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Do You Think Mechwarrior Should Support A Lower Graphical Setting To Give Players Higher Fps?

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Poll: MechWarrior should offer better performance. (374 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think MechWarrior should support a lower graphical setting to give players a higher FPS?

  1. Yes (210 votes [50.97%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 50.97%

  2. No (78 votes [18.93%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 18.93%

  3. For players who need it. (113 votes [27.43%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 27.43%

  4. FPS means Frames Per Second? (11 votes [2.67%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 2.67%

What graphic settings do you play MechWarrior on?

  1. Low (170 votes [40.96%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 40.96%

  2. Medium (59 votes [14.22%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 14.22%

  3. High (27 votes [6.51%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.51%

  4. Very High (31 votes [7.47%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.47%

  5. Maxed (102 votes [24.58%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 24.58%

  6. I don't know. (8 votes [1.93%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 1.93%

  7. Pie. (18 votes [4.34%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.34%

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#141 Bad Karma 308


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 08:00 PM

View PostThomas Covenant, on 19 May 2013 - 05:22 PM, said:

You could rename this topic Craigslist vs Best Buy ;)

You'd consider a machine from "Best Buy" the opposite extreme to "Craigslist"? So a used obsolescent part vs. a new but mediocre machine; that's your range of performance?

#142 ROJ


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 11:09 PM

I believe many of us are playing on low settings because we experience these mysterious FPS drops during the mech lab and in-game on certain occasions, which happened to me despite what gfx settings I put it on.

#143 Thomas Covenant


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 11:19 PM

Posted Image

How many times will that one remark get quoted.

Lesson learned: don't post a short quip, or it will be misunderstood, misdirected, and your thoroughly explanatory posts as of yet, overlooked.

Edited by Thomas Covenant, 19 May 2013 - 11:20 PM.

#144 Tannhauser Gate


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 08:39 AM

Since most players who answered this poll play in LOW mode, I think its evident that a lower setting is needed. If you make the game more playable across a wider range of specs it would be more inclusive and more profitable.

#145 Flusensieb


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:01 AM

May conspiration sensor smells a conspiration between game developers and something meant to be played..

Even the mechlab no fries the gpu without any need - since second last patch gpu runs at power state P0, which means full clock speeds, before it dropped to P12, which means just 50Mhz.

No improvements in FPS, it's getting worse and worse and it takes out all the people that where just over the 23fps edge.

Do you see the pattern :D)))?!

On the other hand it could be just developers with no real control over their middleware, someone decided that you have to live with the decsision for a very, very bad and vulnerable game engine, the Cryengine3. If the engine would be half as good as the marketing for it we would be all happy. So why the frack they have no engine that scales with hardware in a good way?
There is not much it has to do, right? A few SPLINES, textures and 16 players, all content static and non interactive, no physics (it's not capable of any physics.. .hrhr..).

You did not read this and I was not here also.

#146 Skomes


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:25 PM

I'm just going to add my 2 cents here.

I built a new system 2 months ago.

Intel i5 3570K - mostly OC'd to 4.1Ghz
32 GB of RAM
Intel Z77 Gigabyte UD5H (Premium motherboard)
Intel HD 4000 IGP (OC'd 100 Mhz)

I built this system for multitasking purposes so I wouldn't have to close things and could run without a pagefile taking up SSD space. I do occasionally play games, including WoW, Counterstrike, Fallout 3 etc. I have an IGP and not a dedicated card because my computer runs in a small room and heat is VERY important, it can get sweltering hot in the summer.

I have been a Mechwarrior fan for most of my life, MW2 and the books and the card game manuals etc. I didn't buy MWO when it was beta because my rig was too slow, last week I remembered this game and downloaded it to try on my new rig.

I run the game on 1024x768 at lowest possible settings.

I can play some maps and get between 24-30 FPS, such as the big winter map, open space, no effects, few obstacles.

