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Clantech Coming Within Six Months After Launch

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#141 Pihb


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:01 AM

View PostGhost Bear, on 16 April 2013 - 07:13 PM, said:

well, that's a let down

I'm not buying or using any more MC until clans come

Just quit until clans come. Take all your clan friends with you. The less clans the better.

#142 Zerberus


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:14 AM

View PostWolf Varulvson, on 17 April 2013 - 10:52 AM, said:

Balancing Clan Mechs is very easy ...

While the Omnimech is superior to the IS-Mech, the pilot suffers from a huge disadvantage: He isn't supposed to focus fire by any means.

So if a Clan-Pilot (Team 1) attacks another Mech (Team 2, be it a Clan-Enemy or IS-Enemy) this Mech is claimed by him for lets say 20 sec. or until either the attacker or the defender is destroyed. No other Mech of Team 1 is able to do damage to the claimed Mech or can get a target lock on him until the 20 sec. did run out or the attacker is destroyed (both resetting the claim).

All shots at the claimed Mech are turned to 0 damage the moment they are fired at him until resetting is done. After that the Mech is free for all members of Team 1 to claim it anew.

Regarding the current discipline on the battlefield the default pilot will have to learn reading the sitiuation and always be aware of which Mech is free to fire on or he will just build up heat and waste ammo. :ph34r:

I don`t think forcing Zellbrigen onto the clans vs opponents that have proved for 6 months that they don`t deserve it is going to do anything but **** off the clanners that are in it for the philosophy and not the equip.

Especially in this fashion. If Zellbrigen is in place, and ANYONE shoots a mech they are not dueling, a grand melee /Free for all is started. So due to some freebirth dev`s halfass definition of Zell and it`s even more hjalfass implementation I get shackled to a 1:1 while my enemy is free to focus entire lances on me, even though the rules of Zell say I`m free to shoot anything I want???

THAT whoud be a guaranteed QQ moment for most clanners that understand the philosophy, I think, and not a "post whining why, I qq, Whine bawl" post, but a "You know exactly how you ****** this up, Pgi, I`m not even going to explain it to you. Farewell" post.

Zellbrigen post initial invasion was more of less exclusively between the clans as IS units had regularly broken the rules turning the battle into a grand Melee durung the initial invasion. Chivalry and honor are words the IS has forgotten, and we will not let out honor be used against us twice.

Edited by Zerberus, 17 April 2013 - 11:17 AM.

#143 Karn Bloodstar


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:16 AM

I agree with the colonel. It seems that the game i love MW is not to be seen and i dont recomend it to anyone, I get on so few time now and its funny each time i do gety on there seems to be a patch that just makes more bugs but adds nothing of game content or play..

I mean serously it takes 4 weeks to release the highlander and you dont have any kind of game play other then run around and shoot **** to no purpose..

The only reason you guys still have a job is because we the players want the game we were promised, and we need that game thats why we ***** but it doesnt seem anyone is listening..


#144 Praehotec8


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:17 AM

I don't know, on one hand it's a little dissapointing to have to wait longer for clan mechs (mad dog summoner and timberwolf, etc.). On the other, I love my catapult, and it will be nice to have a while to use the IS mechs without having to worry about the balance issues inherent with clan tech.

#145 Ransack


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:34 AM

View PostWrenchfarm, on 17 April 2013 - 08:33 AM, said:

I think it's admirable to have patience and to be understanding.

I also think there is a line where that patience and understanding starts to be taken advantage of. That you can be too "nice" to the point of becoming a sucker.

I think a lot of people in this community are past that point.

There is no excuse for the Keystone Cops level of buffoonery PGI has shown. From the lack of basic features, the limited number of maps, the constant bugs and and glitches that pervade every single aspect of the game. Going back on "pillars" of the design, failing to adhere to their own self-imposed deadlines (which lets face it, were pretty generous. Remember how many months Alpine and Tormaline were delayed?)

But the worst offence is the lack of positive communication from the devs. Snarky tweets, terse replies, and a community manager that goes on at length about how unpleasant his job and the community is. The fact that we continually hear about these problems from outside sources - which PGI will claim mis-quoted them or got it wrong, only to basically confirm it a week later.

It's a disaster.

PGI are the ones who said the game is ready for Open Beta. They are the ones who put themselves on a 1:1 time scale with the 3050 lore which DOES carry certain implications and expectations. They were the ones who said "this game is worth money, please give us some" then try to still hide behind the beta-shield.

