will remember that I have advocated several times for limited customization, requiring money, resources, and/or time. If I did not say that in THIS particular thread, I have said it in others.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 06:23 AM
kay wolf, on 01 November 2011 - 05:23 AM, said:
I figure I will grab quite a bit of flak for the name but in time it will make sense

(BTW Amarus is actually A'marus, it has been my handle for years...not Amaris, Kerensky forbid it!)
Posted 01 November 2011 - 07:12 AM
Posted 01 November 2011 - 07:47 AM
That's why we have computers! The rules can be broken into easily digestible chunks, and the math can be automated. A real economy, with real supply and demand, coupled with a persistent stable of mechs for each player or merc company would solve the problems associated with customization in the old games. Got yourself a CN9 with a Gauss rifle? Congratulations, you are the proud owner of a target. Scraped up enough cash to buy that AWS? Good for you, now pay to fix it. You want to slap that shiny new ER Large Laser in your Crocket? Too bad, cause your new tech just scratched the focusing lens, it'll cost you another 5000 Cbills and 2 weeks to get a new lens. Your spider has double heat sinks? Oops! the supply just ran dry... Is it hot in here?
Gone are the free LB-10X reloads, and easy weapon swaps. In their place you now have a rich and rewarding persistent campaign.
P.S. Amarus, you capitalized my name right, even though the forums did not. Do I know you by some other name? I've always been so bad with proper nouns... Okay just nouns in general really
Edited by carpemortis, 01 November 2011 - 07:59 AM.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 07:53 AM
Customization should probably mostly be limited by pilot level. Straight out of the gun, a pilot should only be able to use basic stock configurations, but as they level up, they can unlock the ability to use other variants, before moving to something similar to Mektek's take on MW4 Free, and finally reaching the point where they can put almost anything anywhere. To help balance this late-game customization, it should be prohibitively expensive to, for instance, swap out an autocannon with an LRM, or fit a large weapon in place of where smaller weapons go. If this also raises repair costs, or whatever they may have in place of that, you wouldn't see too many of those fruity mechs, but there'd still be the ability to use them.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 08:38 AM
carpemortis, on 01 November 2011 - 07:47 AM, said:
Gone are the free LB-10X reloads, and easy weapon swaps. In their place you now have a rich and rewarding persistent campaign.
omegaclawe, on 01 November 2011 - 07:53 AM, said:
Posted 01 November 2011 - 10:29 AM
Mech4 mechlab had the right idea, if poorly implemented. I like the idea that certain points on mechs were only viable for certain types of weaponry, with clan omnis and more advanced IS designs being more flexible in this respect. This, I think, would maintain balance as well as enforce the role based game play they want; i.e. the glorious Vulture is always going to be a missile based fire support mech, because the main armament will always be huge rack of missiles.
I firmly believe that customisation of an individuals mech is one of the things that will keep people around. I know I love to fiddle with my load-outs (heh) until I'm happy and I expect nothing less from MWO. Possibly some kind of in-game VR simulation to allow you to test your mechs might be cool.
Obviously, equipment installation (like targeting computers, for example) would need to be handled more complexly than in mech4.
Also they need to make the GUI for such a thing far less stupid than it was in Mech4. Sometimes, with the big boxes and colours, it felt like I was playing with some kind of kids activity book. I much preferred the data-like readouts of MW2.
I suspect, since they want to appeal to a broad range of gamers, I get the feeling that levels of customisation (and perhaps even the nature of it) will be as deep or as shallow as you want.
Me? I'll probably spend as much time tinkering with my mechs as I will in game blowing the **** outta folks. Hopefully.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 10:56 AM
Posted 01 November 2011 - 11:22 AM
Mchawkeye, on 01 November 2011 - 10:29 AM, said:
Mech4 mechlab had the right idea, if poorly implemented. I like the idea that certain points on mechs were only viable for certain types of weaponry, with clan omnis and more advanced IS designs being more flexible in this respect. This, I think, would maintain balance as well as enforce the role based game play they want; i.e. the glorious Vulture is always going to be a missile based fire support mech, because the main armament will always be huge rack of missiles.