On the Raven City night map though, and a few others, I get between 14-22 FPS, its too low to play and makes my head hurt trying to track targets.

On those maps I generally just exit the game.

I actually do want to buy some stuff and get into the game more heavily, but having just started and being only able to play on some maps, I can't really make it seem worthwhile.

I'm a casual gamer and all I want is 1024x768 at a playable frame rate.

Because this game can't currently give me that, I have pretty much stopped playing the game within a week.

Hopefully the devs can get it working more smoothly on low end IGPs because I would otherwise like to play this game more often and until they can, my money will go to WoW instead.

Edited by Skomes, 22 May 2013 - 05:31 PM.

#147 CwStrife


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 11:10 AM

Hell i'm running a AMD FX-4100 and 2x Geforce 550TI's. Obviously I can't utilize SLI because for some reason the dev's seem more concerned with adding new mechs constantly than actually resolving performance and technical issues... or even implimenting DX11.... Sad if you ask me. I've probably spent $200 on MC since the start of this game, and seeing as that most games you only need to pay $30-50 for... it feels like they are giving anyone looking for SLI support etc. the big F U finger.

With my setup I have to run on low/medium settings all around to keep between 40-60FPS... Meanwhile on Hawken, I can do max settings on everything since it supports SLI and still get that 40-50FPS constant.

kinda sad how they feel like adding a bazillion new mechs instead of helping out graphics performance on lower end machines... I consider my machine mid range.... nothing special but running on pretty much all low settings to keep the game above 30FPS is sad.

I guess there is an obvious reason they had to make this game F2P... The devs for this game need serious organization because their heads are all in the wrong place, especially the fact so many people complain about this issue including me.

View PostSkomes, on 22 May 2013 - 05:25 PM, said:

I'm just going to add my 2 cents here.

I built a new system 2 months ago.

Intel i5 3570K - mostly OC'd to 4.1Ghz
32 GB of RAM
Intel Z77 Gigabyte UD5H (Premium motherboard)
Intel HD 4000 IGP (OC'd 100 Mhz)

I built this system for multitasking purposes so I wouldn't have to close things and could run without a pagefile taking up SSD space. I do occasionally play games, including WoW, Counterstrike, Fallout 3 etc. I have an IGP and not a dedicated card because my computer runs in a small room and heat is VERY important, it can get sweltering hot in the summer.

I have been a Mechwarrior fan for most of my life, MW2 and the books and the card game manuals etc. I didn't buy MWO when it was beta because my rig was too slow, last week I remembered this game and downloaded it to try on my new rig.

I run the game on 1024x768 at lowest possible settings.

I can play some maps and get between 24-30 FPS, such as the big winter map, open space, no effects, few obstacles.

On the Raven City night map though, and a few others, I get between 14-22 FPS, its too low to play and makes my head hurt trying to track targets.

On those maps I generally just exit the game.

I actually do want to buy some stuff and get into the game more heavily, but having just started and being only able to play on some maps, I can't really make it seem worthwhile.

I'm a casual gamer and all I want is 1024x768 at a playable frame rate.

Because this game can't currently give me that, I have pretty much stopped playing the game within a week.

Hopefully the devs can get it working more smoothly on low end IGPs because I would otherwise like to play this game more often and until they can, my money will go to WoW instead.

Why didn't you at least buy a graphics card? Just FYI the Intel onboard graphics have been crap since they first appeared.. sure they have gotten better, but at least get a Radeon 6670 for like $60 or Radeon 7750 for like $85-90...... then you would be much better off. You've got a decent CPU.

#148 Skomes


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 04:23 PM

View PostCwStrife, on 23 May 2013 - 11:10 AM, said:

Why didn't you at least buy a graphics card? Just FYI the Intel onboard graphics have been crap since they first appeared.. sure they have gotten better, but at least get a Radeon 6670 for like $60 or Radeon 7750 for like $85-90...... then you would be much better off. You've got a decent CPU.

I already explained in my post why I don't plan on buying a discrete graphics card.

