shabowie, on 21 April 2013 - 11:25 PM, said:
There's enough data in the MG feedback thread that we don't have to guess any more; a 1.2 DPS MG would effectively do 0.6 DPS and would likely not be viable. It would be *more* viable than it is now, but then again, right now it's not viable at all. 1.2 DPS is the absolute minimum the MG needs; somewhere around 2.0 is probably the place it needs to be to be even remotely in the same league as the Small Laser.
Also, there's no light 'mech with six ballistic hardpoints, no matter what the PGI devs say. The only 'mech with six ballistic hardpoints is the JagerMech; hardly a light 'mech. It is designed to use the larger ballistics, and anyone that uses it as an MG platform is gimping both themselves and their team.