The Mad dog (Vulture) is an Omnimech, it should not of had any fixed hard points (unless that item was fixed). In fact the C, E and F configurations do not have any missiles on them, and the F configuration has lasers where the "missile racks" should be. Though the MW4 system changed a lot of the regular B-tech rules (it also changed a few mechs default configs).
Well maintaining things should take time and (in game) money (MW 2 Mercs had the money part).
An items quality should also have something to do with this.
Maintaining a mech should not be cheap, no should repair or customizing a mech. Also paying for good quality techs to maintain your mech should be not cheap as well.
Edited by nebfer, 01 November 2011 - 11:30 AM.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 11:26 AM
omegaclawe, on 01 November 2011 - 10:56 AM, said:
Mad Dog C Surats!
One of my favourite mechs... has limited ammuntion, but ohh boy, what a punch! My desire is to see the Mad Dog as the weapons platform it should be and not the support mech it always seems to be.
Yeah, it works good as support, but, clans fight 1 on 1 mostly. Mad Dog B is one of my favourite on paper omnimechs though. Mix ranged, if only it had the heat sinks to support it.
Downgrade the LRM20 to LRM15 and it lets you add a couple more sinks.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 11:28 AM
carpemortis, on 01 November 2011 - 07:47 AM, said:
first of all I like you further sugestion on this, the idea of a persistance and in depth economy of damage and resupply is an excellent addendum to the game, more of a game within a game for those of us that like to run numbers.
And to answer your question, no I dod not know you but I figured that they were both separate words changed into a callsign, much as my name is Amarus as I chose it way back in 2001 when I saw the word A'marus...and as we know many games do not like apostrophes in names. So I have been Amarus for a decade...dang time flies.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 11:49 AM
I want to be able to say to myself as my opponents approach "So , they've got a Catapult, a Hunchback, a Centurion and a Javelin. The Cat is going to be fire support with its LRMs. The Hunchback represents short-range autocannon death: Avoid. The Centurion is a trooper mech with a solid AC10 and LRM10 setup. The Javelin will be mobile but with a respectable SRM volley if I get too close."
Thats actually a pretty good lance. The Hunchback can lurk near the Catapult and discourage enemies from approaching too closely. The Centurion is good at all ranges. The Javelin can scout and spot for indirect LRM fire. The Catapult can use its mobility to get to fire positions, and can duck behind his lance mates when danger looms too close.
If they then all run up and start to chop me to pieces with pulse lasers I will be miffed. Whats the point of having all the amazingly varied models of mechs in the game if you can just hit "Strip All Weapons" and completely re-fit them.
The canon mechs have roles and capabilities that make them useful on the battlefield. They need to be deployed and played to their strengths, not homogenised.
What I would like to see are progressions of mech upgrades that keep the feel of each mech. AC5s being upgraded to PPCs (as happens on the Zeus and Dragon); Pulse lasers being fitted in place of medium lasers; Artemis IV making LRMs better. Eventually, Clan equivalents of the standard weapons making the mech top of its class. You'd still know roughly what the mech was capable of if you met it on the field though. I think that is important.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 11:53 AM
P.S. Don't forget these are not omni mechs .
Posted 01 November 2011 - 11:55 AM
NO to custom mechs!!!!!
Posted 01 November 2011 - 12:03 PM
That or the MW2 Mercs way, were you can customise everything, but will pay a hefty price.
To strip an AC20 would cost as much as the weapon itself. A fully customised Hunchback with some jjets, an XL engine and double H/S could end up costing double the original amount.
I'd rather have that option to be honest. I'm not sure why people do not mention this. Too many young ones around me thinks.
You want customisation? Prepare to pay for it.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 12:07 PM
P.S. Amarus, that's good. I just did the math, I've been CarpeMortis for 16 years, and a mechwarrior for 20... add in the possibility of memory loss, and I'm not sure I could handle it.
Edited by carpemortis, 01 November 2011 - 12:11 PM.
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