Skomes said:

[color=#959595]I built this system for multitasking purposes so I wouldn't have to close things and could run without a pagefile taking up SSD space. I do occasionally play games, including WoW, Counterstrike, Fallout 3 etc. I have an IGP and not a dedicated card because my computer runs in a small room and heat is VERY important, it can get sweltering hot in the summer.

Edited by Skomes, 23 May 2013 - 04:24 PM.

#149 Bad Karma 308


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 05:26 PM

View PostSkomes, on 23 May 2013 - 04:23 PM, said:

I already explained in my post why I don't plan on buying a discrete graphics card.


You're using onboard graphics, and Intel's at that, and you're complaining about getting poor FPS in a game like MWO.

Do you not understand the reason that Intel and AMD don't really market IGUs to the gaming community? They are mainly designed for the casual desktop and HTPC users. They even have to share the slower DDR3 from the system RAM to operate.

So to forgo a discreet GPU in favor of room temperatures, then that was your choice, don't complain about it here.

Edited by Bad Karma 308, 23 May 2013 - 05:34 PM.

#150 Catamount


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 06:24 PM

View PostBad Karma 308, on 23 May 2013 - 05:26 PM, said:

You're using onboard graphics, and Intel's at that, and you're complaining about getting poor FPS in a game like MWO.

Do you not understand the reason that Intel and AMD don't really market IGUs to the gaming community? They are mainly designed for the casual desktop and HTPC users. They even have to share the slower DDR3 from the system RAM to operate.

So to forgo a discreet GPU in favor of room temperatures, then that was your choice, don't complain about it here.


Skomes, do you honestly think you're the only person who's room gets hot? I live in Charlotte during the summers, and my room frequently gets up to 30C+ without gaming. The room is small, my computer consumes about 400W, and physics 101 says what goes in must come out. You do the math.

My room gets beyond sweltering when I'm gaming, but I tolerate it, because that's the cost of gaming when you have a hot room. If you don't want to accept the cost of gaming, then as Karma says, that's your choice. You're also only losing a small amount of heat by foregoing something that can actually game. You could easily get a Radeon HD 7750, with its 55W TDP, and not contribute to heat notably beyond what your system already does. Even if you felt like underclocking and undervolting it to get that down further, it would still be massively faster than an HD4000.

#151 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 06:53 PM

Never mind a few well placed fans to push/pull air out of the room (sorta like the fans in the computer case) can do wonders.

#152 Sierra19


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 07:03 PM

All that really needs to happen, is to be able to turn off some of the "bells and whistles" settings, like the dynamic lighting, and mech footprints, and some of the other real resource hogs. My native resolution is 1600X900, and running at lower resolutions, gives me MUCH higher FPS (1024X768 on low gives me 60+ fps), but everything on screen is all fuzzy and blurry.

#153 Bad Karma 308


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 07:18 PM

View PostTarl Cabot, on 23 May 2013 - 06:53 PM, said:

Never mind a few well placed fans to push/pull air out of the room (sorta like the fans in the computer case) can do wonders.

I wish! I have to keep a 13,000 BTU chiling unit next to my systems, with that and the Central AC the room still heats up.

I even have a big raised floor Liebert industrial chilling unit for my basement servers. But that keeps the room a frosty 55F, thankfully.

Edited by Bad Karma 308, 23 May 2013 - 07:47 PM.

#154 Skomes


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 12:58 AM

View PostBad Karma 308, on 23 May 2013 - 05:26 PM, said:

You're using onboard graphics, and Intel's at that, and you're complaining about getting poor FPS in a game like MWO.

Do you not understand the reason that Intel and AMD don't really market IGUs to the gaming community? They are mainly designed for the casual desktop and HTPC users. They even have to share the slower DDR3 from the system RAM to operate.

So to forgo a discreet GPU in favor of room temperatures, then that was your choice, don't complain about it here.