It isn't entitled to expect them to live up to their own statements and goals. It isn't impatient to ask why basic functions are missing, or why half the weapon systems are broken right now, or why it takes them months to make even the slightest adjustment to things. It is OK to have reasonable expectations of them to deliver what they said when they are also asking you to pump money into this thing.

Don't be a sucker. Don't let them off the hook.


Sadly, there are those that not only let them off the hook, but they apologize for PGI, and fight tooth and nail here on the forums defending the questionable decisions made. It's really sad. There was so much potential and so many BT/MW starved adults with cash to spend that PGI's questionable practices have either driven or is driving away.

#146 Vardrak


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:38 AM

View PostZerberus, on 17 April 2013 - 11:14 AM, said:

I don`t think forcing Zellbrigen onto the clans vs opponents that have proved for 6 months that they don`t deserve it is going to do anything but **** off the clanners that are in it for the philosophy and not the equip.

Especially in this fashion. If Zellbrigen is in place, and ANYONE shoots a mech they are not dueling, a grand melee /Free for all is started. So due to some freebirth dev`s halfass definition of Zell and it`s even more hjalfass implementation I get shackled to a 1:1 while my enemy is free to focus entire lances on me, even though the rules of Zell say I`m free to shoot anything I want???

THAT whoud be a guaranteed QQ moment for most clanners that understand the philosophy, I think, and not a "post whining why, I qq, Whine bawl" post, but a "You know exactly how you ****** this up, Pgi, I`m not even going to explain it to you. Farewell" post.

Zellbrigen post initial invasion was more of less exclusively between the clans as IS units had regularly broken the rules turning the battle into a grand Melee durung the initial invasion. Chivalry and honor are words the IS has forgotten, and we will not let out honor be used against us twice.

You forgot, that you have to learn this lesson yet - the Clan Invasion did not take place ... so?

#147 zmeul


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:43 AM

major mistakes PGI did, or was forced to do, in MWO's development cycle:

mistake 1 - launching Open BETA before it was ready for it
mistake 2 - not having a tutorial for newcomers
mistake 3 - heavily focusing on new content rather than fixing existing bugs
mistake 4 - shifting development timeline because of consumables and 3PV
mistake 5 - not giving priority to Clan Wars (or Community WarFare as most of you like to call it)

this ^ will cost them a lot

Edited by zmeul, 17 April 2013 - 11:44 AM.

#148 ratgoat


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:08 PM

When I first started playing in the closed beta in July? I figured it would take a full year before the game was even close to being polished. However, I'm starting to think that I was off by another full year.

I don't think the game needs clans to be complete. It needs better more immersive game modes, private matches and CW. The pace of development is definitely frustrating.

And I am almost certain when CW hits the metric for winning a match will still be either blowing up the other guys or standing in the magic square for a bit. There is nothing wrong with blowing up the other guys I just wish there were some more variation on how or why the fighting takes place where it does on the map.

I think PGI knows they're going too slow. I'm not sure what interview I saw this on, but Russ was saying that they needed to increase their staff by 100% this year. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong here. And even when they are fully staffed it is going to take awhile before everyone is really up to speed.

#149 Homeless Bill


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:08 PM

View PostByk, on 16 April 2013 - 10:26 PM, said:

I know I'm not the only one that thinks this is a good thing. That gives plenty of time for PGI to get the game optimally running, and plenty of time to have some solid IS warfare before the Clans come and crash the party.

On one hand, I'm tempted to think this way. The quicker they drop it in our laps, the more broken and imbalanced it will be. Especially with the inherent equipment imbalance, I'd really like to see them do Clans the right way.

That said, this is also a complete ******* joke. I was honestly expecting to see the first Clan 'mechs around June or so when I started playing (start of Open Beta). To hear that we're going to miss what is essentially the entire Clan invasion makes me think the whole timeline idea is a joke; they should scrap it or roll it way the hell back.

I'm a game developer; I get it - things aren't done until they're done, and there's just no changing that. But they're setting deadlines for themselves and not meeting them. If you consistently cannot meet your own deadlines (and by large margins), you're doing something really wrong.

What irritates me the most is that we always have to find this **** out from a third party interview. If something is being delayed, I'd really just like to know. Collisions not being back in for another few months? It's breaking my heart, but at least they said something.

