Said widespread knowledge and the unification of the houses vs the clans will happen ain a few months when the Wolf`s Dragoons spill the beans

As such, it would not surprise me one bit to see the first "official" and "solid" clan announcements /information on sometime this winter /next spring..
From http://www.sarna.net...lf%27s_Dragoons
"In 3051, during a lull in the Invasion, Jaime Wolf called a conference on Outreach. All the heads of the various Inner Sphere houses and several mercenary leaders were invited. It was at the start of this conference that Jaime Wolf revealed the true origin of the Dragoons: They were originally a part of Clan Wolf and a scout force for the Clans, which were, in turn, revealed to be the descendants of the Star League Defense Force. Until then, the Dragoons had not met the Clan invaders on the battlefield, having been held in reserve by their employer, House Davion, who made good use of their expertise to gather intelligence on the Clans and their invasion."
Edited by Zerberus, 18 April 2013 - 04:45 AM.