Do you know what a forum is for? Have you read the thread topic? Because when you're telling somebody who makes an on-topic post not to post at all, you don't seem to be able to get it.

Perhaps until you're smart enough to figure those things out, you should refrain from posting.

View PostCatamount, on 23 May 2013 - 06:24 PM, said:


Skomes, do you honestly think you're the only person who's room gets hot? I live in Charlotte during the summers, and my room frequently gets up to 30C+ without gaming. The room is small, my computer consumes about 400W, and physics 101 says what goes in must come out. You do the math.

My room gets beyond sweltering when I'm gaming, but I tolerate it, because that's the cost of gaming when you have a hot room. If you don't want to accept the cost of gaming, then as Karma says, that's your choice. You're also only losing a small amount of heat by foregoing something that can actually game. You could easily get a Radeon HD 7750, with its 55W TDP, and not contribute to heat notably beyond what your system already does. Even if you felt like underclocking and undervolting it to get that down further, it would still be massively faster than an HD4000.

I'll make myself more clear.

-Own a PS3 and an Xbox 360
-Own lots of games for both systems
-Game on both PCs and consoles
-Pay fees for Xbox Live and World of Warcraft.

So I don't sit here wanting to sweat it out to game on PCs. I used to be a PC gamer but then I got the original Xbox and I realized iI could be on my PC until my room became hot enough to melt and then I could play my Xbox.

I'm not begging the game developers to do anything, what they choose to do is up to them. At the end of the day, I stated what was required to get me into this game and paying for things. I don't know why that would be hard to understand.

I had previously heard this game could run on the HD 4000 from posts on this message board. Having tried it for a week, I can say this isn't true. Maybe it was true earlier on, before many patches, but it isn't true now.

The funniest thing is that there is no real reason not to lower standards, the people who pay gain the MOST from it, because they get to pay for a game which has a lot more players. If you don't have a large userbase, the people who are willing to pay won't pay because the game won't be popular or alive enough to make them want to. If you pay money to buy things in this game and it dies within 3-5 years, who lost out the most? The people who paid.

SW:KOTOR went F2P and took in an additional 2 million users in just 1 year. This game will never have that. So what is the alternative? Either the devs work hard on milking current users, who are already a relatively small group compared to other MMOs, or they reduce costs and create less content.

I realize I'm running an IGP but like I said, I'm not expecting the game to run at 16:10 on my 22" monitor, I'm asking for a playable frame rate at 1024x768 at the lowest settings, which most every other game I play online is able to give me. I'm already willing to play with the lowest settings on the lowest possible resolution. If you can't run it on an IGP at the lowest possible settings, you've excluded a large part of the potential user base. F2P games die that way.

This game has competitors. Those competitors have more users and more lenient graphical requirements. What will happen when these hardcore PC gamers upgrade their systems in 2 years and then start playing the newest and more graphically advanced MMOs? If you cut your userbase to a small number, the game becomes very vulnerable to failure/bankruptcy, a new game might come out and crush this one, people might get bored etc.

If you guys want to sit here and argue against lowering standards because you feel really good about having powerful GPUs, then go ahead, and you'll be wondering why this game shuts down within the next 3-4 years when the player populations starts to dwindle and new players don't show up because there are better options out.

The game devs can do what they want but they won't get any money from me or many many other gamers. Its the loss of you guys, when you have fewer people to keep this game alive. But I think there are too many ignorant people on this thread who don't know how an F2P game is successful.

Hopefully those of you who play on the lowest settings either succeed in getting the tweaks required or end up finding better games to play and show the people who aren't smart enough to get it how a game like this can easily die when potentially 50% of the user base can't play properly.

To summarize in case many of you couldn't be bothered to read the above:
If you want to see this game thrive, you should be pushing for the requirements to be as low as possible so the community becomes more lively, the game makes more money and so that you don't end up with a bunch of hardcore gamers who leave when the next big thing comes out.

In any case, I won't post or read any further because like I said, I only barely even play this game anymore.