You could make the argument that the community is so whiny that anything they tell us will **** us off, but I don't think anything ****** us off more than being led on while having to dig around for real information.

Edited by Homeless Bill, 17 April 2013 - 12:08 PM.

#150 Azzura


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:17 PM

Clan tech/stuff would have likely kept me around.

Times up MWO...

Company of Heroes II Beta is out.....

Edited by Azzura, 17 April 2013 - 12:19 PM.

#151 Karl Split


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 02:04 PM

Im probably the onyl person that read that snippet and thought #thank god# but ive been worried they were going to throw out a rubbish community warfare, forget to fix it and then throw a pile of steaming op clan mechs on top of it.

With their suggested release schedule that gives them time to implement cw and fully fix it before moving on to clan tech.

For me thats a good thing, but im an old eve player and I have seen to many broken content expansions thrown into that game and not fixed for six years and it makes my cynical when I hear of major game changing expansions being thrown into a game one after another.

#152 Sol Fin


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:04 PM

View PostKarl Split, on 17 April 2013 - 02:04 PM, said:

Im probably the onyl person that read that snippet and thought #thank god# but ive been worried they were going to throw out a rubbish community warfare, forget to fix it and then throw a pile of steaming op clan mechs on top of it.

With their suggested release schedule that gives them time to implement cw and fully fix it before moving on to clan tech.

For me thats a good thing, but im an old eve player and I have seen to many broken content expansions thrown into that game and not fixed for six years and it makes my cynical when I hear of major game changing expansions being thrown into a game one after another.
Well, I am a long-time eve player too, so I can totally understand your point. But unfortunately there's a big difference in here. As an example bounty hunting was broken for so many years in eve, but you could do a LOT of other things instead of it. And if you were so into assasination - there were always possibilities like merc corps or kill-lists from big 0.0 alliances. In MWO there are no such options. You can only drop in random matches or 8v8 - and that is all! ;)

Another thing is with "big updates". They are NOT big in any way. CW is promised to be rolled out for quite some time, but their current 3-stage plan clearly says that CW wasn't really developed all this time that past from closed beta. And the full feature list that is promised... it doesn't look that long unfortunately.

My only explanation is that their human resources are very limited. I would say that there are about 5-6 max developers that are working on core gameplay of MWO. And it personally makes me sad. But what can we do really?

Edited by Sol Fin, 17 April 2013 - 11:04 PM.

#153 Pando


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:07 PM

View Postbenth, on 16 April 2013 - 06:58 PM, said:

Well, I'm off. See everyone in 11 months.

#154 Karl Split


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 02:09 AM

View PostPando, on 17 April 2013 - 11:07 PM, said:

Well, I'm off. See everyone in 11 months.

could be worse, could be 18 months

>< sorry old eve joke.

To Sol Fin:

yeah when I saw those interviews a while back where they pretty much said they hadnt started coding yet I did figure it must be a very small company, it does seem to take them an age to get anywhere

#155 JuiceKeeper


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 02:52 AM

damn this are sad news i was willing to wait little bit after launch even they are late half a year allready but waiting one more year for second part of game to come out :\. Now am definitly sure i am glad i didnt invest into founders even i was really thinking to. Seems like i will not be even thinking about this game when they will finish it lol. Maybe they will pull some magic on launch and game will be interesting then just bashing each other on 5 maps +5 night versions thru whole galaxy with 2 or 3 symetric boring modes.
Long live wasteland 2 and long live star citizen ;). hopefully those 2 games will dont go same way like this guys went :\.

i completly agree with u colonel at least it looks like that. Dont take me like person who is against PGI or something but since december there was no real content added into the game. I dont count mechs becouse they are basic tool to play game. But modes and actualy something.
Something more then balancing would be nice, we got 2 maps ok nice alpine doesnt look that difficult to do compared to amazing tourmaline. I dont know but i was hoping that this current lack of adding thingies into game and putting lol 3d statues of mechs (this was probably done in 10 minutes or something) and stuff like this means that they are working like crazy on stuff behind scenes and then suddenly we all got this :blink: one day when we patch game. But if this rumors are true its quite obvious they even started to work on that stuff.
@draco harkins hell yea :P. if there will be again running PvP valhala for 80 ppl i know where i will be baked :rolleyes:.

Edited by JuiceKeeper, 18 April 2013 - 05:39 AM.

