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Will you buy the Razer Artemis controller?

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#241 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 05:35 PM

No, though it does look like a worthwhile device. I use a joystick and the Nostromo n52, not much different that the Artemis and does not include the integrated screen.

#242 Corbon Zackery


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 05:46 PM

I did some research on Newegg and Razor did a:

RAZER Star Wars: The Old Republic RZ01-00650100-R3M1 Black 17 Buttons 1 x Wheel Wired / Wireless Star Wars: The Old Republic Gaming Mouse.

Price Tag:

23 reviews done:
8 5 star
5 4 star
3 3 star
4 2 star
5 1 star

So mixed feelings one said that the mouse started to turn pink from wear and tear.

I'm not going to pay $139 for a joystick.

So my vote stays at NO

#243 Jarcon


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 05:47 PM

Strip out the screen and it's a maybe. I plan on playing on a 60" tv so the only time I might want this is for system displays which could easily be handled via other means.

#244 anastasia kerensky


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 05:55 PM

On the fence I presently have a razer keyboard it ghosts often and the rubber is flaking off a few of the keys after about 1.5 years after purchase. For the price of the product feel the build quality is somewhat lacking.

#245 Stormdragon


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:01 PM

View PostJarcon, on 05 June 2012 - 05:47 PM, said:

Strip out the screen and it's a maybe. I plan on playing on a 60" tv so the only time I might want this is for system displays which could easily be handled via other means.

I believe the system is modular so you can have the joystick or the Joystick and keypad or the complete set up as shown,

#246 Guru Zeb


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:09 PM

View PostWhiteTigerWolf, on 05 June 2012 - 05:19 PM, said:

I for one would buy it simply due to the fact that it has the ability to twist the mech body either left or right and the ability with a better map and radar fumction than in the game as in past mechwarrior games as well as battletech,it will help immensely and the keypad,with eject button from the looks of it,will be handy as well and could save alot of players from a fiery death ingame,LMAO,so will have to see how many ACTUALLY buy the joystick or stay as keyboard mouse players......

Dude what are you talking about .......... i have several controllers that are all more than capable of doing everything you just described. Go out on a limb and guarantee some will do it better than the Artemis
These are not features only found on the Artemis.
Any stick or mouse will torso twist.
Any keyboard, mouse, HOTAS Throttle or stick button can control map and radar.
Eject button see above statement replace map and radar with Eject button.

No offence m8 but what you say makes no sense at all.

#247 Professor Sakharov


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:14 PM

I will probably but one. I have the X52 now, the screen thingy would be nice.

#248 Bastard


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:19 PM

View PostMagnusEffect, on 05 June 2012 - 03:43 PM, said:

Not likely; the screen itself will probably jack the price up by at least a $100 on its own. At $150-180 it would be a good buy assuming it isn't junk, but I fear it may easily pass the $250 mark.

Yeaaah... I've got better things to buy for 250$
Like crap load of booze and couple of games.

#249 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:20 PM

as much as i REALLY need a joystick and its my preferd way to play MW games, i seriously dont see myself tanking what will probably ammount to $80-$100 bucks on one when im still using terribad headphones an no mic. Priorities man, PRIORITIES!

#250 Dan Baxter


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:30 PM

Until I stop finding great joysticks and computer acessories at thrift stores, I don't know if I should try to buy this. I don't think I have any place to put that monster.

#251 Witch


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:39 PM

I will defiantly be looking for this to hit the shelves. I shudder to think how much it will cost me though.

#252 KeeperVS


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:42 PM

I said "I don't know" but really I probably won't. I could buy more Battletech stuff with all that money.

#253 Inquisitor Pain


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:48 PM

I can probably afford one but wouldn't want to spend too terribly much, dureability and mostly functionality is key.
I want to see a scroll wheel to the left of a hotas in order to control zoom, and i want the joystick to twist for torso twist, WITH proper force feedback based on class of mech.
All in all it's too soon, i'm not in the beta so far and really need to play the game for a while and get a feel for how long this(I've never heard of them before now)company will support this game and how well they will support it before i will feel comfortable investing in a product designed for only one game.
That all said i think it's cool and i look forward to this game going live, gives me something enjoyable to do between ops in eve.