Edited by Skomes, 25 May 2013 - 01:16 AM.

#155 VikingN1nja


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 05:32 AM

Reasonably cheap that will play this game better than most laptops you can play with some of the components to suit yourself. American prices may even work out to be cheaper. :huh:
As regard running this on IGP or non gaming laptops it is always going to struggle the fact is you would need a decent laptop with a proper dedicated gaming graphics card or in a desktop a dedicated graphics card AMD 7770, NVIDIA 650ti at least perhaps the 5800k APU from amd will play it somewhat after that i dunno. Games are hard enough to develop as is and trying to throttle it to suit non gaming systems is counter productive to those that have a system that can play it. Just my 2 cents.
As regards console vs PC two different gaming paths, all the newer systems run cool.


AMD €453.78

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4GHz Black Edition

MOBO: Gigabyte 78LMT-USB3

RAM: Corsair 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1333Mhz CL9

PSU: OCZ Technology 500W CoreXStream

DVD: LiteOn IHAS120-04 20x SATA

GPU: Gigabyte AMD Radeon 7790 HD 1075MHz

CASE: Zalman ZM-T1 Mini-Tower Black

HDD: Toshiba 1TB SATA 6GB/s 32MB 7200RPM


INTEL / NVIDIA €489.00

CPU: Intel Core i3-2120 3.30GHz LGA1155 3MB

MOBO: Asus P8H61-MX R2.0 S1155

RAM: Corsair 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1333Mhz CL9

PSU: OCZ Technology 500W CoreXStream

DVD: LiteOn IHAS120-04 20x SATA

GPU: Zotac GeForce GTX 650 Ti 1GB PCI-Express 3.0 HDMI

CASE: Zalman ZM-T1 Mini-Tower Black

HDD: Toshiba 1TB SATA 6GB/s 32MB 7200RPM

Edited by omegaorgun, 25 May 2013 - 04:14 PM.

#156 veniteo


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Posted 19 June 2013 - 02:00 AM

View PostGremlich Johns, on 20 April 2013 - 07:10 AM, said:

If you are getting 25 FPS or higher, you're fine. your brain can't see any real difference over 25, anyway. If, however, you believe you do it's because you've talked yourself into believing that you can.

Or, your brain or eyes are capable of doing it, i for one notci lag up to about 32 FPS, but i play high hardocre games and casual mobas, so i have a very wide spectrum of reference. i also play more video games than i care to admit, and i can tell where my fps is to about 32, like i said

#157 veniteo


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Posted 19 June 2013 - 02:04 AM

View Postveniteo, on 19 June 2013 - 02:00 AM, said:

Or, your brain or eyes are capable of doing it, i for one notci lag up to about 32 FPS, but i play high hardocre games and casual mobas, so i have a very wide spectrum of reference. i also play more video games than i care to admit, and i can tell where my fps is to about 32, like i said

my own 2 cents on the graphics situation. if your game is running so slow for users like me, with 6-core AMD processors clocked at 3.9, and 20 GB ram, and crossfire'd radeon 6770's, then you have very serious optimization issues. this build will run nearly every game well, within reason. i am not rich, but i went a ways from my normal bare minimum style.

Edited by veniteo, 19 June 2013 - 02:04 AM.

#158 The Gunman


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Posted 20 June 2013 - 12:04 AM

Voted for everything because I could.

Edit: FYI I play with everything set to maximum. I wish there where even more extreme settings, my GPU utilisation is hovering around 60% :(

Edited by The Gunman, 20 June 2013 - 04:25 PM.

#159 Catamount


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Posted 20 June 2013 - 12:56 PM

Oh god, not this thread again

#160 Smokeyjedi


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Posted 23 June 2013 - 10:56 AM

hey this engine can utilize 8 threads but it doesn't, it can also run DX11, but it doesn't, anything else.....OH yeah, This hog is ready for bacon, her legs are giving out........look @ em wobble.......

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