#156 F lan Ker


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 03:37 AM


Whatever the reasons behind these delays and whatnot there is one thing I can always do: play other games while waiting. Sure will run out my premium time first, but when that is done I will with high propability wander off to other games. Does not take a rocket scientist to notice that PGI has issues with the game and managing it. So why get wound up on it when you can take a break and come back later to see if anything has improved. After all just a game even it is about one of the most iconic IPs called BattleTech..

#157 Purplefluffybunny


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 03:50 AM

*WARNING* *WARNING* Ultra Cynical Mode Active *WARNING* *WARNING* Ultra Cynical Mode Active *WARNING* *WARNING* Ultra Cynical Mode Active *WARNING* *WARNING*

First I would like to know what is meant by 'players will be able to buy clan tech'. Are they referring to Cbils here?

Initially I thought to myself, "what a great idea to have a timeline and to allow us all that lovely RP. What a great idea to stagger clan tech release and encourage a possible battle for it amongst Units through CW". However then it twigged.

If Clan tech was here right now I imagine that the number of current mechs (IS) piloted, would drop. In fact if we had Clan tech from the start, how many 'missed sales' of the inferior tech would there be?

IMO the staggered release is more to do with maximising sales. It means some people will buy the lesser tech and then the Clan tech once it is available. I think this is more the reason why PGI have set it up like this rather than as an effort to introduce RP and CW interest.

I am sorry to have to point this out but it is what I would do to make money out of you lot.

*END* *END* PGI Adjusted Attitude Normality Reached *END* *END* PGI Adjusted Attitude Normality Reached PGI Adjusted Attitude Normality Reached *END* *END* ..... Inaccurate channels avoided....

Edited by Purplefluffybunny, 18 April 2013 - 04:18 AM.

#158 Zerberus


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:12 AM

View PostWolf Varulvson, on 17 April 2013 - 11:38 AM, said:

You forgot, that you have to learn this lesson yet - the Clan Invasion did not take place ... so?

This is incorrect in canon /supposed MWO timeline. Today`s date is the 18th of April, 3050, the invasion started about 9 months ago.

The first wave of the post periphery Invasion is underway as we speak and will continue for the next few months until the ilKhan is killed, after which the clans will retreat to elect a new ilKhan, and then return top continue the offensive in mid 3051.


Just because WE haven`t seen clanners yet does not in any way change the fact that they are invading as we speak. It only means that we`re pampered sissies held far away from the conflicts and communications by our Leaders B)

I theorize that this may be part of why we will not get to play them until next year. Enforcing the rules of Zell as would be canon at present while allowing the IS to initiate GMs at will woud serve no real purpose but to alienate "random" clan players / confuse those with no interest in lore, so it makes more sense to introduce them when the entire IS is more oer less declared dezgra and forego it`s implementation altogether.

And re: other posters, Nobody is going to "miss the intire invasion", what hogwash... the "interesting" part of the invasion (second /5th wave depending on perspective) doesn`T statr until Kerensky has been named ilKhan and the clans return in late 3051. Thiose last 3 months were the really fierce fighting, with Clans and IS on somewhat level terms (primarily due to the first mixtech builds).

Everything up intil was just a stomp with the IS losing, like, 199 of 200 battles....

IMO there is no point of implementing "player campaigns" when the timeline dictates that the players can only lose. Better to make a huge "All men to arms" call when they return and make it an epic event, with the players + CW filling the space as second line House-House conflict units to keep the game interesting until then.

Edited by Zerberus, 18 April 2013 - 04:23 AM.

#159 MrZakalwe


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:29 AM

View PostPurplefluffybunny, on 18 April 2013 - 03:50 AM, said:

*WARNING* *WARNING* Ultra Cynical Mode Active *WARNING* *WARNING* Ultra Cynical Mode Active *WARNING* *WARNING* Ultra Cynical Mode Active *WARNING* *WARNING*
*END* *END* PGI Adjusted Attitude Normality Reached *END* *END* PGI Adjusted Attitude Normality Reached PGI Adjusted Attitude Normality Reached *END* *END* ..... Inaccurate channels avoided....

Not very cynical- you have a very high estimation of their abilities.

Edited by MrZakalwe, 18 April 2013 - 04:30 AM.

#160 Ramrod


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:35 AM

Even in your link there, Zerberus, many (if not all) of the planets in March-April's Wave 1 are inside the borders of the Successor States. The invasion is underway, there just isn't widespread panic, nor any real knowledge of the fact yet.

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