#254 WinterHawk


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:49 PM

I think it was all part of the Release Program for MWO Mercs. I don't think there is any such animal. Though it would be cool

#255 Spider


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:55 PM

Ab so friggin loot lee!!

#256 Renan Ruivo


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 06:58 PM

It is basically a flightstick from a company that has NEVER designed a flightstick, a piece of LCD screen that any electronics jock can put together and what seems to be a numeric keyboard of sorts.

Now, considering that this is possibly a "joint effort" project, something that PGI kind of "ordered" from Razer and we might end up with a mediocre product.

Depending on how MFD support will work i will simply use my 22'' screen as main view and the side 19'' one as MFD. (No expense), use a Logitech flightstick that is already available on the local market where i live for an affordable price (Force 3D Pro) and use the keyboard for everything else.

Heck, i even have a detached USB numeric keyboard to use with notebooks. Who knows, i might even do something with it ...

#257 SoundTech


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 07:07 PM

Doesnt look good for Razer when even the most hardcore MW gamers arent too excited about this product.

#258 Togg Bott


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 07:07 PM

the detailed pictuers from E3 show it as a solid one piece design. i cant handle something in that configuration. maybe IF the joystick was able to be configured fro left hand and it was 3 seperate pieces... but untill then... a resounding NO

#259 Randalf Yorgen


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 07:29 PM


First off, this is a FTP game so they are going to open avenues up to make more money, they probably made a pretty penny selling this space to Razor so I really have no problem with them doing this. It's an advertisement on the pre-game message boards, I'm happy it's not some in-game "Sir, picking up a weak transmission, piping it through now.... (insert advertisement here)" distraction.

Second, To me this shows some outside the box thinking on the part of PGI and those with whom they have been talking with and brainstorming Ideas for peripherals. This lends me greater hope that this is going to be a very challenging and pleasently surprising game. PGI for the most part seems to be putting a lot of thought and effort into every area of the game... JUST LIKE THEY SAID THEY WOULD. sorry for the caps but I just wanted to make a point, there was a ton of hype over SWtoR and last I heard it was still in freefall with no bottom in sight. I think PGI is trying their damnest to get it done and done right so ~S~ to PGI.

Third, It's presently at the concept level, drawings, autocads, and writen words. The picture that was put up looks like it was just a bunch of stuff pulled off a shelf because it most likely was just that. Something to see to help people grasp the concept of the art work and writen word. Once it's off the ground and they can present a more polished product for people to review then let the gates open for people to pass judgement. I'm sure Razor felt a lot of pain when their other products didn't perform like everyone (Razor included) wanted so I would suspect that they are going to do everything they can to get this one right. They have more riding on it than many people realise, look at the problems RIM, makers of the Blackberry are having after they released a string of sub standard products, I am Positive that Razor doesn't want to end up in the same boat.

So, once they have a finished product out there that has been bench tested and play tested and passed with flying colours I would suspect that this could have solid sale numbers. I bet they have people reading this forum right now and taking notes;
1. Lefties worried,
2. People want it modular,
3. Many worried about the quality and the price,
4. Colour schemes and overall aesthetics not impressing people.......

and so on. Lets see the end product before we pass judgement because it really is a cool idea if they can pull it off. (who knows, maybe they will have a twin joystick, single foot pedal version that is 100% completely mappable so everyone can have exactly what they want.)

I would suggest though, and I'm only half joking, that someone look into making an actuall head piece that has a built in hud eye piece. THAT would be an imersion toy :P

~S~ to PGI for having the guts to try something risky, I hope this pans out for them and the game.

#260 Vollstrecker


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 07:39 PM

It's cool, but I can't even begin to imagine what it would cost. I'd probably spend the money for it on upgrading my existing hardware...

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